/fast/ #94: We are all going to make it

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

While you're at it watch the rest of this guy's videos on nutrition.

>Weight loss
>Better skin

It's when your body takes apart useless, shitty cells. (Cancer cells, cells with broken protein, acne, loose skin, etc)


>take around 4700 mg of potassium per day max
>2000 up to 3000 mg of sodium per day max
>MIX THIS INTO AT LEAST A LITER OF WATER, sip it through the day. This will keep you hydrated.


If you're lean, 5:2!-- OMAD (one meal a day, 1-2 hour eating window) 5 days a week + 48 hour fast a week
If you're a fatass, FAST UNTIL YOU AREN'T.

You don't have the willpower to fast to death. Now look down. See that large bulbous gut? That's food. Thousands and thousands of calories stored and ready to be consumed by your body.

This is the coolest part about fasting. Your body remains very anabolic when you fast.

"Our results suggest that a fasting program in conjunction with resistance training can decrease fat mass, and maintain muscle mass in resistance-trained males."

>Sugar is more addictive than coke

Other urls found in this thread:


not so /fast/

in all seriousness does anyone actually do the "take fat as you enter day 2-3" thing to reduce the catabolic window?

Any truth in the coffee breaking autophagy and restarting your fast thing?

the caffeine in coffee causes a metabolic response which technically breaks the "fast", or at least the spirit of it

coffee itself however has been shown to support autophagy


What are some good OMADs


the oen where you dont eat for a long period of time and then eat one meal

But what is the meal


Yes. A meal. Have one per day.

Find someone wearing a diaper and rip it off them. Eat whatever you find inside.

can autophagy heal subcutaneous scarring?

or at least dry fasting autophagy?

Prove to me that you can get fucking jacked while fasting and I'm in

there's a person inside, often a baby

Sorry, did you think fasting meant not eating babies?

A scar is healed tissue.

Here's a thought experiment /fast/

You burn 2000kcal a day. You fast 23 hours 59 minutes 50 seconds and during those 10 seconds you ingest 4000kcal worth of heaping tablespoons of peanut butter.

What is your weight trajectory?

Is that why I experienced emotional scarring after walking out of the bathroom with toilet tissue stuck to my heel?

Obviously up you idiot.

Make 7
Up Yours

So if I normally only eat OMAD, but I skip one day, then it will have been 48 hours of fasting but it will only have been one day of fasting. But it’s been 2 days worth of fasting. Is that eating six days a week but fasting 2 days and did I magically make a week have 8 days?

okay since we're splitting hairs here let me be more specific:

I've heard autophagy breaks down proteins, such as those found in common scars over the skin, thereby "clearing" them up

I have "tunnels" of subcutaneous scarring, which means it's below my skin. Nothing I've ever done has made them go away

I'm just wondering if /fast/ believes in autophagy or dry-fasting autophagy so much that they think it would even clear up my tunnels of scars

Starting to adapt to eating five meals per week & dry fasting the rest of the time. It's getting easier to cram a ton of food into my body when I do eat, and the hunger isn't as intense anymore. Mental effects are very interesting - feeling much more disciplined in general, and able to detach myself from whatever passing sensations are telling me to do. Starting to think of my body as a factory that gets a shipment of raw material every so often, and is then given a day or two to put that to use building new muscle.

Getting leaner. Going to keep this going until my lifts stop progressing. At that point, if upping the food volume in the existing five meals doesn't work, I'll slowly phase in additional meals until I start progressing again.

Biggest issue for me right now is figuring out when to schedule the meals in relation to lifting sessions. If I eat the night before & train in the morning, my lifts are stronger but I feel sore until the next time I eat (which in some cases is over 36 hours later). If I eat immediately after, it feels like the food's going straight to muscular repair, but by the time the next session roles around I'm pretty shaky.

I know of no credible evidence of this phenomena.

I'm back on the wagon lads
Gotta go /fast/

Usually bunch of eggs, steak or bacon w lots of veggies like brussel sprouts or brocolli. Then take 3 shots or however much of olive oil to meet your calorie requirements

holy shit guys, im going to make it. this is the longest i gone without food and desu the 2nd day feels nearly the same as the first day(used to IF). I might just go for the third for the hell of it


Day 2 water fast here, trying to make it through the weekend.

