How to get this physique?


raped in prison x f

beat the shit out of your pregnant gf

bodyweight for an hour a day and significant caloric deficit for 10 months+


impregnate women, then move towns.

Your mother would have to be a prostitute. Bangin dudes instead of cooking you supper. Ya know. Only way.

pushups, situps and eat about half of what you are eating right now if you are above 17% bf right now.
He has the same body i did when i was 14 years old and playing soccer.

Don't mock him. He didn't pick his name. His mother Shaniqua did.

beat women 1RM
make music for edgy teens 5x5

Anyone with half a brain can tell that X has godlike bodybuilding genetics

twink nignog

be a nigger

Bix nood muhfugga
Demand gibs

Is that Timmy Trumpet at Tomorrowland?

get AIDS

attempt suicide 4 times

>punch women
>Make emo hip hop

dont eat dont work out

Genetics, he just looks better because he is lean and sort of short

his name is Jahseh, which sounds like how a monkey would say james

lean,xans,weed,no food

I didn't choose to have fucked up eyes user, but people still made fun of that.

I didn't choose to have fucked up eyes user, but people still made fun of that.

Can't tell of bait or srs