There it is

There it is.

Circumference 50cm. Fifty-fucking-centimeters.

Does someone here really think that they could do shit to me in an actual street altercation? Do you think you'd have the guts to open your mouth, or even to look anywhere but into the tips of your shoes when I grab your gf's ass and make a double flex? Yea right. You pencil necks will be there quietly sitting down swallowing your anger with your lower lip shaking. Me, on the other hand, I will do as I will. This is guaranteed by these arms with which I effortlessy move 45kg weights in the scott-bicep bench. They guarantee me the strength and the power you never could even imagine of.

Well, now you know where you stand you little rats :) I had to stop by and tell you how things work in the real life as many of you pretend to be tough and troll around in here. If you might bump into me at a bar, you'd better lay low and back the fuck up, even if I coped a feel with your lady without asking your permission. But don't worry, she'd love to have a real man for once ;)

U mad? It's ok. I am enjoying my life.

Kiril deservedly fills that void that Piana left when he departed.

Praised be thy godly bazookas

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

of course Kiril is strong as fuck, I created it in Elder Scrolls : Oblivion, after all.

man denny got huge


And here's how it goes down
>I'm enjoying my time at a bar
>Pimply roid freak is trying to eye everyone in the bar trying to feed his ego to make up for his shriveled dick
>We lock eyes and neither of us look away
>You come up to me and start flexing and talking shit
>I tell you to fuck off and laugh at you
>You smack me on the head
>I look back at you
>Leave the bar and go to my car
>Grab my gun from the glove department
>Re-enter bar
>Shoot you several times from close range and leave you to die
>Enter car and drive away

And all those years of training and hard work have just been for nothing because of a fairly cheap metal contraption that fires pea sized lead. Or someone could just as easily stab you to death or grab an ashtray and hit you over your head with it and proceed to bash your skull in. In eastern europe muscles don't mean shit. And in the world in general, in situations like that it's about how fucked up in the head you are matters and how far you're willing to go.

I know this comes off as edgy and shit, but I saw so many roided up Meatheads and "big guys" who thought they were the shit because they can lift heavier objects than most people try to pick fights and ended up getting beaten with some tool, stabbed, knocked out and bashed by some fucking nutcase that goes to get an iron bar and beat the everliving shit out of someone because he just doesn't care.

Don't try to pick fights just because you're big. You don't know what the other person has on him or is capable of doing.


if youre the non-binary gendered thing in the pic, i would be more scared of you giving me a disease through your blood in any altercation more than you inflicting physical harm

I thought that Tereshin had to have his arms drained of oil to avoid losing them
Or am I thinking of someone else?

unsettling vibe from that photo

He got implants.

Is this the guy who injected homemade synthol and his arms exploded? Whatever happened to that idiot?

>tfw bullet injections would save you from this

Glad I'm still training. Up to 30.06x5

>Implying arm size even matters in life

>tfw when you hit that .50BMG 1rm

Greg Valentino
total douche
he is still around


Injections or implants?

user chill, it's the photoshopped version.

>women want to be fucked by my forearm

You guys are delusional

Just watched Talk Show with Andrey Malakhov Kiril Tereshin and that Brazilian freak as a guest.

desu I think this is what happens when social media takes over.
Every fucking talentless worthless piece of shit can become famous very quick and easy just because of using steroids, taking plastic surgeries, painting his face like a fucking freak, etc.
This is what happens when people have no borders in their minds.
And I see how many people are trying to make money on him.
All these popular video bloggers like are fucking hyenas.



>women want to get fucked by 10.5 inch dicks
What was the cutoff for dicklet again, 8 inches? A bit steep compared to manlet cutoff but hey, that used to be 5'10 and now it's 6'0 so I guess dicklet is going up too.

Cyka blyat rush B ili pashol nahuy
I dont see anything wrong with the dude, at least he is consistent in his beliefs and knows that synthol doesnt give him strength. If you wanna bash anyone for this shitshow imo its more sensible to bash the media for giving him attention.

Whats up doughboy? Heres mine,

>t. manlet dicklet

Sad that I start fights in full body armor! Sad for YOU I mean!!!

this isnt it?

First sentence already ruins it. 99% is already an unbelievable statisic and the pic does not even try to give a source of that

Ja siitä.

Ympärysmitta 50cm. Viisikymmentä-vitun-senttimetriä.

Kuvitteleeko joku teistä oikeasti mahtavansa minulle esim. mitään oikeassa katutilanteessa? Kuvitteletteko kenties uskaltavanne avata suutanne, saati edes katsoa muualle kuin omiin kengänkärkiinne, kun minä nappaan naistanne perseestä kiinni baarissa ja vetäisen tuplaposen takaa? Niinpä niin. Siinähän sitten istutte kynäniskat hiljaa loosissanne alahuuli väpättäen ja imette kiukkuanne. Minä sen sijaan teen mitä haluan, sen varmistavat nämä olkavarteni, joilla liikuttelen helposti 45kg painoja scott-hauiskäännössä. Minulla on niiden ansiosta valta ja voima jota te ette ikinä tule saavuttamaan.

Nonniin, nyt tiedätte paikkanne, pikku rotat :) Oli pakko vähän käydä kertomassa miten asiat tuolla oikeassa elämässä menee, kun täällä netissä moni luulee olevansa niin kovaa poikaa ja trollaa estoitta kaikesta maan ja taivaan väliltä. Jos minuun joskus baarissa törmäät, niin parempi pysyä poika lestissäs, vaikka vähän naistas päättäisin kokeilla sulta lupaa kysymättä. Mut huoli pois, se kyl varmasti tykkäis kun saisi kerrankin oikeaa urosta ;)

Vituttaako? Ei se mitäään. Minä nautin elämästäni.

>shooting people because they slapped your head

Finns are aliens, wtf is this languages