/plg/ - powerlifting general

water dog

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first xddddd

>pig lifter won

based doggo poster, why haven't you made threads in a while lad?
pls don't be the jim larper i always liked u.

I love life

I did meadow rows today for the first time and holy fuck my forearms are rip

I feel like my forearm splints would come back instantly if I tried that shit

Hi BeBop.


I would use straps for these unless you have t-bar station or attachment.

Anywhere else besides /plg/ you go to (semi-seriously) discuss lifting?

>only one juice today, sir ?

Are you in Okinawa?


Yeah man, almost at my 3 month mark out here.

Dont own straps

Why aren't you shitposting on 2chan?

Can someone explain wtf the difference is between body building and powerlifting? They look like the exact same thing except with same strength except powerlifters are fat.

>Implying I can read or speak Japanese

I tried user, but fuck that shit. The locals themselves can barely read it.


It's really not that hard, check out NamaSensei, he taught me super basic sentences and hiragana.
Boku wa undou o suru


one you pose in underwear infront of judges (generally other men)
the other you lift weights infront of refs

Do you have a cute Japanese sister

This dude's funny as fuck, I'm surprised I've never seen any of his vids. Thanks for the share user.

I'm not Japanese.

Almost nothing. For natties you get your best gains in strength and mass from high frequency, high volume, medium intensity loads. Powerlifters have to spend a week or two tapering into a peak for heavy competition singles and bodybuilders spend a month or two tapering into a single digit competition bodyfat %.

Now that I've 100% perfected my squat form, what should I do now? Powerlifting is starting to bore me now that I've mastered it.
Keep in mind this is a 3pl8 squat ass-to-grass and I only weigh 155lbs.


>Powerlifting is starting to bore me now that I've mastered it.
>3pl8 squat

you can start by eating more and growing a few inches

its meet legal but thats it lol

I want to die

>his gym has a fucking television
>AND it is situated right in front of the power rack
What the actual fuck? literally who the fuck.. just wow.. why?

so you've been lifting for 1 month, nice


Only I'm allowed to post this and I haven't felt like dying recently

Your 4pl8 squat isn't impressive when you weigh 300lbs lmao. I bet your ankle flexibility is so terrible you can't even touch your toes standing up.
I haven't hit puberty yet give me time
The same gym that my BEST FRIEND Benchbro lifts at

This place feels so slow, where are the fun trips? Garagebro/Lotus/Bordorio/Rippletits/Se*n? Do any trips still post here?

if you arent going to be taller than 6'2 might as well start transitioning

But that's like 4 months of lifting

one you need to g4p and suck dick in order for the judges to give you a chance of winning
one you need to lift the heaviest weights in order to win

Ummm, did you not read my post? I weigh 155lbs so that's a >2.03x body weight squat.
Never fucking reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread.

But I'm 160lb

For years and years I wandered the earth
Condemned to a life of bleak despair
Then, one day, I looked around
And found it had disappeared


God damn I wish I was still in college when you started posting you annoying twinkshit.


Dubs and I'll kill myself literally right now



re roll

re re roll

Pointless post.

When ever you make stupid comments like this just remember your personality doesn't shine through in a black and white comment on the internet. You just look like a tool.


fukcing showed us

i feel you didnt understand his jokeTbh

I weigh 132lb and can do that lol you look like a weak greasy bitch

Reminder that Louie is this season's /plg/ meme

For being a dumbass or being god's gift to lifting?

what happened to wendler

he's a roided up shit bag who peddles a stripped down high school routine

talking about the imposter TBh

Both tbqh

both at the same time?

At least one user remembered me, means a lot to me lad

>the strong 75kg girl snatched 80 and clean and jerked 97

I only remember you because I went to Kent too. I finished a year before you started posting.

>another 1700 calorie meal
>I'm cutting
>still losing weight

God bless a 3300 maintenance calorie level

>these are the people whom's'th'd insult panzer

I'd never insult you panzer, I'm too afraid of what might be under my bed.

