Tax return

So Veeky Forums, what fitness stuff are you gonna get why your tax return? My list so far:
>Inzer lever belt
>Rogue hoodie
>Ab wheel
>New training shoes
>Plastic clamps
>Protein powder
>Couple mixer bottles
>Pre workout

120 vials of 150mg Tren A
120 vials of 250mg Test Cyp
240 Tabs Winny 10mg

Good shit user. I'm running a 12 week cycle beginning of summer of 300ml test e

mein neger

im getting 6k back and im a fat cunt
what do i need?

>not buying raws and homebrewing to save precious shekels while ensuring that your gear isn't under dosed and is sterile and properly filtered

I cannot resist...

Taxation is theft.

Out of debt

probably gonna get one of them bitcoins and some grip pushers

m getting $1100 back, might buy a graphics card if they come down in price

>pay off credit card
>maybe get some oly shoes

I agree user.

>giving the jew your hard earned money

I use every loophole possible so usually the government winds up owing me money.

>as if i ever get a return

I did buy SBD sleeves yesterday though, which is nice.

what's the idea on how government makes money for people that say taxation is theft?

maybe a dead ball to throw around.

Why should the government get any of my income? They didn't assist me in earning it. Until the 1920s, the government operated with no income tax.

Gov workers I mean

> tax return?

I'll be lucky if I break even. I owed last year an the year before that. "The more you make, the more they take" is the truest fucking statement ever.

I still look back fondly at those days when I was making shit money, but filing my taxes was fun because I knew i'd get some back.

>public education at it's finest

same lol


HGH. I'm 19 years old, 5'11.5, and I'm going to be looking down on you manlets once I make it.

Do mommy and daddy give you a cut of their returns?

I wonder who's behind these posts?

>"I have never used a government service in my life."

Yea you totally never drove on any roads to go to work or went to any school

>people I don’t like are da joos!

To eat less

He clearly educated himself from books that were printed in China and smuggled here on the back of a dolphin.

When he drives unlicensed in his car that isn't certified by the EPA or NHSTA, he paves the road as he goes.

He is... the worlds most delusional libertarian.

I’m getting back about $1000.
Going toward a fraction of my debt.

Also this is probably the worst place to ask, with the new tax law I’m getting more every pay check without changing my status (I claim 0) but does that mean I will owe next year?

Taxlet here.

I don't actually know how tax returns work yet, but I make $30 an hour so I assume I get taxed and file for a refund.

Aren't you concerned about your vital organs growing?

Yeah don't do hgh

No you will not. Claiming 0 means you pay taxes by getting it cut out of your paycheck each paycheck.

> Getting a refund because you didn't have sufficient capital gains on your crypto.
You fucks are never going to make it.

vote republican. all that extra tax you pay is just going to welfare families.

you don't necessarily get a return. you make enough that you should get an accountant to file your taxes for you. it's great you just send them your W2 and sign and the return just appears in your checking a few weeks later. don't be stingy cuz i've had friends fuck up their own taxes and get letters from the IRS. friends that make more than i do.

I don't think I'm fully grown yet at all, only hit my growth spurt at 16. Only started needing to shave more than once a month about 2mo ago. I think my torso and frame has not reached its final form.

They should only put a tax on stuff you buy. Not on income.
Also if income tax should exist at least make it a flat tax

>paying taxes

Please tell user

D-doesnt that end up being close to $10,000?

>Getting a significant amount on your tax return
I knew this place was full of brainlets but holy shit how dumb can you people get.
Adjust your withholding so you get little to nothing in your return.

This, way to give the gov't an interest free loan you cuck faggots.

stay safe brah

Money in savings, maybe a vacation for my me and my fiancee.
Adults budget their toys into their after tax income.

I remember being a lolbertarian

Getting a little over two grand back. Feels good...glad I've been able to take advantage of that student tax break.
Gear, a payment toward the principle of my car and a vacation to come. Weeee

Why would you spend money just because of a tax return? Is this a paycheck-to-paycheck thread for poors or something?

Owing is probably good because it means you didn't give the government extra money during the last year, so you could keep it working for you in your own accounts. If you do want to get a refund for some reason and your income isn't too high, contributing to a traditional IRA can help. Easy $1000+ swing when filling. 401k and similar contributions also help a lot, but maybe not with amount due at tax filing time if your withholding is set up properly.

>realizing gains in a taxable way
are you even trying to make it? defer that shit and realize in smaller amounts at 0% tax.

I'm 19 user, I work 60 cents above minimum wage.

I should be getting around 1000$ back, I won't spend it on anything though. It all goes to my savings account

>wanting to get a return
Investlets who will never retire

Some exterior trim for my car (couple hundred) and the remainder will be going into my savings to help pay for the last two semesters of schooling I have left (3-4k)

The past two years I made too much money and had to pay so I expect this year to be the same. If not I'll just throw more money at my investment portfolio. My life goal is to have enough passive income to just travel and lift without having to work.

Without taxes there'd be no police and your bitchass would get raped by jamal any time you left your NEET lair

Getting about 6k back. Probably buy a Lat Machine, Glut Ham, and a Inc/Dec bench.

Put the other 5k into my hobby account.

A rope to kill myself

Tax Return?! I haven't seen one in ages. I make too much for one of those.

Not theft, as much as it is you giving the government an interest free loan. Ideally, you want to set up your dependents or exemptions so you don't get a return back at all. It won't get you out of taxes, but it ensures you're only paying in the minimum of what you're supposed to.

I use TurboTax and they seem to do that for me, because I always get good money back.

I'm buying a motorcycle and die hopefully

Roads will be privatized. Next question...

>government forces you to use a service
>the service is justified because people use it

>what is private defense for $500

Cuck, if you just put it in your savings account to begin with at least you'd earn interest. God you gymbros are fuckwits.

>public education is doing a poor job, with taxed dollars
really challenges the cashews


It's the only way I get pussy these days.

>Doesn't understand power vacuums
The government you want doesn't exist. If it did, some other government would see that it didn't last long.