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always makes me rage a little inside when I see infographs like those, every little shit for those retards is a protein source if it has at least 1g protein per 100g

not even on a onmivore diet eggs are a proper protein source since they're 50/50 in protein and fat and calorie dense, now 100g of fucking nuts or seeds its usually 500-600kcals and no one consumes that much anyways

lemme eat 1kg of potatoes to get 20g protein


>muscle is not meat


>400g of nuts
Never gonna make it


God bless only 19th place

>if the proteins don't make up at least 50% of the calories, this protein doesn't count towards your macros!

that one I agree though, I eat regularly everything on that pic and a shit load of veggies
I eat what vegans eat, except instead of cancerous trash like tofu, seitan and processed mock meat trash, I have my chicken, boar, cow, pork, fish and all that.

I usually land on 110-140g protein on my vegan diet. Not hard at all.

Why aren't libshit countries like Sweden and the Netherlands in the top 3?

>post infograph with protein per 100 calories
>>REEEE it's a lot of volume!
>post infograph with protein per 100 grams
>>REEEE it's a lot of calories

By sharia law, it is haram to be vegan

I'm vegan and I agree that it's retarded. If you're on a high protein diet, looking for vegan protein sources, 2.5g/100g is a waste of your time.

>where the national nickname is literally "cheesehead"
>vegan friendly



It just goes to show that every little bit adds to your total
Protein from tofu doesn't have many calories, and seitan has literally the same macros as chicken

Have you taken the Eskimopill yet?
Quick rundown on Eskimo:
>ate exclusively meat
>lived in Earth's harshest climate
>lived in literal ice houses
>lived to ripe old age in perfect health
>didn't even eat bread

>>ate exclusively meat
>>lived in Earth's harshest climate
>>lived in literal ice houses
>>didn't even eat bread
These are all true
>>lived to ripe old age in perfect health
This is not. Source or kys.

Pretty dumb infograph. Doing everything per 100 grams inflates the amoutn of protein in foods. Almost no one eats 100 grams of pumpkin seeds in one day. Doing it based on typical serving size would make more sense.

Sure, per gram pumpkin seeds are higher in protein than chicken but when you considered that people usually eat 4-6 ounces of chicken and only 1 or 2 ounces of nuts per serving that's irrelevant.

I'm not even some vegan hater. I'm not vegan but I don't care if other people choose to be. I just think stuff like this is misleading.


still waiting for source proving eskimos were healthy and grew old instead of the same picture of a 45 year old baldiing manlet who looks 60 with a failing heart you posted in the last thread

Don't forget that Eskimo mode includes eating every part of the animal to get all the nutrients you need. No delicious steaks three times a day, hope you enjoy brains, intestines and copious amounts of whale blubber.

Difference is no one eats nuts as their protein in a meal you retard, that would be something like seitan/tofu/beans. So you just inflated the amount of protein you would get eating chicken vs a vegan protein source.

Yeah they lived on lean raw organic meat

most of non european countries have worse laws for the meat industry, so the quality is worse.
Meat from germany/france or any other is godtier and the animals dont suffer as much as ameritards


>implying we cant get the same effects just eating the steaks with veggies, fruits, seeds and the rest.

This I agree, organic meat is the best there is. Both in quality and morality without typical vegan bullshit.

wtf is that bullshit lol

Im not on your side im Vegan fucker Evolve!

>be me
>eat wiesn gickerl 4 gainz
>instead of slaughtering male chickens after hatching they are allowed to roam freely on fields
>meat is more delicious than normal chicken
>above normal protein/g ratio
>actively SAFE animal lives ( for a certain time ) by eating meat
>costs just a little more
>mfw vegans dont have shit on me


>12 oz of almonds - 72g protein - 1,956 calories
>12 oz ribeye -81g protein - 990 calories
Kys vegan

Why is it that everyone on Veeky Forums focuses on the numbers when its not about number is about a message.Go Vegan try it for your self and try food the improve your bodys performance. Try it and there are no limits

Wait why is it wrong if i eat organic ethically harvested meat?

I agree with vegans about how poisonous meat is and ive switched to a mostly plant based diet with organic hormone free meats when i can afford.

Doesn't this address all of the health concerns?


>not about numbers
>posts picture showing the amount of protein


>tfw you'll never be bavarian

Tell us what makes you so smart fit and healthy ?

>12 oz of tofu - 61g protein - 500 calories
>12 oz of seitan - 72g protein - 360 calories
>12 of frozen TVP - 111g protein - 500 calories

Is the message ‘man I really enjoy sucking dicks in a truck-stop bathroom and I want everyone else on earth to know it’?

>this is your brain on phytoestrogen

So according to this image the vegan must acquire an ironman suit in order to survive because his diet has wilted away his ability to move without external help?

>the meat eater is the only one who learned how to use tools
>vegeterian obvious soyboy
>vegan is so weak he needs an exoskeleton to support his almost dead musculoskeletal system

vegan virgin vs chad eskimo, make it happen

Why are you still doing the numbers its not even true and I don't even eat any of that shit except rice, spinach and hemp seed

Tell me the time you worked with tools or got your hands dirty? Ha what kind of work do you do ?

Those numbers are false vegan faggot.

Lmao yeah whale blubber is super lean brah


Go to chronometer and check then fags, the tofu is the markatta firm, the seitan is the first in the list, and if you search TVP it's the forst one that says frozen in the end.

Every relationship in nature is based on power

Have you considered that maybe that graph is supposed to tell people what NOT to eat for proteins as well? Also vegan foods have good fats so who cares about that bit?

Time to reopen the gulags to contain vegans

>implying you can do any manual labour on your soy diet
you'd have to carry a bucket of salad with you at all times to maintain the caloric surplus

Ok you let your EGO tell you whatever you like



Is this why people think that Jan Kaas (John Cheese) is where the word Yankee comes from?

