Tfw lookism permanently fucked up your mind

>tfw lookism permanently fucked up your mind
How can I cleanse my mind and start lifting again? When I learned I'm barely a 4/10 I've stopped going outside, stopped lifting and stopped talking to people. My self-esteem took a nosedive. I-Is it truly all about the face Veeky Forums?

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If you are ugly don't waste time or effort lifting. Instead use that time to make money for facial surgery. Infinitely superior quality of life

Take a break from the internet and spend some time outside.

4/10 isn't abhorrent. Nobody gives a shit about you. You won't be drowning in bitches but most people will just be indifferent to you, just like you're probably too busy worrying about your own face to care about anyone else's.

Noon gainz. Just do simple stuff like pushups consistently, then add in some squats, then some gut work. Don’t make it a thing, just do it consistently knowing it’ll make you a better person.

Keep working out. You can at least be ugly with a great body and find an ugly chick with a great body.

That's not so bad, man. Don't be greedy.

bro don't you want to be big as fuarkkkk
its ok if you're ugly, you can still be bigger and stronger than you are now
you're a 10/10 for the iron

Post a picture

A 4/10 from lookism is easily a 6/10 (hell even more) in real life.
Lookismfags are unironically autistic. Literally. Fucking. Autistic. Would you trust an autistic person to explain to you how life works? They don't even know what attractive actually means. They have an autistic interpretation of what attractive means that doesn't apply in the real world AT ALL.
>How can I cleanse my mind
Realize you are taking advice from people that think just being alive not being a 8+/10 (by their retarded standards, basically a 10/10) is a way of coping. These people are even WORSE than r9k. I'm not fucking joking. They have a warped sense of reality.
The solution is literally just lift until the mires come and you'll realize how stupid you were listening to these people. The sooner you do it the better.

I'm in the same boat friend. My teeth are fucking terribly crooked, i have a LOOOONG chin, long overall face, and several(~10) large moles on my face.

I'm trying to save money to throw at a cosmetic dermatologist/plastic surgeon currently.

The way I see it no price is too high when it comes to your self image.

lifting+grooming is 90% of looks, and since everyone's a soyboy now it'll only take about a year to get in the top 20% of looks, even if you're a manlet.

Lookism is brutal blackpill.

Stop being a pussy?

Committing Sudoku?

Maybe the latter. Your "ugly" like 90 percent of men on the planet who still pull pussy easily.

Bodily means body not including face, and face is easily 70% of your looks.

I don't understand lookism, do you guys not go outside?

How come I see non-male models irl with looksmatched and sometimes even more attractive gfs than them??? According to you guys only male models get pussy so explain?

You're a fucking retard if you believe angry of that shit.

I see non-male models with women on my campus all the time, how is this possible if only insanely perfect faced Chads get pussy?

Fuck I didn't mean to attach that

I used to feel insecurities as a teenager, but having an unconventional face is cool. you automatically stand out and that's a good thing. beautiful people and ugly people are the only ones that matter, because no one notices the average face. I have a mean looking mug too, but it's cool. only basic girls like the traditional boring blonde guy with a hitler cut and some muscles. if you want bad bitch meme queens from tumblr, being ugly with a weird sense of style is way better. bad news? you gotta be tall.

These guys are just suffering from some kind of personality disorder. Probably paranoia. Lay of the wacky tobacky guys, and another thing that will make your life ten times better is to stop giving a shit what humans think.

Stop caring what other people think you autists. That will take care of your issue with women and take care of any other issue you are having.

>Stop caring what other people think you autists


>how is this possible if only insanely perfect faced Chads get pussy
No one said that, you're strawmanning.

change your brain chemistry

>just stop being insecure lol

So what's your point then?

If average men can get laid (average in America is 5'9 and chubby) why shouldn't we lift and improve ourselves to become more attractive? Where is the black pill in this situation considering most people here are low body fat, fit, 5'11+ and therefore able to get pussy better than the average guy in theory.

Start saving up for plastic surgery. I've essentially centered my entire life now around saving enough to get my jaw fixed. With enough money, anyone can become a chad.

>lifting for others

Never gonna make it

Those guys are all normies. Normies live life on easy mode. Autists need to be 8+/10 or they will die virgins.

99% of lookism fags are not autistic.

>he lifts for aesthetics

lift for strength, who cares about your face

Lookism really is incredible in how rapidly it can implant insecurities. It's like speedballing crushed blackpills. I browsed for no more than two hours in early 2016 and I still frequently think about what I learned. But like said they literally are mentally ill people, and though there is some merit to what they say, it's exaggerated. I'm a 4/10 and I've pulled 6s. The vast majority of people don't know anything about facial attractiveness and will judge with a much less critical eye.

Nigga re you blind? They're all autistic incels.

