Veeky Forums BTFO

Veeky Forums BTFO

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yeah nothing quite like getting to college and realizing that the guy on the right actually exists and makes you look like dog shit in every way

Yeah but which one has the face?


>tfw I'm that guy
>tfw black so everybody thinks I'm hood trash

Balance is key.


when will they learn?


I saw this guy in college and at work after. There would be huge guys, much more successful, making 6 figures and having amazing bodies, better lifts, high GPAs, etc.

It's all about time management and applying yourself. There's guys out there who work full time, go to college full time, and still find time to be somewhat chiseled.

who here actually /fitlit/?

Awful haircut and aesthetics tho

I don't do much lit but I read a lot. Mostly non fiction stuff related to my field, best way to get good at what you do is to read a lot related to it.

Not you

>not being /fitlitpol/
not gonna make it

missing the >tfw no gf from r9k

I’m mid-Literature degree and am Veeky Forums, so me

Me here. I read symbology stuff before and after lifting. Currently reading a book about the holy grail.

Veeky Forums librarian here


>tfw musically gifted
>tfw 130 IQ
>tfw engineering degree, soon well-paying job
>tfw getting fit
>tfw white cis male in first world country
The privilege is real.

>high IQ
>becomes an engineer


130 isn't that high, it's just high average. That's what you are as an engineer, too. Above the manual labor brainlets and office desk job plebs. Open positions are plentiful and I happen to enjoy engineering. Plus the pay is decent.

>t. virgin


I may be a virgin, but at least I'm a voluntary virgin. Nothing better than showing thots what a good catch I am, then sneering in their face when they come on to me and going home to fuck my rubber pucci and lift weights.

The trolling is real

I really like you dude. Just skip all and any superior complexes and you will truly make it some day. I belive in you.

I already have made it, my man. This is nirvana. Life is good.

I knew you were a virgin when you said you are an engineer grad

whoa there, easy now
you don't seem over 25 so be careful yet :^)

>the rick and morty edit hasn't been posted yet

26 actually :^)

>tfw engineering degree, soon well-paying job
Boy, you're in for a surprise. Let me guess, it's your first job too?

they also happen to study either medicine or law

fuck those guys seriously

I said I live in a first world country, not American't where poo in loos are taking all the engineering jobs.

To be fair you need a high iq to stay a virgin for a long time. An idiot would definitely get is dick wet even if there was a chance for danger. I'm waiting as long as I can for a moment that is truly danger free. I'm gonna take any chance to end my existence just to get some pussy from dumb humans





>tfw your brain uses all the matter in your body during development and that's why you have no chin or jaw

This cartoon used to be printed out and posted on the window of my high school library reeeeeee

Whatever makes you feel better.
By the way, this is literally me.

>getting fit

>literature degree
Fucking why lol

Is Computer Science with a focus on software development a meme degree? Veeky Forums makes fun of it all the time. I just want myself to be marketable with skill-based career. I've dropped out of school 3 times and want to seriously finish something.

law student here and lifting

>tfw the goose posts on Veeky Forums
i really wish you had a longer role in the place beyond the pines

That movie turned out way different than I thought it would

>tfw doctor
>tfw 142 IQ
>tfw white male
>tfw just started lifting, getting fit
>tfw gf

wh-what's wrong with engineer

/fitlit/ I's for fucking idots. The best way to go is /fitsci/ with sprinkles of Veeky Forums

I like reading but hate the snobbery. Reading doesn't make you smarter in itself. Reading is not the same as learning.

>implying /pol/ is a necessity
/out/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /k/, hell, even Veeky Forums are all vastly superior options for the third piece of the trifecta. /pol/ just hangs out here without constantly being told to fuck off because Veeky Forums is typically fairly tolerant of everyone that actually lifts and makes gains in the same way that /k/ is tolerant of anyone that keeps and loves funs.

>Reading doesn't make you smarter in itself

Yes, it does, and the fact that it does is well-supported. It's no surprise that most intelligent people read a lot as kids and were also read to by parents.

Nice try Shlomo

Nothing about being incredibly intelligent and intellectual stops one from being handsome and ripped as a motherfucker also. In addiction to charismatic.

It's always a rude wakeup call for incels that placed tons of value on their intelligence and literally have zero other redeeming characteristics.

underrated post

4pol is cancer
8/pol/biz/fit master race

Yeah I saw it there and laughed, I should have given a response but well I'm too lazy. TIME FOR NARUTO AND LIFTING IN THE HOME GYM BOYS.

I’m in the same position my guy... feels good

But he's right, what does /pol/ do? Veeky Forums is fit related since cooking goes into health which goes into fitness. /out/ it fit related, the others are just fluff though.

>called a science
>never applies the scientific method

>what does /pol/ do
>besides making international news on a regular basis and serving as a hub for the global right wing resurgence
I guess our memes are ok


top kek


y-you too



If you have to ask


>tfw 130 IQ
out of my way, faggot

>but also an engineer ;_;


Veeky Forums can give you financial gains, Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums give you mental gains, /k/ is similar to /out/ in that it preaches going innawoods which typically requires a modicum of fitness to avoid not dying if you're staying for more than a week. /k/ also has a similar mentality to Veeky Forums in that you can be whatever the fuck you want so long as you enjoy the hobby and can refrain from talking out of your ass.

I hope they die

>tfw roommate Senior year was a /fitlit/ adonis getting a full ride to grad school for bio-engineering while I was a scrawnlet with a mediocre GPA


>tfw my parents never gave me a musical instrument as a child
Paying lessons for violin at 22yo feels depressing

Everyone probably percieves you as a tard and the only reason you're in college is a diversity scholarship. It may or may not be true, but it's what everyone you have ever met thinks about you.

>Reading fairytales and make believe makes you Intellegent

nice diversity scholarship, nigger cuck

>tfw didn't even get a scholarship
>tfw going to a normal college

think what you want

That's the problem with race based scholarhips. You could be in the 99th percentile and still be percieved as a nigger. You'll make it brah.

>routinely lift heavy equipment on boats/ships
>scuba diving to retrieve sediment cores
>still lift weights every other day and bike occasionally for extra cardio

I've never met anyone in my profession who isn't at least somewhat fit. I love the media dichotomy of physicality vs intellect when in reality the most successful people (in any discipline) will always have both, and the image of a lanklet scientist has never really been the reality.

Most black people in my masters programs were pretty dumb desu gl

Absolutely nothing, user.

literally a 115 to 120 iq job or you're wasting a ridiculous amount of potential. the average physics graduate has an iq of 130

>tfw only slightly above average IQ (not saying much in this 3rd world country)
>kind of musically gifted, never really practiced music for real
>getting a shitty technical degree in programing just as backup for real programing
>24 and just started lifting 2 months ago
>brown cis male extremely poor in a 3rd world country


8/pol/ has gone to shit, if you haven’t already abandoned ship you’re just as bad as 4/pol/

>implying that electronical engineering isn't for high IQ people
>implying that working on antennas and optical communication is for slightly above average IQ
Cope more, fags.

Should be /pol/ on the right

Stop LARPing brainlet

wtf is a lit ?

It's just hard to not mix the several languages that I can speak.

>the image of a lanklet scientist has never really been the reality

ITT: Veeky Forums's insecurities manifest into a shitstorm of dick measuring IQ's, degrees, and salaries

Why did you isis the swole guy


11/10 maximum effort