Sexdoll general

already have one?
thinking about it?

Lots of great options out there nowadays, lets discuss.

an interesting and prescient topic user. but not really specifically fit related. maybe try /b/. thats basically just a porn board at this point.

why would you get a sex doll over just a fleshlight

For the full experience

>no warmth
>no motion
>no emotion
You payin for dead weight nigga

some are close to height/weight proportionate imagine the gains from moving it around

>Full experience

Mother Of Kek!!!

You incels are fucking pathetic, please stop shilling by making slide threads, go fuck your plastic jew in your mothers basement and leave us alone.

Also it already has a pic but please: SAGE don't engage!

You can't fireman carry a fleshlight.

The doll looks kinda upset desu

Get on my level pleb, you cant even wife right

>no other sizes for this image

if you're actually interesting in this and similar topics, check out /ona/ on /jp/

This shit does NOT belong on Veeky Forums
saged, reported.

Let them do it. They'll never reproduce after that. Bang. Parasites erased from the gene pool

worked at realdoll for 6 years, don't bother

sorry for the small arms this was before Veeky Forums

my doll and gf.
worth the purchase imo

How much was the gf?

Does this count as cardio? I think it does. Cardio / core work. Definitely fit related.

That's more of a rental plan. Varies on the model.

They aren't advanced enough yet, once they get closer to naturally telling me that they love me, maybe I'll get one then.

It's the next step to nofap, since sex is acceptable.

You can make her say whatever you want

The blinking is scary