I posted my face on a lookism type forum and the shit they pointed out about my face as a negative I didn't even notice/realize in my entire life. Never pointed out to me or anything. I mean, they're probably onto something to an extent, but their focus on immutable characteristics and their belief that life and happiness is completely determined by outward appearances is unadulterated autism
At least they said I had 6/10 potential

because not everyone has broken their brains with years of shitposting

realize that the material advantages to having an aesthetic face / frame / height, while extant and numerous, are less significant than the deeper and more fulfilling aspects of a well-lived life

The blackpill is that being an attractive man makes it comically easier to get women, friends, friendliness, etc. Women don't find sub 6/10 PSL physically attractive. You have to compensate at those levels.

>find God
>become inspired to achieve a higher aspiration in life than money/women/muscle/dopamine
>strive for some kind of goal or ideal that is not related to immutable physical characteristics of your body which are irrelevant to your character
off the top of my head

>Finding God
>Implying that isn't dopamine that you're aspiring to

more like serotonin but religion provides a logical and philosophical framework that allows people to forge ahead even when they are feeling like total shit which is what I was talking about

>who cares about your face

what's the difference between the two? I thought they're both hapiness hormones.

I second this

Just accept it. You can still shoot and get some decent hoes. Gotta get jacked, dress nice, low bodyfat (more important than muscle) and take care of your hygiene/hair.

It doesn’t matter what your ratings on a scale is because you will find women you are attracted to that like you back. Stop being a bitch. You aren’t permanently fucked.

shouldn’t be allowed to vote

>Lookism really is incredible in how rapidly it can implant insecurities. It's like speedballing crushed blackpills. I browsed for no more than two hours in early 2016 and I still frequently think about what I learned.

Fuccck same shit happened to me. I'm slightly above average looking, got laid 3 times in 2017, and they literally made me borderline suicidal in 1 month of browsing. It's like mental cancer especially for us younger guys.

read a book dumbass

user let me share you my story:

>be me 18
>first year in college
>first semester
>always been skinny fat so decide to join the gym
>lose weight, get face gains and less gut
>two girls who went to school with me mire
>try to date this girl
>she breaks my heart after leading me for some weeks (conveniently told me she had a boyfriend after when I invited her to dinner after spending many time with her and doing what I thought was flirting)
>become very sad, insecure about myself
>what was I thinking? A girl liking me? I'm ugly and a manlet
>confess this to my best friend
>he sends me pic related
>the following day a girl confessed to me she liked me and needed to know if the feelings were mutual because I'm mysterious
>I say yes
>fast forward next day, we meet up, go for a walk and some coffee, talk, agree we should take things further because we're very alike, kiss, becomes my gf

This happened two weeks ago user. I had set up a Tinder account to get over the first chick and try to bang some thots, always feeling like I was too ugly and too short to be loved, and in the span of two days I get a girlfriend who is not only intelligent and beautiful, she's also shy like me and is 2 inches taller than me.

So my advice to you: stop looking at other guys and putting yourself down. Focus on your body. There is no greater truth out there than fit body and fit mind. Be confident. Be funny. Be polite. Excel in your work. Don't chase them. Be a beacon of light and they'll flock to you like moths to a flame. And when does shown interest in you, be courteous, talk to her but don't be a pushover. Let them crave you.

This is coming from a 150lbs 5'7 manlet with a 6/10 face on a good day. If I made it so can you.

dude in your pic is trying to suck your dick, no homo

I hope not kek

>wont let bro suck your cock for a test boost

never gonna make it brah

I got a test boost from my girl today no need for best friend to help

But he wants a good brotein shake, why would you deny him that

Kek alright user. Good night

Kek, have a good night and congrats on lady friend! Cheers! Congrats on making it you sick cunt!

Lookism ruined CBTs because now instead of people posting their progress it's only for the best people on Veeky Forums and only them. Instead of people giving you advice you just get shitposts like "start lifting" and other garbage.

I don't think you're as ugly as you believe user.

its the reverse most people are uglier than they realize, there are ten thousand people with your physiognomy who are slightly better looking, more symmetrical, healthier, more progressive and developed versions of your type. Denying this is insanity

Obsessing over it is even worse.

Thanks user!