I work in a research lab where everyone always orders meals together, most tiresome part of fasting is repeating over and over that you don't want any food.

Q: What do you think about me fucking your dad? Hot, right?
A: Wrong. Your dad is actually pretty busted.

I'm back on the wagon lads

>credible evidence

Unfortunately, as of now the only evidence that autophagy clears up loose skin/stretch marks/scars is anecdotal. My own experience leads me to think it does help with loose skin at the least.

Like a link to a peer reviewed, controlled trial measuring changes in scare tissue density.

I think in the last stage they stop posting on Veeky Forums because they fucking die. I love this meme because I think it will kill more anons than TYVD's retarded advice did.


>down to the last 5 lbs I want to lose
>weight loss completely stalled

I don’t know what else to do. EC stack, OMAD 5 days a week with a 48 hour fast, cardio. Nothings working anymore

what's the difference between keto and "raw" keto?

I guess it's avocados, sashimi and leafy vegetables.

You need to fast longer.

I don't think there's been many studies on the effects of scar tissue through extended water fasting, it appears to be mostly anecdotal evidence at this time

Could someone explain to me the rational behind 5 days of OMAD and then 2 days of straight up fasting? Wouldn't eating 1 meal a day for 5 days affect the body negatively as opposed to fasting because when you fast you enter ketosis and burn body fat but you don't if you have had a meal?

Eating a fuckton of seeds & coconut instead of bacon, I would assume.

avacados plz

went shopping everything looked good
going to watch my 600 pound life tonight
the fatties will help

Do you really do it? You take avocados 2-3 days into your fast?

One day in
This better be worth it
On the good side, I'm saving up on money otherwise spent on food, so it ain't that bad

Just try, it'l feel better. The first 2-3 days are the worst, after that you'll feel fine.

Where do I buy the potassium and sodium for the snake juice?

how though? if you're fasting correctly with supplementation, its impossible to die.

Just read up on signs on when to break a fast and do it upto like 6-8 weeks max, its like the easiest shit ever when you're a couple weeks into a fast.

when you hear of people dying from starvation, its usually from heart failure/organ failure (due to electrolyte depletion) or infectious disease (again, lack of electrolytes/minerals weaken the immune system, increasing your susceptibility to disease as well as limiting the immune response to said disease.

no . i think going low carb for a week or 2 is better.

nobody has to prove shit to you, just because you don't understand what HGH and Test do isn't anyone in this threads' problem

I thought it mean not eating.

any new news on dryfasting?

i want to get back in after clearing out my house of garbage the past month and was wondering if its still true that dryfasting kick starts keto.

Retarded question but I have yet to find a decent answer.

Can you replace cutting with fasting? That is do a 3 day fast every 4 ish weeks during a bulk to lose fat and keep muscle? I'm a slut for the easy way out

>Can you replace cutting with fasting?
yes, it keeps muscle better than cutting does
>That is do a 3 day fast every 4 ish weeks during a bulk to lose fat and keep muscle?

If I want to do a 1 day fast do I need to drink the snake juice that day or is normal water fine?

Eating the meat raw

but what about hormones? Don't you need to bulk for longer periods for hormones and shit? Does the fasting mess that up?

you leave your almonds unactivated

How can you workout while fasting?

>yes, it keeps muscle better than cutting does
It definitely doesn't. But it can maintain pretty well.

Just do your regular workout.

>It definitely doesn't

evidence? credible source?

fasting gives you the hormones: HGH, test, and a precursor to test

it also raises test in general since it lowers your insulin, and chronic high insulin has been shown to lower your test

which hormones do you think bulking gives you? why do you think they'll go away while fasting? are you juicin?


I think it's a little less than 2 days of fasting, because if you slOwMAD the previous day, skip a day, then slOwMAD the next day, it hasn't been 48 hours of fasting, it's probably been more like 36 hours

so you're fasting for a day and a half, so it's more like you're eating 5.5 days a week, and fasting for 1.5 of them

d-do people do this?

Approaching 48 hours. Hope this is worth it, the hunger pangs won't stop.

same, the hunger isn't overwhelming but I have considered breaking the fast several times


our ancestor cooked food and fermented stuff for over 100000 years already wtf do these mongeloids think they are doing.

