Please help!!! pleaseee

please help!!! pleaseee
I just started working out and kept telling my trainer over and over that i wanted thinner thighs except after only four days of training (involving lot of squats) my thighs have gotten bigger (and it can't be cuz of food cuz im eating the same amount)

I read online it could be bc you're starting to develop muscle but not loose fat yet but is that even possible?

What have I done wrong? I still kept doing cardio but started functional training

also my bmi is 18


this is bait

Please, PLEASE be in Rotterdam. I would like to dance salsa with you.

no it isn't bc I've been working out for a year and lost 55 pounds ..just mostly cardio

also my body builds muscle (more like muscle definatton) kinda easily idk y..

What the hell? That is a lot of fat for how light you are. You're probably 30-40% bodyfat at 18 bmi lol, practically obese.

Why would you want anorexic looking thighs

That is sad

>i wanted thinner thighs

Stop immediatlet, muscle all comes in on the 5th session so u posted here just in time... be careful u dont get too bulky. Men like toned legs

I'm like 13% but a pear/hourglass?? so even tho my ribs almost stick out i don't have a thigh gap and I don't know how to get one either..I mean cardio can only do so much so I thought having a trainer and doing functional shit would work but it isn't!!

A female with 13% bodyfat is IFBB tier stage ready, you're nowhere near that. Unless you are a girl (male) in which case please kill yourself.


>I want thinner thighs


read the sticky
training muscles makes them bigger, not smaller. Are you retarded?
If you want to lose weight, eat less.

fuck mate, this is a weak pussy there.

skinny muscle-less bitches are disgusting

thigh gap is a meme

Why the fuck does NO ONE EVER REVERSE IMAGE SEARCH before replying to “le grill here” threads. OP is not a woman. OP is not in the situation described in his post. OP is some fat greasy autistic psychopath festering in his mom’s basement and larping online as a woman in a pathetic attempt to fulfill whatever bizarre fetish he has. Stop responding to his thread as though he is actually the woman in the picture. much thinner can they get? They're about to disappear

>I want to be anorexic
This is not the board for you

Ride bikes.

Post body with timestamp or remove yourself larper

looks like a nasty cut of meat at the supermarket

to get a sexy thigh gap you need a combination of things.
#1 a wide hip. Most women have them but if you are unlucky and you got hips that are narrower than your ribs, then you got a problem no matter how hard you work.
#2 muscles. The thigh gap is created by the roundness of the muscles around the inside of the thighs. Muscle insertions also matter, if you got "long" muscles the thigh gap will be harder to acheive. Just focus on hypertrophy training.
#3 not being fat. If you are too fat your thighs will not have a gap at all because their volume is too big to create that little space.

So basically get to a pretty low healthy BF% and build some muscle. It will make you look better in every way.

chill why would someone pretend to be a girl in the gayest board ever and why would i post an actual picture of myself and be associated with this shithole irl

Why is it always the fatties that get navel piercings?
You want to direct attention away from your gut, not towards it.