God tier lotions

I've started lifting every day and fell for the "shower every day" meme. If I shower in the morning and lift at night then it's two showers a day. Now I am dry and going through lotion like there is no tomorrow.

What is your go-to lotion Veeky Forums?

I'm talking optimal on
>good for both body and face
>BONUS: can jerk off with it (not a requirement though)

A giant bottle with a pump seems most economical but the one's at the drugstore really aren't that cheap.

Me on the left.

I like Vaseline Intensive Care

Expensive but worth it.

Use almond oil. Amazon for like 11 dollars. Shit is great

only black people need lotions

Enjoy your dry old skin you stupid idiot

I started using CeraVe face wash and moisturizer the two small bottles cost $60CDN. I am noticing improvement after a couple weeks of using it to help with facial acne

That's great. I use the SA lotion for dry skin. Nothing could stop my itch problem. Dermatologist said to try their products. Haven't itched since and my skin feels great now.


i fap with coconut oil
shits cash

I'm a blonde-haired blue-eyed german-american, I just shower too much

I've got sesame oil for that, its supposed to be body oil for moisturizing but I'm worried it'll just make me break out

Coconut butter is patrician tier, only thing better is topical corticosteroids

oh how fucking wrong you are.

coconut butter

>using lotion

whats with all these soy boys using women products now a days?

>the "shower every day" meme

So i discovered that most people do not shower every day, and that most people wear the same clothes for days at a time without washing them...

Lol and you guys wonder why you don’t get laid. No bitch is going to want to suck your dry crusty dick you uncultured swine.

>pic related: literally you

I would throw up if I woke up next top pic after a long night of plowing the bottom pic

Cerave is my shit. I've can using the foaming facial cleaner for 2 weeks and my face is significantly better. The lotion is amazing as well, and like you said ridiculous price but totally worth it

I've been wearing the same pairs of jeans everyday for 6 months... haven't washed them once.

I get really dry skin in the winter so I use the GF neutrgena body oil in the shower after bathing and then the sesame lotion. It's cheap and it's a huge bottle. I use it on my face with no problem. If I dont have that then I use Suave advanced healing. It's less than 4 bucks and is a Clinique lotion knockoff according to my GF.

Why not use oil?, bitches be using coconut oil all the time for hair and skin care.

good fades yet?