>that pic
Umm sweetie

>wolf kills over 150 sheep
>eats barely anything
that's one needy wolf

>implying we cant get the same effects just eating the steaks with veggies, fruits, seeds and the rest
Where did I imply that?

>let's emulate the lifestyle of a primitive culture where people die before 70.

Thanks for the Bump now fuck off

yeah they do that
like they get in a frenzy when they taste the blood sometimes and just keep killing just for fun
we lost 12 one night last year

np bro



Actually the whole exclusively ate "meat" thing isn't entirely true. Almost exclusively animal products is more like it, they also ate a lot of berries and tubors, and for a more interesting bit they also would eat the partially digested lichens cut from the stomach of caribou or muskox.

the eternal anglo..


2 hours later no vegan reply

guess I win agian

Can you smell it, user? This is real kobe beef. The softest, most delicious meat you can ever try. It almost melts like butter in your mouth. That’s why it’s so good to be an omnivorous creature.

>volume = weight

But it's literally true

why would I go vegan LOL to become some dyel fag? nah bro ur gay

>not wanting to eat steroids and hormones
It's like you limpwrist vegan faggots don't even want to leave humanity behind

>implying I implied that
>implying that even if I did I would be wrong, as if the density of all food items isn't about the same as water
5/10 made me reply
>You can't cut and get enough protein as a vegan!
>>Here is a list of foods with 50% calories form protein, such as spinach
>No, those are too low in calories!
>>Okay, then here is a list of foods with high protein and high calories, such as pb
>No, that is too high in calories!
>>You can also mix and match some of these foods
>No, that's too complicated! Brain hurty!
>>You can also eat beans, peas, chickpeas or tofu that have pretty much everything you need all in one package
>No, those taste too bland!
>>You could also learn to cook
>No, that's too hard and time consuming! I must shitpost in 8 dfferent boards!

Don't forget that the eskimo people are the reason why you need a test score of 5.5k+ to be "non-natural" in some sports

2 chicken breasts, a scoop of whey and a scoop of casein fills your protein requirements on a cut
there is nothing offering that level of convenience with a similar amino acid profile on a vegan diet
"vegan protein sources" should always be supplementary to real food

>2 chicken breasts, a scoop of whey and a scoop of casein fills your protein requirements on a cut
>there is nothing offering that level of convenience with a similar amino acid profile on a vegan diet
>"vegan protein sources" should always be supplementary to real food
Hitting your protein goal is perfectly feasible if you eat enough calories and select food items that make sense, even when cutting
Since you wanted to post with a "I didn't even have to try" attitude, here's a counterexample:
>2 seitan slices, a scoop of pea and a scoop of rice protein powder

none of those are complete proteins, also good luck eating seitan for 2 months straight without killing yourself
chicken/fish/beef/pork/kangaroo can all be alternated on a cut; can you think of 4 more seitan alternatives?

2 scoops myprotein vegan blend, 150g firm tofu(equivalent weight of a chicken breast) and 150g TVP is 135g protein.

Alternatively 2 scoops of the same protein powder, 150g black beans and 150g seitan is 103g protein.

or another one is, 2 scoops, 300g kidney beans is like 80g protein

all of these are like 400-600 kcal so realistically you would get way more protein in total even on a cut. It might not be exactly as easy, but pretty damn close.

>none of those are complete proteins,
factually incorrect, doublecheck with cronometer
>also good luck eating seitan for 2 months straight without killing yourself
>chicken/fish/beef/pork/kangaroo can all be alternated on a cut; can you think of 4 more seitan alternatives?
Yes, seitan made with chicken/fish/bef/pork vegan boullion, with or without nooch, with or without chickpea flour
Also TVP, prepared as above
Also tempeh and tofu
Also eating beans instead of rice so that you get protein from your carb source

>Alternatively 2 scoops of the same protein powder, 150g black beans and 150g seitan is 103g protein.
>Eating black beans, seitan AND protein powder
Your anus would become a biologic hazard.

Complete proteins are a meme for anyone not eating only one protein source.

Altermatives are:

Black beans
Kidney beans
All other beans..

150g black beans(thats cooked weight) is nothing lol, I can easily eat 2-3 times that in a meal. Seitan is very easily digestable, as is protein powder. I don't know what you re talking about.

I can't handle all dem beans brehs
fair points though, well done
I'd bring the >soy meme into it but I don't really have an opinion on that
and antecdotal, but there was a point where I was getting the majority of my protein from vegan sources (fell in love with pulse/black bean pastas for a month or so) and I made zero gains during that time
it could have been the culmination of year-long overtraining, but I suspect there's more to it than that
no one's gonna "convert" anyone here but thanks for being reasonable

>fag charts that are bullshit and lying to people
Have you ever tried to eat 100gs of pecans?
You'd be shitting for days after and would never be able to finish it in the first place.

>What is leucine

What do you mean? All those foods are high in leucine.

An amino acid that is abundant in the foods you quoted, as you can check with cronometer

No one is saying you should eat 100g pecans, it's just to get a sense of whole food vegan protein sources.

4 hours later, no vegan reply

Not tired of winning

Here's your reply

Your country is shit and so is your diet, lel

32g of protein per 100g of pumplin seed?

Dude... come on

Oh shit nigger I can just eat my 20 lbs of potatoes or 2 lbs of fucking pumpkin seeds a day to get all the incomplete protein I want!

I know these are all troll threads but holy fuck someone made this unironically. Why is anything under 20 even listed lmfao.

Didnt get the (you) fuck off and come back with an arguement

No one is answering because nothing you say makes any sense and your attitude makes it clear to everyone there is no use talking to you.