Current body thread people


Damn traps and long neck

I’m on a cut right now, 5’8 150 lbs.

Neither pic is flexed or with a pump, taken one minute apart, only difference is lighting. How am I doing?

Focusing on shoulders and traps wont change the fact that you're a framelet

or the roids to get there

You're... eh....

I don't know dude... just bulk and lift

> only difference is lighting
Fuck, I need to invest in some lights


For real though. Good lighting makes you look shredded as fuck.

6'0, 210lbs


6'1, 2 month cut so far, might go for another 2 then bulk hard 8 months

Nice digits. Your physique is my goal for spring break. Currently at about 170 5'10

that filter is garbage

I think you can definitely get there.

5 months lifting
sinfully good lighting
I'm young so free natty roids

yes, see

6'0, ~160 lbs, started 6 months ago from skelly mode

BF % estimate?

175 cm, 67 kg

>Why are my photos sideways Edition


Arround 70-75 kg



6'2, slightly less than 180

PPL + cardio for military prep


Military is the biggest gains goblin of them all man.

You going infantry?

yay bathroom lighting

train abs and you'll look good

I think my weak points are legs (thighs moreso than calves) and arms (especially triceps). My triceps are weird, they are quite big on the side of my arm but quite small in the back. I've tried to fix it with tricep pulldowns and extensions but it's slow going.

oh, and 5'10 183lb

FMF Hospital Corpsman, gotta get used to 3 mile runs and rucking.

Please let me stop cutting

I know you're a powerlifter, but if you want a good physics you really need to hit arms more and cut about 6% afterwards


legs are proportional, except for hammies

Damn, near perfect tbqh. You’re right on the legs, need just a bit more thigh, your calves being as wide as they are.

Pic from sunday

yup, gear is for fags unless your body is your career (pro bodybuilder or athlete)

6'8 still trying to put on some mass right now

Holy heck, what do the girls think man

Hi this is Eric from the locker room and in this video I'm gonna tell you why training legs is BOWLSHIT.

not actually a powerlifter but thanks m8, I just like strength training. will cut in a little bit here

You can see he's standing on a stool. Look where his calves are, brainlet.

How do i get rid of my bitch hips? It's fat and when I use a hand to pull it back, it looks normal.

Don't believe your numbers, but you look good.

Lift weights and lose weight?
Are you really stupid enough to ask that question?

5'10 155
Currently bulking, feeling strong, already started to put some fat, though. When should I stop bulking?

Just lift and eat to maintenance or only at a slight deficit and you'll get there by summer anyway man. Thinking too much really.

eat 500 under your tdee and work out

anyways, tips on building chest?
bench erryday?

What do I need to work on? (Besides everything)

10x10 on bench will guarantee grow your chest

what do you think?

Adolf pls

measure bf% using calipers, stop when you get to ~20% and cut back down

You should get that lump in your neck checked out. Just saying

Eat a clean bulk diet and train



lol fuck off isley
You are fatter than this now

supermang pls
I’ll take that as a compliment but am not izlee m8

Train neck pls

Been going to the gym for a while but fucked around and missed months for the most part, went from 26-30% bf to 20% and gained some lean body mass. I didn't take it seriously so I didn't track calories but I ate pretty healthy foods. Lately I've been trying to get more serious with my training and dieting but I don't know what to do. Any input would be great. I'm 5'8, 136 pounds btw

looks like less than 20% to me, more like 14-16%
you need to work on pretty much everything, chest and lats are probably most deficient so focus on bench/flies/pullups/rows

whats your chest and arms routine? mirin

5'11 175

why do you retards get these stupid tattoos?
absolute fail.

Can't speak for anyone else but I got mine solely to trigger strangers on fitness related imageboards. Been quite satisfied so far.

you can respond with flip bullshit like that, but at the end of the day you're the idiot walking around with stupid tattoos that people snicker at when you're not around

But that doesn't bother me.

stats? height and weight? lifts?

I was thinking of giving Greyskull LP a try since I'm still beginner tier and need to gain some strength or should I just jump into isolation training?

>those digits
sorry user, you're stuck with the piece of shit that is GSLP

wtf is wrong with the middle toe on your right foot
also mirin

>that pic
>ohping 185
im sure

FUCK only time I've gotten quads and I waste them

Why is gslp shit?

its for "le meme powerlifters"
if you give half a shit about aesthetics don't do it., it's not enough volume.
Just do PPL



haha hadn't noticed that, my toe is normal but apparently I unknowingly flex my feet/toes when I flex my legs


Feels bad, man. I should be eternally cutting.
I lift but I feel like I have no muscle. Body looks horribly disfigured. Love handles reach orbit.

impressive legs


how did you build those legs? lifting? sports? # of months/years in gym? routine?

I'm the same height but weigh 10 lbs less and am fatter.

What the fuck is this bullshit.

body composition my friend
he has more muscle mass AND less fat

165 lbs

google a picture of Kam Chancellor, and then google a pic of Donald Trump
Same height, same weight.
Muscle does not equal fat

I wouldn't follow my leg routine because honestly they just grow no matter what i do. I was a sprinter for a few years when i was younger and that honestly helped them the most. If you really wanted to grow legs that's what i'd suggest. I did lots and lots and lots and lots of steep hill sprints (refer to picture for steepness) and it was about 30m high. You do that enough times your legs are going to grow... trust me.

100m/200m training from 13 - 16
Started lifting heavy at 17- 21
developed a chronic shoulder injury and have been out for the last 3 years

but if you're really interested in my routine

Front squats or Back squats 3 x 12
Leg Press 3 x 12
SLDL 3 x 15~
Calf raises 4 x 15

That's basically it, i also do my old sprinting warm up which involves a lot of dynamic stretches/exercises

Nah don't listen to this guy. Giant calves are aesthetic as fuck.

forgot picture, approximately that steep but only 25-30m

consider your abs and adonis belt mired. give me the keys user.

Work delts hard. Also forearms.

I like the tats user. Them shoulders are lookin' joocy

thanks user. I'm this idiot with the underdeveloped quads; I wish mine looked like yours.

I've heard about hill sprints before, but always in the context of HIIT rather than muscle building; I tried them a few times but I've been quite flaky with training in the past (especially leg/running stuff) so I never did them long enough to see results. There's a suitable hill near my place; I'll try integrating hill sprints for a few weeks. Do you think it's a more effective mass builder than weight lifting? Or is it something you'd do concurrently with leg workouts at the gym?

What are your squat stats? My best set is 22 x 225. I prefer to stay in the higher rep ranges for squats (10-25) to minimize the chance of injury.

I have really good insertions that make my leg look bigger than they actually are, they're only 21" at the thickest.

I think if you supplemented 1 day a week dedicated to hill sprints and power movements such as standing long jumps/leap frogs/box jumps along with your normal leg routine whatever that is then you might see some more growth but honestly I can't say for sure, if you've tried everything else then give it a go.

Pre injury when i was lifting my heaviest i was squatting 240lb x 5 for 5 sets, I could maybe smash out 15 reps of 220lb if i really tried?

Post injury I hit a PB of 130lb last week for 12 reps lol. they're all show no go at the moment

good luck with your leg gainz my nigga

5'8 150lbs 15%bf
lifting for 1.5yr

am cutting even tho i know im in twink mode, pls no bully gonna finish up this cut then have a nice bulk

Step one be low body fat
Step two bring your knees to your chest when doing pullups and also do leg raises

Go SARC. Just got back from boot last Wednesday because of medical separation, coming back in 6 months or so

pls no bully

More like 25% bf
Holy fuck you're delusional