How many hot chicks go to your gym, user?

How many hot chicks go to your gym, user?

Home gym so including my wife, zero

Not very fucking many. I go to a one of my cities Rec centres. There's more legit retards and their handlers than hot women.

Pic not related.

You have a full image?

Learn to use the reverse image search functionality ffs



It's not good if they do because they start talking to me and my wife gets pissed

A few.

I had to stop going because of it. I couldn't continue exposing myself to the sight of attractive women like that. It was actually really making me depressed knowing that I'm not good enough to ever be with them.

I'm actually Veeky Forums and all that, but I'm 30 years old, severely mentally broken, live with my parents, don't drive, on autism-bux, high-school drop out, have no friends and have never had one, virgin never had a GF or anything near having a GF, shut-in (other than when I was going to the gym, walking distance). Maybe when my parents get their first chunk of inheritance and buy me a house like they said they would, I can finally move out on my own and maybe then I can start to try, but there's no point right now. I spent about $5k on a home gym in my parents place for now to hold me over.

As a really young kid I thought I would have been married with several kids by 25 at the latest, being like everyone else around me, did not expect things to turn out this way.
I have nothing really to look forward to besides seeing my clinical psychologist, shes very comforting for me.

Literally none

Zero. It's all old men and old women doing nothing but cardio.

>I'm actually Veeky Forums and all that, but I'm 30 years old, severely mentally broken, live with my parents, don't drive, on autism-bux, high-school drop out, have no friends and have never had one, virgin never had a GF or anything near having a GF, shut-in (other than when I was going to the gym, walking distance).

At any point in your life, did you ever seriously consider committing suicide? I would have.

This feel... I know it too well...

dont listen to this faggot. you are partly to blame for your faults. I know how you feel but try to escape the hell you yourself made

plenty, and it always happens that they do their exercises on front of me, at first it was a coincidence but now they do it because they know i wont stare at them like a disgusting fat fuck (i am a fat fuck but i get embarassed at looking at woman like that because i know they know you're looking)


Never too late to get your life in order


I don't understand what is happening in this picture. Why is there a white box where my penis goes?

There is this one chick. Always comes with her bf. They keep dry-humping when they do exercises, its fucking weird.
Like, while her bf benched she sat on his crotch and was grinding it.
They also grope each other, and have 10 seconds long tongue twister kissing wars that they make sure are so audible that you can hear them in the entire gym.
Like good on them for 'mirin eachother but jesus christ I don't want to see them audition for softcore porno every time I go down to lift.


I kinda know that feel, I am 26 also still a virgin but not bad looking and Veeky Forums and recently it just struck me, I saw some guy hit on a girl in the gym way out of his league and they seemed to have fun, I am not going to die alone, next time I see a hot girl I will talk to her if it fucking kills me, I will go out, I will do it alone since I have no friends either and I will talk with people and make them believe I am a great person who I then will become

I have suffered many years for my weakness but I won't do it any longer, we are all gonna make it

I normally work out in the morning, so almost none. It's mostly old folks and milfs are rare around here. There's plenty of qts later in the day. I'm too autistic to talk with any of them anyways

its like 30/70 split for the women. I do a bootcamp style thing. Since its january, there's a lot of fat women there, but there's still a decent amount of skinny dyel girls. And of course, a few of the staff are fit as fuck, one is a braphog but shes really nice and 5 foot nothing

Unironically report them

Dudes just trying to get a test boost while he lifts

There's one in the morning that's pretty cute.

There's two that sometimes show up in the evening. I just found out that one of them is a trainer at another gym.

dont hit on girls at the gym. they don't like that.

Not enough

I would kill for a home gym, my college gym is absolute cancer.

I didn't say I will hit on them, read carefully, I will talk to them, gotta start somewhere

None. The visitors are 70% retired people.

Was he a tall facially aesthetic chad?

On an average morning (600-700am) or evening (700-800pm) session I would say there are at least half a dozen who are at least a 7+. Throw in another dozen that are 4-6's, and a half dozen of girls with great personalities I'm sure. most of the

not at all, like 5'9'' or something with the body of someone who had been to the gym for the first time in his life that day

Aw man I know that feel. I saw pics of my gf 2 years ago when we first met and she was gorgeous. Now shes a fuckin landwhale with full of zits on her face

99% of people over the course of human history have had objectively more painful lives than him and less opportunity to increase their living standards and even they didn't kill themselves. There is no reason to kys if you live in a western country in the year 2018, you can still turn your life around.

Zero, but there are some hot dudes there. No homo.

Yeah I broke up with mine similar situation... 4 years

she got complacent bruh, need to make her feel not so secure with you

Imagine you had kids with her


Quite a few, I'd say 10 or so. They're not my type so I just leave them be.

I don't know. I go there, lift, leave. I have 1 purpose and I ignore everyone else.

>inb4 soyboy

A lot. But I live in a hipster neighborhood in Brooklyn so it's to be expected

>that insecure guy with low self esteem that puts on the act of the bad-ass no fucks given determined alpha male when deep down inside he wishes he had the confidence to actually socialize and chill

Does 15 yo's count as hot? If so then I guess few but mostly women in their 50's.

My gym has a must be 18 y/o policy, yet I see fucking 15 year olds everywhere. Wtf is this?

one or two

Sounds awesome

Nofap will fix it

I go to a boxing/martial arts gym so 90% of the gymgoers are male, and the females that go there are usually very masculine big women, most of which are into Jiu Jitsu.

The only hot chick I can recall is about 30 and only appears once in a blue moon, she slided her foot down my peen on accident while training a Muay Thai kick once, I had to tense my leg for the remainder of the class to contain my boner

didnt need to make it personal :'(

None. Home gym master race here

too many.


this. Living in western society makes man complacent because of lack of hardship and no clear goal in life.
I hope you can work it out with your psychologist.

soy in the water

Except your mom

Idk I work out at like 5:30am so I'm usually one of 2-3 people in there total and none of those are women.

top zoz

literally the perfect female abdomen

A few but the only one who talks to me is a bumblr bemenist with a kenyan bf

Perfect proportions... hnnnnnng, would waifu on the spot


A fuckton.
>been going to a somewhat shitty gym away from the city center before
>at best 2-3 cardio bunnys there, sometimes the only femals were some 50+ women
>changed gym, now in the city center, really fancy 5 story gym (actually the biggest HammerStrength gym in the world)
>mfw it is packed with hot chicks, many of which actually lift, maybe 20-30% of all the people there are female, pretty much all young and hot

I work out in the forest so none I guess. Now and then I'll awkwardly make contact with a woman walking her dogs or something but that's about it
