Any one else get depressed when cutting?

Any one else get depressed when cutting?


you are not consuming enough fat and it is lowiring your test levels

yeah, feels like you're not making progress like you are when you're bulking. just gotta get through it

idk op. depression is what makes me cut in the first place

>pretty sure I'm just always depressed

more than likely this.
depression is a bug sign of lowered test levels especially if you aren't normally depressed and you happen to be cutting. just eat more saturated fats and lower carb intake slightly. consider trying an ECA stack, as it will elevate your mood and feeling of well being.

> just eat more saturated fats and lower carb intake slightly
then he'll just be depressed with poorer blood flow


>cutting, feel depressed
>tfw you realize you use food as a coping method, and subsequently make no progress

Good goyim. Diet excessively and make yourselves infertile.

you're so fucking dumb bro

you're cutting to much calories or you don't know anything about nutrition, try to get at least 80-90g of fat even on a cut, lower your protein a little and take some of the rest of the calories from carbs, i cut at 2300 or 2400 calories a day and i feel just fine, make sure you're getting your vitamins and minerals from veggies and fruits and eat some peanuts

>2300-2400 calories a day
What the fuck, how fat are you.
I figure most people here are talking about cutting around 1500 or less.

more like cutting when depressed haha

Im actually not a fatfag, the heaviest ive gotten is 180lbs at 5'8 (willneverlearn) at approx 25%bf. During a bulk i shoot for 2500cal and during a cut 1500cal. Maybe im switching from bulk mode to cut mode too fast, do you guys take time to transition?

delet this
I keep getting weird looks at the gym from my scars

>depressed when cutting
>depressed when bulking

it never ends

R u an grill?

>wh*te people
Just dont shoot school kids and we're good

Defined "depressed"

He could just be a tall, 200+ lbs MAN. In all seriousness though, being over 200 lbs and sub 20% bf puts your TDEE at a minimum of 2800 even if you're sedentary.

He's suffering from SAD. Nothing to do with his cut.

>implying I can feel anything other than depressed

One standard deviation below my average happiness level

Make sure you're taking a multivitamin with Vitamin D.

I cut at around 4000kcal at 200lbs because I work a physical construction job and in the weekend I serve as an air force reserve