/test boost/

zinc magnesium aspartate is king edition

how much each mg?

thats a man



A raw onion a day

Got some ZMA for Christmas. Loving it so far; I'm constantly angry, having powerful dreams, and my erections have this weird tingle to them. Only downside is I wake up in a cold sweat every other night.

Why not just inject at that point?
>"oh user, I just love your breath!"

She really needs to see a professional with that severe case of lordosis

I eat about 2 teaspoons of pumpkin seeds for breakfast (highest Zinc food), but that has to be balanced with copper, so I eat sesame seeds and sunflower seeds (both high in copper).

Am i doing it right, Veeky Forums?

why not just take zinc and copper supplements?

>Killer body
>Shitty tattoos
Every fucking time

>not picolinate

I started taking zinc picolinate, and the one comes with Mg as well. It's been almost a month now and I haven't really noticed any changes.

strap yourselves in for this one

I will get zma today, cheaper than all 3 separately.

Isn't orotate better?

don't have the money, and natural is always best.

That said I also like the taste of them in my morning milk, along with oats and a cup of coffee.

It is, I was just mistaken since both names are completely foreign to me. I had to look up my amazon order.

Is there ZMA with zinc orotate available anywhere? I want to take the least amount of pills possible to combining zinc and magnesium together is good

thats a man

It looks like a fat Maureen Ponderosa

Can i take zma in the morning? It always gives me fucked up dreams.

no it makes you sleepy

and youre a retard

How long you been on it? I forced through 5 days of nightmares and it subsided. After that just more vivid normal dreams. Maybe it's just me, idk.

Anybody ever taken DHEA

Am I too young to start a cycle at 19?


>2 teaspoons

try eating the whole bag

I think pirulate is even better

What a shit picture

there is no such thing as zinc pirulate? What the fuck