3x5 or 5x5 for compound movements?

3x5 or 5x5 for compound movements?

4x5 you borderline retard


Hope you are trolling.
You never do 4x5!


im doing 6x3 for strenght and aesthetic gains

I think he meant 4x4

I do 5x3 lmao. is that bad?

Gotta go 4x4

>implying there's not different combos depending of relative intensity and prelipins chart

5x3 = 15
3x5 = 15

I think you are good breh

>thinking 18 reps will get u aesthetic

not about number of reps, its about intensity per rep

Try smolov Jr. You get a variety

well they are getting me. 1 Muscel per day. Doing it with IF21/3.

I concur.

If you only go to the gym 3x per week you can just spread it out over 4 weeks instead of 3.

I did 5x5 for first few months of lifting, then switched to 3x5 for a while. Thought I'd get creative and tried 4x5. Tore my ACL on my first workout. 4x5 is dangerous.

since no one has given you an answer, i will. 3x5 for strength, 5x5 for less strength but more hypertrophy

Just keep this in mind guys

Why the fuck does 6 become a negative pit of gains?

> he doesn't know about the 6-rep Pit Of No Gains & Despair

any explanation is this isn't a meme?

> not a meme
> Veeky Forums

pick one

This is why strength lifters will do 1-5 reps (no risk of doing 6) and hypertrophy lifters will aim for 10-12; even if they can't do 10, they'll surely be able to do 9, 8, or at least 7. From my personal experience, if you rep out 6 reps in a set, you've pretty much blown the whole workout.

never EVER stop at 7 reps man

ok i’ll take the bait. why the fuck shouldn’t i do 6 reps? is there science behind this?

You can tell someone is not an advanced lifter when they ask that question.
Its not about some X reps per X sets, Its about a program and periodization.
If you are trying to have a mesocycle of building muscle or just make enough stress to the body for it to make the adaptation process, then you need more volume by adding sets/reps, hence why most of these blocks will have 5x5.
If you are trying to let the body recover for such stress, but still building some strength, you will higher the intensity, but lower the volume, so it will be more close to 3x5 or even less.

Still, for a novice program, I would recommend 3x5 as that is enough volume for a novice to recover, and the strength gains are superior for the sole reason that less volume lets you incorporate more intensity, more intensity leads to more strength gains, and after a plateau you can simply increase the volume to create the stress necesary to overcompensate the next workout.

w-what happens if I do?

you die,
dont try it... you can try it once

thank you, m8. finally.

god damn newfags, dont you know the 7th rep is the gains black hole? the sixth rep is ok, slightly worse than 5 tho, anything above 8 is good for hypertrophy, but for god's sake don't do 7 reps, the consequences will be dire


As many sets as possible, each set done to failure

push yourself guys

i like this

Progressive overload builds muscle dumbass

heavy sets of 7 or even 8 don't tend to work because if you fail and only get 6, the whole set is wasted. literally a gains goblin, so just stick to sets of 5 or 12

Find me someone that can bench 300 , do weighted pulls with 100lbs ohp 180 in the 3-5 rep range that is small

I cant believe Veeky Forums doesnt know jackshit about programming, the pourpose of sets, reps, intensity and volume.

by mark rippetoe


>maaad gainz

3x5 for lower body compound movements
5x5 for upper body compound movements

Both are medium-high volume depending on your frequency you can pack quite some muscle with it.

This really is a well crafted meme though, can't help but admire it