>drinks milk and eggs, foods acquired through farming and domestication of animals
>eats raw meat, only done before the discovery of fire
what's the logic here? Also that hairline is horrific

Does anyone know if you can add Pic related to snake juice to make it more palpable. Its zero cal and no sugar, will it break the fast?

>tfw fast two days per week and eat 1500 kcal a day outside that & dropping 30 lbs in a month.

Its good.

Check anywhere on the internet, and they say you have to bulk for as long as possible, and then cut until your happy. Small bulks/cuts are "unproductive" by their standards, so I was wondering if it'd be diff with fasting instead of cutting, if it preserves muscle better.


>literally just eating raw meat and butter
i love paleo shit but something about this makes me profoundly uncomfortable


I love her. She's cute and smart.


Make your one meal keto, sir. If you limit the carbs and protein but ratchet up the fat in your one meal your body should respond similar to the way it would with a fasting-mimicking diet, i.e. like you're still fasting.

>You burn 2000kcal a day.
>you ingest 4000kcal
>consuming more calories than you burn

is this bait?

If you want to kick start keto, It may be better to just do a lot of exercise and eat appropriately. Assuming you can handle it.

there's short-term fasting (24hrs, and up) that has its own benefits. OMAD for IF benefits and day to day life, and longer fasting for fat loss/ ketosis.

This is how meat was eaten by our ancestors.

As of the time of this post, I'm exactly 1day in to fasting. I've only drinked water and black coffee, no sugar or anything in it.
The weird part is, I'm not that hungry. A lil bit, yes, but not that stomach curling hunger some of you talk about. Is something wrong?

So lately I've started to eat my last meal of the day at around 6pm, and generally don't have anything for the next 13-15 hrs (except a cup or two of coffee) and have a meal sometime in the following morning.

Im only at about 16%bf right now and trying to gain muscle, so I'm not really getting into fasting in order to lose weight, I'm much more interested in the health benefits.

Just doing this I feel like I have a lot more energy, I can wake up earlier, and generally feel a much smoother transition and stable energy levels through morning, afternoon and evening.

All of that being said, I know that medically, peak fasting is said to occur at around 13 hours, but most places place a pretty strict 16:8 guideline on IF. My question is, will 13-15 hr fasts have similar, but perhaps reduced health benefits, or am I wasting my time by not going for the full 16?

I'm 18, 5"10, 300lbs. Will fasting multiple days in a row hurt me?

I'm already eating 1000 cals a day and have trouble focusing in my classes.

The hunger spikes are a good way to 'log' stages in the fast process: more hunger spikes in a day means, more ways to go till you adapt to the fasting schedule. Also, worth mentioning is that the body adapts fairly quickly. Providing you arent worshiping every stimuli vaguely related to food. (Youll see what I mean eventually).

I'm just over a week into OMAD + 48h fast every 5 days, and I honestly dont even remember what it feels like to eat multiple times a day, even with living with plenty people who do so. Were all gonna make it.

watch this
watch all his vids

dumb question, but: is potassium gluconate OK? that's all they had at the grocery store. and actually now that i look at it, it seems each pill is only 90mg (despite saying 550mg from potassium gluconate), so i think i made a mistake...

Bro science incoming: But I think the general idea is that you get the body utilizing the process which converts stored fat into glucose (gluconeogenesis) at a greater frequency than the process which stores fat (I forget the name).

1 insulin spike per day, from eating OMAD and nothing else, means a significantly less time storing fat compared to how much fat will be used for energy throughout the day. (?)

A lifestyle like this will kick the body into using fats as energy as opposed to carbs, which should be trace amount if youre on a keto diet. An active lifestyle (exercise) should make this happen sooner and more efficiently.

Although, now wondering of the difference to the body in eating more saturated fat than others, and vice versa?

You're still carb'd up. Give it a day and the real sensation will hit you.

>"Our results suggest that a fasting program in conjunction with resistance training can decrease fat mass, and maintain muscle mass in resistance-trained males."
What resistance is this? lifting heavy weights or doing cardio for long periods?

If this question gets answered, the information should somehow be included in the OP. Im not answering it though. Have fun doing your research.



>This is the coolest part about fasting. Your body remains very anabolic when you fast.
Can I get a citation to that on 7 days fasting or more?
The link that follows is only about IF 16/8 but what about real fast for days?