Lower back pain at 25

>lower back pain at 25

How much do you weigh?

145lbs just end my life. It’s my job

Lol mine started at 16 but even back then I whine like a pussy like you do oo

Ive had a herniated disc in my lower back since I was 18. I'm now 20 and the pain is still there but more subdued, but fuck sitting down for too long. If this is what you have, just know it will take YEARS and possible NEVER to heal (unless you go through with some surgery). Throw your greater physical ambitions in the fucking trash cause the pain will forever stop you. I used to love breakdancing and doing crazy stuff. Focus on just being fit, proper form, and playing lighter sports, eventually your body will adapt and it will sort of move around the pain. You'll live OP, you'll just never be able to live like you could have.

whats ur job

howd it happen

Honestly have no clue, I don't think I was doing anything too hard and wasn't even lifting then. Only thing I can really think of was the leg press machine

>lower back pain that makes me dizzy at 19

Sounds weird but try swimming a few days a week. I recently got into it and my back pain has dissipated.

Do this

Reverse hyper +hanging leg raises.

>external hemorrhoid at 18
>another prolapsed hemorrhoid at 24

let me guess, you've been sitting for 16 hours a day?

>25? that's not that unusual
>I also have some lower back pain
>suddenly realize I haven't been near 25 in fucking years
hold me

>lower back pain since I was 15

>lumbar pain at 19

>Started getting lower back pain at 24
>Now 27 and its gone

I stopped deadlifting, and training my abs alot more to get more stability in the front of the core. Solved it for me

>hold me
No way gramps, I might catch your budding alzheimers.

>Knee pain

>Broken soul at 26
I just want to be happy ffs

Be like me, stop feeling anything. Its better.
Happiness is overrated and shallow. Strive to leave an impact on the world instead. So you are remembered long after your death.
Fulfillment goes deep and is long lasting, happiness is shallow and fleeting

>tfw heart broken since 24, and no amount of lifting takes the pain away

>heart break
>instructed to sling dick till failure
>heart broken still, except I have to take valcyclovir when pustules populate on dick

>injury playing handball, lower back pain at 18

>sprained right wrist from playing handy dandy since 13 years old

>tfw you forgot to eat fruit for a couple of weeks and you’ve started shitting blood again

I had lower back pain as a teenager. It stopped when I started lifting

>tfw balls hang lower than testicles since age 12

This couse me so lower back pain for 3 weeks now

>tfw varicoele leaves you with unaesthetic nuts

>tfw prolapsed rectum hangs lower than testicles

Reverse hyperextensions will fix that right up.

Reverse hypers are one of the best exercises ever discovered

anyone without actual disc herniation/prolapse etc. 90% chance its:
>tight hamstrings/hip flexors
>anterior/posterior pelvic tilt
>weak abs
>hyperextending low back in squats or deadlifts

Everything is mostly from sitting too much especially if you are under 30

Anterior pelvic tilt bruh. Work on core and glutes

>Wrist and shoulder pain at 19
Say no to vidya guys

welcome to my life

>be a mechanic working out in the cold layin on the cold ground 24 years of my life now 38 and body feels like its 70yo constant pain every day joints feel like they have glass in them.

>>hyperextending low back in squats or deadlifts
How does one fix this?

I got back pain when I first started deadlifting a month ago, but then it went away. But I get lower backpain when I do leg curls, so now I need to use belt when leg curling...

>tfw split median raphe
>pretty much dick has a large unappealing visible scar
>it's on the underside of my shaft from ballsack and stretches to my OTHER scar
>thanks mom and dad
>at least I'm girthy, r-right guys?

>balls hang lower than testicles
Wtf does this mean

>leg press
how is that possible?

lifting stuff on harbor



it's a bird doing a dance wtf are u talking about?


>tfw each time i bend over my spine makes a loud crackling noise

i have no idea where it came from and it doesn't stop either

This is tragic

Reading this thread is so depressing

nice video with a burb

There are only 3 reasons your back can hurt from these.
1. Your a tard and you managed to fuck up one of the easiest exercises in existence
2. Your glutes are small and weak. You most likely used weights or need to stretch them out.
3. Your back is genetically deformed. You walk around looking like a dyel quasimodo hobbeling around your gym day to day.

going too deep on leg press will make you enter lumbar flexion, just like bottoming out on a squat will result in buttwink (unless you have the hip geometry to go full ATG without any flexion)