
How the fuck am i supposed to eat 2500+ calories in a day. It takes me 20 minutes to force down half a weight gain shake while almost vomiting.

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eat foods with high caloric content. stuff with fat and carbs. you can't only eat protein. Oats are goat for example

>it's another "eating's HARD :(((" thread
Stay cramped up in Auschwitz-mode, you don't deserve gains.

just eat it will get easier over time

I do oats bananas peanutbutter wholemilk and whey. In total it's about 800 cal or something. For some reason it's really hard to eat some things without retching, my diet is around 50% snacks while the others are microwave meals and shakes.

High fat high carb sufficient protein (80-120g)diet.

You gotta expand your stomach. Think about fat people who get that surgery where they get their stomach stapled smaller. Makes them feel full after eating significantly less food.

I found it works the opposite way too, competitive eaters do it too before competitions. They drink a ton of water and stuff like watermelon to expand their stomach before the contest.

Basically just drink a ton of water, shakes, milk, whatever on top of eating as much as you can. Soon you will actually have the hunger to eat however much you need to eat

ExSkeleton here.

Eat THEN drink the shake. Liquids fill you up quicker.
I accidentally drank my whole protein shake last week before eating and got full and then had to stuff my face with food. It was awful.
If you just sip the drink and then chug the rest after finishing eating, it's a lot easier.

I am supposed to drink it after workout, not eat after workout. So, I drink then eat. Should I do it in another way?

olive oil, avokado, throw some bananas in your oats, some milk or yoghurts (not flavored ones), whole eggs. I still struggle to hit 2500, but the fats like avokado and olive oil help me a lot.

Was on the same boat, started eating 1500 cals of rice a day and the gains train just started

It's incredibly easy to eat 2500+ calories a day. It's difficult to eat 2500+ clean calories a day.

I could be wrong but as long as you did it all within 30 minutes you are fine.
I eat then drink because then I can get it down a lot easier.

What I would give for this problem. I have to restrain myself to not go over 4000 calories.

daily food schedule

I feel you bro. I'm skelly 4lyfe. I ate until my innie belly button turned into an outie, then I downed 2 liters of sugary drink on top of that. Sleeping that night was anguish, just moving was very painful. But after that eating more feels easier.

500ml of whole fat milk
2 - 3 teaspoons of peanut butter
2 bananas
250g of oats
2 scoops of whey
2 - 3 teaspoons of any oil
Put into a blender and wa la, you have a shake that's around 1700 - 1800 kcal. Mixing the oats and the milk alone would result in a shake that's well over 1200 kcal. Over 100g of protein too.
Granted it's not the best tasting shit and finishing can be a bit hard after a meal, but it's a very easy way to boost your caloric intake.

500ml milk
100-150g instantoats (easier to drink)
50-80g peanutbutter (or cashew-/almondbutter)
1 banana
1-2 scoops whey
1500kcal+ shake

in the morning as breakfast or before you go to sleep.

you can also sip on it during the day

I always had this problem too... Last week I started a 3500 calory diet and I feel full from 5 minutes after waking up till I go to bed, but it is getting easier and easier.
Some stupid tips:

Eat as fast as you can
Eat using a spoon
Prepare everything before you start eating (cutting your meat, veggies etc)
Only drink water after you have finished eating

And most important... Don't use your brain, just eat and don't think about anything else

I always thought that the hard part about getting in shape is eating more than lifting

wait peanutbutter has that much protein?? i always thought it was some shit food with just sugar and fats.

Milk (cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese), nuts, eggs, meat (bacon, sausages, that sort of shit) cereals (bread, oats, granola, crackers).

One amendment to this is, drink water while eating but only in small sips. This will allow you to chew and digest your food faster. Don't overload on the water though until after you get all your food in.

There are some foods which are way easier to eat than others too. I like canned ham, potatoes and fruit salad, somehow i can down almost half a kilo of this stuff without a problem while other things make me struggle after 5 bites. Eating fast is GOAT af though the only bad part is that your tummy could hurt afterwards.

i know its the opposite problem and you cant understand the other side either but holy fuck, i could eat a 5kcal meal without problem. can not imagine thinking to myself "holy shit how can i get 2500cals down"? For breakfast i made a sandwich with low cal bread, bacon, turkey, 2 eggs, and a couple pices of salami and didnt even put cheese on the fucker and it was over 700cal, didnt even put a dent in my appetite.

fuck what a life being able to enjoy natures drug to the best of your ability and the problem being you can take in enough.

A typical day looks something like this for me:
6 eggs
1 cup of oatmeal with cinnamon
2 apples

Sandwich with chicken breast, mustard, and whole wheat bread
2 cups of carrots
1 apple
2-3 oz of almonds

Dinner (depends on the day, I like breakfast for dinner though):
6 eggs
6 slices of bacon
1 cup of oatmeal with cinnamon
2 oranges
1 bagel with peanut butter
I'll usually cap it off with a peanut butter sandwich or something

Thankfully I'm 6'2", almost 190 pounds, and stay pretty active, so I haven't been gaining much fat despite my big appetite. I even throw some 4500 and 5000 calorie days in there if I feel like I need it.

Nice trips
Yea it's really high. But loads of calories though.
t. fatty

If you're buying garbage peanut butter sure. The one I'm currently using is 634kcal per 100g, with only 4,5g of sugar and 23g of protein. It's 100% peanuts, no additives. Also the fat in nuts is nothing to worry about.