>go to bed
>shut my eyes
>every embarrassing thing I have done or said over the past year floods my mind for hours of end
>recoil in agony
This is why I can never sleep lol

You might benefit from reading the myth of Sisyphus by Camus user

not kidding bud I hit that in HS with a bw of 140

>roided up old fart shit head fraud

no thanks

fuck off you pudgy little shit stinking manlet bitch

hahahahha >sport
mayb for spearchucking fucks with back issues thst commit welfare fraud and take pictures of their inpatient treatment facility MY TAX DOLLARS pay for and pretend thsts his mansion sean uou fucking kike

>>roided up old fart shit head fraud
who taught wendler everything he knows, and who wendler used to rip off by selling "max effort" ebooks
except what wendler learned in high school from a coach that used bfs, wendler is STILL ripping that program off

What breed of shark is this?

Could be wrong but it looks like a black tip shark.

definitely not a sharknado

will just doing bulgarian split squats and hack squats increase your barbell squat? there's always a 30 minute+ line for the racks at my shit gym

likewise with DB bench -> BB benh

I think it's a Caribbean reef shark

>who taught wendler everything he knows,

That explains why 5/3/1 is such a pile of shit.

If you want to "squat" half a foot high in enough elastic to strangle a bull elephant, and generally be useless at anything else in life, Louie "Mile High" Simmons is your man.

If you want to actually lift or be good at sports or be a useful member of society, Louie has nothing to offer you.

Strong words

Give me a volume replacement to do on nuckols amrap day (instead of 85%x 1+).

Post stats before talking shit scrub. Surely, if you doubt his methods to get stronger, then you must have already surpassed him and his athletes.

On 5'pro (5/3/1) should i use the standard template (65/75/85) or should i use the heavier template (75/80/85)?
>inb4 hurr durr stop with 531
it works for me right now, did some strange programs for 5 months that got me nowhere.

My squat is getting so much stronger than my bench that I am now legitimately embarassed while training bench. At least I now have motivation, I guess..

Better than having a shit bench AND squat, senpai. Just try harder and it'll catch up.

That's true, I have stated trying harder already and it feels good.
Going for
>200 / 110 / 190
in my first meet now though.

Smesh it, lad. I'd be more concerned about your diddly desu, why is it lower than your squat?

Thanks mate. Always was, almost from the beginning. Started SS at 50kg squat and 60kg diddly, when my diddly was 90kg my squat was 90kg and my squat continued progressing while my diddly didn't. I just don't think I can get in the proper position for conventional, and when I trained conventional then that wil hinder progress I guess.

Went over to sumo 4-5 months ago and it feels a lot better, and I am gaining strength so I will just take it from here. But I want to program my training with more deadlifting for some time after the comp. Squatting is hard mentally.

that bench isnt even that bad

i couldnt bench 95 when i could DL 230

Has anybody here taken psychedelics and lifted? Not like the datura story, but just a mild mushroom/LSD dose or something.

Really? I guess my view is skewed then
But I guess you have disadvantage in the lift with long arms, idk.

Yea, I had a similar problem. I couldn't get into a good position with conventional or sumo and pull heavy weight. I'm doing semi-sumo now, which is basically a wide stance conventional deadlift, and it's been going great.

not really my arms arent even that long

i just wasnt trying hard

>train for powerlifting
>put all my effort into it
>spend free time reading or watching resources online
>can't even 2/3/4
>not progressing
>form feels shit
>there is always some kind of pain

Should I just give up?

I see, we're in the same boat then I think. I started doing more accessories for bench and it feels good. Especially in the lockout being stronger now when I do more tricep extras.

I'd like to try that to see how it feels, I do sumo with toes (I estimate) 10-15cm from plates


Listen, you wanna talk about volume? My guys at my gym do tons of volume, they're not pussies. We lift equipped because raw lifters are pussies who are scared of injury, the Russians didn't lift raw and they're not pussies and so neither should you. We lift with volume and intensity at the same time, dynamic resistance, that's bands and chains, 60% with 10% at the bottom and 25% at the top, that's not pussy, lots of volume, I cruise on EQ. And that's why westside is the strongest gym in the world.

Assuming your routine is appropriate, are you eating/recovering properly?
Its worth a try, I'm about 2-3 inches away from the plates but I'm 6'3. Try pulling sumo like you usually do, then lower the bar in a controlled manner. Where your hips end up should be your starting position. Memes aside, this is how I figured it out.

Thanks for the tip, I'll play around with it after my diddly on tuesday.

Currently cutting to be able to compete in 74kg class (kind of cringe about the thought of competing with my numbers), running Johnny Candito 6w linear program. Other than the fact that I'm cutting I cannot spot any potential issues.