Blended fruit (can't put smoo.... as subject)

Do you guys make smoothies, what kind and how often?
I'm about to make one, pic related.


Frozen Berries!


my smoothie:
>1 banana
>1 jar of quark (25g protein)
>egg whites (25g protein)
>a fistful spinach leaves
>a piece of raw ginger
>frozen blueberries
>frozen pomegranate seeds

I eat it every day



Soy is okay to drink.

>Can't put smoothie in the title
Are you the nl guy from yesterday?

Nice>>Can't put smoothie in the title
Idk, won't allow me to post with it in the title.
>Are you the nl guy from yesterday?

I really have to step up my frozen berries game, right?
Are they really that good and delicious?
Do I not have to heat them up before mixing in somewhere?

You don't have to heat them up, you can just put them in. And yes they are delicious plus super healthy.


Wa nen homo

Kanker, de klompen fietsers hebben me gevonden.

Hallo heren.

>Put frozen berries in blender
>Pour boiling water on top, just enough to cover the berries
>Blend until smooth
>Add soy milk or anything else
>Blend again

Also friendly reminder that soy is ok to drink

Soya jongetje

Je bent me net voor kech

Soya is okay om te drinken.

Gaat der toch geen soyamelk in gooie verrekte gaypathe

Oke homo

Ik ben wel benieuwd naar de demografie van de kaaskoppen hier. Hoe oud zijn jullie + werken/studeren?

I recommend putting in some walnuts, pumpkin and chia seeds. Healthy as fuck

Allemaal uitkering trekkers in de ziektewet.

Dat lijkt er wel op aangezien we allemaal om 2u in de middag reageren. Trouwens, ik zal beginnen met mezelf : 22 jaar studerend + part time werken.

Tilburg, 21 jaar, studeer ICT software engineering en op zoek naar een goeie part time bijbaan.

Belgistan represent

student/parttime werken/shitcoins traden

Onder 18, studeer in Singapore en het is heel kut hier

Belg, 19, student

Belg 20 studeren+part time werken

op is een flikker

ps ik bankdruk 140kg

Throw some baby foreskins in there to keep your skin taught breh.
it's the latest rage with jews.

belg, 23j.. werk in de chemie

Jaja, je hebt gewoon een methlab in je kelder.

Why can't you say smoothie?


huidig jaar - 2000

dankzij examencomissie heb ik 24*7 uur vrij per week, dacht om er een aantal gezond te besteden

ik ga studeren voor industrieel ingenieur in Brussel volgend jaar, heb als doel om tegen dan niet paranoide te moeten zijn dankzij mijn grootte/gewicht als ik in de buurt van de treinstations ben.

off-topic; welke vechtsport is het best om aan te beginnen als student? liever praktische training dan eeuwen van jap-discipline, ik hoef geen navy seal te zijn maar gewoon mijn weg kennen in een gevecht met de gemiddelde Brusselse straatneger geeft zelfvertrouwen.


2 banans
juice from 2 pomegranates
almond milkies
half a cup of ice
6 scoops

half pre-workout half post

>can't put smoothie in title
>ice speak
where the fuck am i?

IDK why smoothie is not allowed as title, I tried smooth... which was also not allowed, so I think it has to do with the word "smooth"


Doe die Joden vechtsport, krav maga of zo iets.

Yoo wat voor diploma heb je en wat is je functie als ik vragen mag? Ik studeer biochemie in NL en idk defuck ik ga doen later en of er überhaupt een carrière is in deze shit.

it's probably moot (faggot)

>soy milk

Want to know how I know you're a beta soyboy?

Soy is okay to drink.

dat bedoel ik net, die jew-jitsu vergt teveel tijd voordat je er werkelijk iets mee bent (denk ik, ik ben geen semiet ofzo)

Ik wil niet gaan boxen omdat een ingenieur niet zo handig is met hersenschade maar het is wel het type vechtsport dat heel to the point is, 1 op 1, raak je tegenstander zo vaak mogelijk, word zo weinig mogelijk geraakt.

Soy is never ok to drink

Soy isn’t ever ok to drink

I guarantee you that even if I gave you an unlimited amount of time to research and type an answer, you could not explain to me why phytoestrogens are bad and how they negatively effect male hormones and testosterone.

I just mix pb and j and add honey eat that shit with a spoon

Doe wat onderzoek naar die Joden vechtsport, het is niet zoals die Japanse. Het is heel effectief en je leert er snel effectieve moves mee.

want to know how i know you're a milk cuck with 20%+ bf and terrible facial and back acne?

I spent way too much money on berries for my smoothies and had to stop, cause I was having 2-3 of these every day.

Used to make it with:
Large handful of Frozen Strawberries
Handful of Blueberries
Greek Yogurt
2-3 scoops of Strawberry protein powder
Full fat milk

Made sure to only put enough milk in for it to blend. I prefer to eat it with a spoon.

I make this every morning, maybe 500 calories?

Large banana, frozen berries (strawberry, raspberry, blueberry and blackberry), fistful of spinach, two large large spoonfuls of peanut butter, three large spoonfuls of Greek yogurt, chia seeds and a decent amount of whole milk for liquid. My nutribullet gets a workout.

my current smoothie is something like...
>4 cups kale
>1 cup mixed frozen berries
>3 carrots

1 large bannana
1 cup blueberries
small handfull cashews
handful almonds
2tbsp peanut butter
4 cups milk
1 scoop protein powder (any kind Ive done it with works, but I prefer straight whey or chocolate flavored whey)

I tried making smoothies to get some calories because im a holocaust mode. I would put a cup of oats, a cup of whole milk, a handful of almonds, frozen strawberries and bananas, a spoon of peanut butter probably about a serving worth, sometimes some olive oil. If I remember correctly it was like 700 calories and it tasted great and was easy to drink. it wasn't a huge smoothie but it was a nice thing before bed

Then suddenly my digestive system went terrible. Would have massive gas before finishing it, bloating, horrible shirts that burned coming out and left residue behind like touching toilet paper to mud that made me unclean. After some tests i realized it was the oats causing it and now i cant even eat fucking oatmeal anymore. i realize that oats arent exactly a bulking food an are supposed toi be filling, but this is just another thing to add to my list of horrible fucking life, that i cant even enjoy oatmeal anymore.

The Go-to:
1 Apple (whole thing but sliced up, without seeds)
1 banana (older the better)
1 yogurt (gotta be REAL)
Eyeball a few cups of frozen blueberries
Eyeball orange juice or just a whole orange
A few cups of baby carrots if you're really hungry
And some green tea or V8, because why not?

Usually have this w/ toasted pita bread and lots of crunchy peanut butter.

This would be my last meal. It always gives me energy and makes me feel like Popeye for the rest of the day.

They're estrogens, no? If your body is already having trouble providing you with testosterone, then adding more estrogen to your body is the last thing you want to do. If you've got a good amount of testosterone in your body, sure, drink and eat soy, it's not going to affect you much or at all.

> 1 cup frozen berries
> 1 scoop Isopure protein
> 1 cup Greek yogurt
> 4 ice cubes
Ultimate cutting shake. 260 calories, 40/0/60 macro content, 26g of protein.

No fat in greek yoghurt aye?

Phytoestrogens =/= estrogens

200g mixed berries
1 frozen banana
chia seeds
flax seeds
100g mango

start yo day fukn right

what the fuck is wrong with you, smoothie with raisins

Women use phytoestrogen to gain more estrogen in their body after their menopause.

All you guys not adding onion in your smoothie do you event want to make it?

me making a smoothie

>"So you like it raw?"