Fuck you. This is not difficult. How is this even a real problem? Milk. Meat. Peanut butter. Cheese. Fucking cake. Who cares? Put it in your face.

You're supposed to by fucking doing it, OP. All you need to go through is one week of eating til you feel nauseated and it'll become a lot easier, worked for me. I was literally anorexic when I began lifting, just eat more faggot.

This. I struggled really hard in the beginning. Now I'm really hungry if I don't eat my 5 or 6 meals a day lol and the bigger issue is getting enough food

shill me on this pb. I'm using jiffy

6'1 175lbs here
My tdee is 3500 because of work so I have to eat 4k to gain
It's pretty easy I just stuff my face all day and live like a fat fuck but still barely gain weight

>It's only 800kcal
Nigga you eating only a one teaspoon of that? That shit is probably the most calorie dense food. EAT MORE

this is my day
breakfast: banana, orange, costco whey protein that's 35g of protein per scoop (damn son) then top it off with 2 cups of almond milk

snack: 25 almonds + another protein drink or protein bar

Lunch: two sandwiches typically tuna melts or
chicken breast with uncle bens jasmine rice with spinach for a salad with raspberries seeds and goat cheese

snack: 25 more almonds aw yeah

pre workout C-breast rice veg (CRV)


CRB once im home

thats about 2300 cals right there

then make a later night meal around 21:00-22:00 and have 5 eggs with whatever you want

i prefer to graze throughout the day so that breakfast lunch and dinner isnt so intense

don't worry user i believe in you. we're all gonna make it

120g oats
300ml milk
20g PB
Microwave until pb melts then mix
Eat a banana while microwaving
Do this twice a day, eating this only takes like 3 minutes

4 scoops c'mon

Don't know about American brands, it's a German organic brand:
www dm de/dmbio-erdnussmus-p4010355208576.html
Go to "Zutatenliste" for the nutritional values. But really, any brand of organic pb should do, they usually don't add much shit to these products.

You get used to it. Find something you can manage and do it consistently.

Best way for me is every meal:
>main meal (500calories~ chicken and rice or chicken and pasta or whatever)
>Dessert (couple of cold chocolate pudding desserts, the calorific ones with cream on top and stuff)
>Snacks (beef jerky or a pepperoni meat stick for protons, a couple small bags of potato chips, a couple of small chocolate bars like 2finger kitkats)
>top it all off with a pint of milk drank gradually

Should get you a shitton of calories. also eat food you like, don't try and force disgusting plain unseasoned chicken all the time and things like that or you will just hate life.

I got 2 big bags of non-salted walnuts for snacking throughout the day. Any good?

Literally just look at the nutritional values at the back of the bag. It should tell you everything you wanna know.

But I want to talk to you, user

Ew, faggot

You're only 190lbs? Wtf, I'm the same height and 182lbs and eat nowhere near as much as you.

Maybe I weigh so much because I've been drinking heavily for a year or two

>bowl of cereal in the morning
>might have one or two melted cheeses for lunch
>have spaghetti carbonara for dinner, or some other Mediterranean meal

I mix up a bit ofc but that is how I eat and I'm nearly as heavy as you are.. wtf

I consume 1700cal of oats alone each day. Oats, water, and a pinch salt.

if you can afford it: fast food

you will just feel like shit due to all the bad fats in it

dont do that

Just like lifting you have to do a little more each day. Your body is used to the way you used to eat, it will take time to adapt. Just try and eat a little more, just like adding 5 pounds to the bar, and then a little more the next week.


spin up your metabolism the fuck up
do more work, eat more

Just took a look at my jar and I have to correct myself. It's 88% peanuts, some salt, some brown sugar and some palm fat. The values are really good anyhow

I used to struggle and still do. You have to eat throughout the day. I'm also a shit and lazy cook, so buy granola bars and canned tuna/salmon + cashews/almonds often that are really the difference maker and give me the extra 600+ cals and protein needed a day to get me over the top

7am Breakfast:
2 bowls of cereal = 300 cals
Yogurt = 150

9:30 AM snack
2 granola bars = 310 cals

Lunch 1:00 PM
Sandwich or the like = 800 cals

5:30 PM Post-workout protein (2 scoops = 260 cals
Canned salmon = 160 cals

7:45 PM Dinner:
Spaghetti/chicken/whatever = 700+ cals

8:45 bed time snack:
Almonds/cashews/granola bar = 300 cals

And that's just about 300 cals exactly underestimating most things

I'm at 4000+/day and barely gaining weight.
Suck it up, princess.

*3000 cals

As others have said, the more you force yourself to eat, the more your stomach will get bigger

Pussy come back eating 3500 calories on OMAD in a 2 hours window

Just want to second eating as fast as you can. It takes about 10 minutes once your stomach feels "full", to get that information to your brain. This is your "overeating" window.

on a vegan diet i forgot

>High fat
>high carb

enjoy your gut gains fatty

I can eat 5000 calories easy and I am not even working out

>How the fuck am i supposed to eat 2500+ calories in a day. It takes me 20 minutes to force down half a weight gain shake while almost vomiting.
>while almost vomiting

Maybe wait until you're not almost vomiting, then try again.

Try meridian peanut butter if you can get it. 100% Peanuts and they sell it in tubs basically