Alcohol Abuse

Anyone else here a former/current alcoholic?

I was doing really good up until about 2 months ago. I quit going to the gym, eating right, traking my calorie intake, drank every single day.

Last week I got fed up and went back to my healthy lifestyle. I still want to drink though.

What can I do to keep myself constantly occupied so I dont think about drinking?
I work from home, so it's too easy to just work and drink all day.

I was drinking a 6pk+ a night for 3 years. I ballooned up to 250lbs due to beer, munchies and never leaving the house because all I did was get wasted as soon as I got off work. It's a truly terrible thing and I somehow got the willpower to quit drinking and start counting calories and working out and I'm now down to 200 in the course of 4 months. You have to find a way to stop, you're destroying your body, mind and soul with this literal poison. I only drink once every 2 weeks on the weekend MAYBE.

Sleeping helps, if you don't have anything better to do.
Something about being in bed relieves the anxiety of cravings a bit.

Personally the gym is my anti-drink.
Once I started hitting the gym I had something to think about and do except drinking all night every night.

Browsing the net really doesn't help much, as it's not really immersive enough to distract you from your cravings.

Drinking non-alcoholic beer also helps a bit. Although it doesn't help you break the habit of drinking, just removes the alcohol from the equation.

Start out with recognizing that the urge is just temperary and all you have to do is NOT doing a thing. You don't even have to do anything - just NOT do something. That should be doable.
For me some reason the big marks for me when quitting or making habbits comes in threes. The peak of the urges comes around day 3 and I can safely say that the urge is gone after 3 weeks.

Unless you are able to change your paradigme then it'll help you to be good to yourself doing the quitting period. Reward yourself for quitting with some extra TV and chips with dip. Doing something else that stimulates your brain in a simular way can help to so you can work with nicotine and coffeine to get a mild high.

I know you can do it, user. 3 weeks max

>I work from home
Hey OP, do you make your own hours?
This may sound fucking weird, but if you control your work hours then change your sleep schedule.
Wake up about dinner, have dinner and work all night, and go to bed before noon.
Your body is used to drinking at night, but if you're working all night you'll be distracted from the cravings, and once work is over the sun will be up so you won't feel like drinking as much.

I can't do that unfortunately. My peak hours are the typical 7 am - 5 pm.
I appreciate it though.That's a really good idea.

I was a big drinker from the age 16-22. It got so bad that I'd black out almost every time I would partake in the activity.

Gave it up for 6 months. Now at 25 I probably drink 2-3 times a YEAR and that is just birthdays and christmas celebrations.

I don't eat fast food but I don't make it a big problem to count calories or watch what I eat too much.


You're 100% right. I'm at 215. Up from 190. Alcoholism runs in my family too, so I should've seen this coming.
I'm changing up my daily routine right now, so hopefully I wont give myself enough freedom or time to sit down and drink.

I normally go to the gym early in the morning, but going at night would definitely keep me from finding time to drink. I got a 12 pack of Lacroix last night, and it helped immensely. I may stick to sparkling water lol.


That's a great idea actually. Holy shit. Thanks user

La Croix gets old, even if you rotate the flavors. A tough workout followed by a thick shake usually curbs any desire to sit around a throw a few back. It's a content feeling, works most days of the week. Throw in a warm shower, ZMA, and another snack with non-caf tea and I'm out by 930-1000. No hangover, no feeling of "I'm sick of this shit" in the morning.

I was able to cut back by replacing the beer with water. I was drinking 6 or 7 pint glasses of water a night for the first two weeks or so. It was just something to keep my mind occupied when I wanted a drink

I've been drinking water like a negro in the punishment box. I can def tell how helpful it's been.

I'd gotten so used to being hungover most mornings i didn't realize i had one. non caf tea is something i havent tried before. have a favorite?

Is drinking one liter of hard liquor only once a week still alcohol abuse?

I look at it as a daily thing. Do you have a drink every day? Or is it multiple drinks.

no, I drink only once a week, I don't touch alcohol on rest of the week

Wait, you drink a liter of alcohol in one sitting once a week?

Chamomile. My biggest issue is preparing to sleep w/o booze, so I just get real cozy and just try to drift off. Probably my biggest pain point since cutting back, the lying awake monotony.

Binge drinking is alcohol abuse, but not at the dependency level.

yeah, in about 8 hours

Go to AA faggot

that's super unhealthy. I wouldn't say you have a dependence on it, but it's definitely abuse.

I'll give chamomile a try. I have a hard time getting to sleep without anything.

Yeah, moved to a weed legal state. Weed and kratom fulfill my urges to get altered while not stealing my gains.

I would drink heavily every single day for years. I could finish a bottle of scotch a night and go to work the next day ... and did.

I just looked down at myself one day durring a plateau unable to loose any more weight, and said fuck it.

I have an ap that I pledge to every morning my pledge I wrote I will stay sober from Alchohol Today Because : I hate being fat more than I like being drunk.

I have saved almost $1k in 99 days sober, and have got past my plateau.

I slept thru my withdraw symptoms sick in bed and used the queezyness to keep me from drinking the first week. I drink tons of seltzer to satiate the need to drink and am more hydrated for it. Not going to lie even now I stare longingly at a bottle now and then ...

But mostly when depressed. Nowhere near the urges from long ago and if it is too strong I do go to sleep or eat junk or smoke like a chimney.

As for the sleeping that was an issue for me aswell , I got a better bed (sure2sleep) on lighting sale.

And stay up till exaustion and collapse into bed.

Stay with it ,
it gets easier and it saves you money and improves your health.

That being said ... I could really use a drink.

Same but more like 2/3 times a month instead of per week. Used to do it a lot more during uni about 4-6 days a week first year then moved down to about 2-4 for the rest

Congrats on your progress, that's a huge accomplishment.

Used to drink every day, now I drink on very special occasions (I drank three times in the past year and a half, and even then it was 0.5L of beer).

Drinking so much that I puked pushed me over the edge and made me give up on alcohol. Went cold turkey and that was that. Best decision of my life.

I do miss drinking after a day's work. Sitting on the couch before taking a shower with a cold beer was great. Isn't worth it though, good riddance.

>I would drink heavily every single day for years. I could finish a bottle of scotch a night and go to work the next day ... and did.
I only do that on business trips, but I try to stop it because drinking a bottle and several beers till 4 am and being in the office early morning is no fun

Former alcohol here.
It Definetly fucks up your body if you want to stay lean and muscular.
I've minimized to drinking light/low carb beer on weekends.
But I'll also make sure to do hard cardio the day of drinking.

I love beer to much to give it up. Light beer sucks but it makes a difference if you're paying attention to your calorie intake.

Also if you're going to drink beer try and find some with a lower content of hops, hops Are from a female flower and can give you bitch tits over time

Massive amounts of masturbation and porn abuse instead
Do that instead of drinking, when you manage to quit then try quitting porn