Why would anybody date a womanlet if they had a choice?

Why would anybody date a womanlet if they had a choice?

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I WANNA _____ THEN _____ MY ________ IN DEBICKI

10/10 would impregnate

short hair on girls looks fucking awful

No, it's the sexiest thing ever.
Long hair is just meh, not bad, not good
but short hair? holy shit instant erection city

when will they learn?

its cuz you are gay

>i like my women with masculine traits

I'm straighter than the pole your mom dances around.

Umm, all thing being equal, I'd take a short girl with big tits over a tall man with a vagina any day of the week.

>wanting manlet children because you are a manchild

i hope you don't tell your 4'11" son that

Who's the brunette? She looks 100 times better than the lanky freak.

Debicki has cute face but it's ruined by her being 6'2

>wanting your children to outgrow you
nice work maintaining the alpha male status retard

Sure thing, sweaty.

short thicc girls are 10/10 tbqh

Well it's for my pleasure and I'd force her to get an abortion if she got prego, so no manlet children for me. But you can choose to breed with no-tits-nellie if you want and you can have fun explaining to your daughter why no man wants her.

It's a proud day in any man's life when his son surpasses him

hahah no. when that day comes you know you are far behind your zenith and are now a useless old man and a burden to everyone
You should make sure your sons are submissive subservient beta male cucks who will never challenge your authority

Lmao, if your ego is so fragile and you are so wound up in your own narcissism that you feel as though you have to compete with your own sons, so much so that you would wish them to be lesser men, then you are unironically never gonna make it.

Unless your achievements rival Alexander the Great, then there is no reason that you shouldn't wish or actively strive to make your sons in to better men then you were.

Not to mention that the womanlet is a shitskin as well. Mogged brutally by superior white genes

>wanting a degenerate son who will ruin your family line and name

>not wanting to watch a football game with your buddies from work while your son obediently sucks you all off one by one and swallows
Look, you are a feminine soyboy, i get it. But please PLEASE don't have children. we don't need anymore cringey loser wannabe chads running around

Short girls are cuter imo.

Joke's on you faggot my mom strips on an extended EZ Curl bar.

enjoy your lanklet son

>I wanna look like a dyke
I got you famalampai desu

>this is unironically what women want

I look good, faggot. Stop bitching.

really solid frame though, he'd have a sick physique if he lifted

>Why would anybody date a womanlet if they had a choice?
To feel like they're big strong men in control of their lives

>yfw people are unironically so weak physically and mentally they don't masturbate to the thought of conquering gods

You look like a man, cunt. Grow your hair back out.

What is the womanlet cut off? I believe 5'5'' is national average so I've been using that for dating purposes but that's still a whole foot shorter than me.

What's funny is that Debicki's probably a whole foot taller than Vikander and still has a better body by miles


>Tfw i want a lass to have a big booty and big arms

I think i might as well be gay desu

Not fat tho, i would love a lady like pic in your post

They want an unimposing girl for the same reason, older, single moms or in general less desirable women want "dadbod", because subconsciously these betas know that they could completely stop lifting and eat junk food and still be big enough to "be the man".


stop shilling manlet. tall women belong to tall men.
womanlets belong to tall men also. now, you have learned.

>tfw i know a girl like this except she's semi chubby and has acne
she got dem tiddies though, too bad she only goes for middle eastern dudes

Is it just me or do both their arms look unnaturally long?

They're lanklets who have long strides, also they're both mid-stride making their legs appear shorter, and by contrast their arms longer.

Because Veeky Forums is too low IQ to realise that it's not how genes work when it comes to height & hair colour. Example, our dad is 6'0, mom is 5'3, my sister is 5'4, my older brother is 6'2, I'm 6'1. Mom's parents were 6'3 and 5'5 while dad's parents were 5'7 & 5'8. You can inherit height from grandparents and great-grandparents just as easily as from parents. Same with hair colour and baldness. Genes can be very complicated when it isn't mendelian like eye colour, and even eye colour isn't 100% mendelian.

ofc there are exceptions but most kids end up pretty similar to their parents

You completely missed the point, though. It's not given, at all, so you should look if her brother and dad & his brothers are manlets.

short haired short girls are the best

>fucking onitis still haunting me 4 years later

Fuck off. I like it.

Yeah but no self-respecting man would, enjoy your wine, cats, and being a perpetual booty call though.

Kek. Yes, I will.

(Until 25+)

Enjoy killing yourself when you realise you are too old to have children

Ample time then. Go back to your thot hate/virgin cope threads