Appetite suppressants? Im trying to do a fast but i cabt even make it one fucking day

Appetite suppressants? Im trying to do a fast but i cabt even make it one fucking day

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cigarettes and meth with a pot of black coffee

Hunger pains diminish severely after the first day just push through it

find something to do


The first 15 hours suck, after that, no hunger. Don't be weak and take shit for your hunger faggot. Think of the billions of people who feel that everyday, including women and children. Be stronger.

>Appetite suppressants

Seeing your reflection

Ephedrine. GL getting some that isn't fake.

If you can't even go a day without eating, then an appetite suppressant won't do shit. Just give up if you're that much of a lazy faggot desu.

In Haiti they use dirt

It only takes you 15 hours to lose hunger? wat?

Just buy an ECA stack on dream market.

Jesus, Haiti is such a shithole, and the shittiest part is that the population keeps increasing while there is nothing to eat but dirt. What a bunch of dumb niggers.
There really is no fixing that place. Agriculture sucks, since only about 1/10th of the land is good for growing crops, no fish in the water due to overfishing. Absolute shithole

Amphetamine, if you can control yourself and stick to small doses in the mornings that is

Get sciatica, in a 48 hour period I ate once and wasn't even hungry. I only ate because I didn't want my metabolism dropping.


Doesn't bronchaid make it kind of hard to get fake (pseudo)ephedrine

A lot of water. Running also works for me

>Google sciatica
shit how do I not get this

Not be a sedentary amerifat

I probably just have a strained muscle and nothing worse. I decided to max and didn't listen to my body which was screaming at me not to. I already had some pinched nerve thing going on but I said fuck it and got burned pretty badly.

Trust me on this OP, after the first 4-5 hours of a fast a rush kicks in that makes it easier to ignore the food urge. If you're a fat fuck like me you'll be hallucinating about food all day. Only thing you can do in that case is get as busy with other stuff as you possibly can.


Black coffee. Lots of it.