>weak jaw
>big ass lips
>borderline unibrow
>acne has never gone away, considering accutane
>body hair all over back, shoulders, upper outer arms
>horrific beard genes; only patchy neckbeard grows
>face without beard looks 8-10 years younger than my actual age due to my soft features
>so the few mires I get are only from teenage girls

I am such a fuckin freak kek

that's why you lurk and learn and then keep it to yourself instead of crying like a faggot to your friends and anons if you don't have any friends, people who whine constantly about their lives aren't worth giving any attention or resources to at all, I have nothing but disdain for people that learn about lookism and then get a complex, but if you deny it when the truth is revealed to you, you are in fact psychotic and choosing to live in a false version of reality. They're both awful groups of people, and then beautiful people already know what's beautiful so they naturally are unaffected by all of it

>beautiful gf

Would not trade it for anything

>choosing to live in a false version of reality
No such thing as "false" version of reality. All of the observations you have asserted as a "fact" will make your experience respond as such. This is because reality is entirely subjective since you really only experience your mind, "reality" is merely a dream made up by your brain, you have no idea what objective reality actually is, and you only assume you experience the same as everyone else. The existence of "everyone else", hell, the existence of a "brain" producing experience are all merely assumptions you choose to believe. Basically what I'm trying to say is, there's nothing wrong with believing you're attractive even if it's a "lie". A false observation is still an observation, and with enough persistence it will harden into a fact, and your experience will reflect this.
TL;DR: "fake it till you make it" is low-key esoteric knowledge.

>tfw gianna michaels retired before incest porn became popular

gianna a bad bih

you seem like a happy chappy

>I-Is it truly all about the face Veeky Forums?

Listen user. I'm 30 and i've seen shit. I have a ridiculously aesthetic face (low brow, killer jaw lines, amazing skin).

It's NOT as effective as having a fit body, women (especially slutty women) when they dream about men, all they see is a body with a paper bag over the face.
They want to fuck the body, they want to suck it, feel it iron muscles. Face doesn't work.

I knew so many hot chicks that every guy in town wanted to fuck, one occasion was a legit 8\10 Russian girl.
I was good friends with her best female friend (was kinda an orbiter i guess) and she would tell me that she would drools over muscles, she doesn't give a flying fuck about face. seriously.
I know for a fact that some of the guys she fucked had fugly faces but they lifted and were kinda buff (but not even aesthetic) and she would fuck them and be all over them.

one of my best friends (after he got married) is a legit manlet with a 5\10 face and crooked teeth but he lifted and was kinda cut.
he told me that she would drool all over him, invite him to fuck her.

Women love body more than a face, ofc if youre the perfect package you can score even more but body>face.
trust me user. Just lift and act like a alpha chad a la make them feel like they are nothing and they will be all over you.

>Those guys are all normies. Normies live life on easy mode. Autists need to be 8+/10 or they will die virgins.
Massive cope.

Some weeks ago, I saw a very funny spectacle, some 9/10, 6'4" model type guy being ignored by women who went for a cute and chubby blond babyface guy instead.

Everything I learned on sluthate and lookism flew right out of the window.

>its the reverse most people are uglier than they realize, there are ten thousand people with your physiognomy who are slightly better looking, more symmetrical, healthier, more progressive and developed versions of your type. Denying this is insanity


Learn 2 things:

1. Good enough is good enough
2. The only thing that matters is if chicks find you hot. Who cares about some asspies on the net?

>These people are even WORSE than r9k. I'm not fucking joking. They have a warped sense of reality.
This. if you think /pol/ or /r9k/ are retarded, you ain't seen nothing yet.


They deny it. They literally think that anyone who has a gf is a 10/10 model with a chocolate dick that ejaculates 100 dollar bills.
Never ever leaving your basement helps a lot with that.

>le ol' "correlation = always 100% correlation" fallacy

His post has nothing to do with the pic you uploaded, brainlet

where is the coping exactly faggot ?
Muscles > face.

You will be more successful with muscles and an average face than the other way around.
you will need to have a 10\10 face if your'e a non lifting fag to get a chance at high tier girls. and even then it won't work because women hate to be seen in public with men that are smaller than them.

>Women don't find sub 6/10 PSL physically attractive.
>Yet they still fuck them, have relationships with them, marry them, have kids with them...
lol, who cares about attractivity then?

Lel cope. It's face, breh. Most girls would pick a pretty dyel over some ugly, musclebound autist any day.

another incel who overrates his facial aesthetics, gtfo faggot

Shave daily and pluck your fucking unibrow.

>tfw lookism rated me a 7/10
>tfw BALDing
>tfw lookism would give me a 5/10 or less now

The flipside is that 99% of men have low-self esteem so if you push through it and get confident from lifting you have a good chance to become a pseudo-Chad even with an ugly face. We are all gonna make it, BRHS

You don't know if the girls were rating only faces or bodies AND faces.

sorry but this is cope
I'm close to 10/10 bodywise (6'4", ripped/athletic fitness model body) with a 5/10 at most nondeformed face and I'm a kissless handholdless virgin

it's over for you boyo

also jfl at muh I want an attractive grill though I'm an ugly subhuman myself
it's ogre for double standardscels

Lookism helped me looksmax and I managed to lose my virginity at 25 to a 9/10 last year. Too bad I'm still an autist and can't keep up a charade, she dumped me a few months later.

You need to reach a new kind of low
A personal example is a girl I liked was dating a fat guy

maybe it's your personality then and you suck presenting yourself. they can smell insecurity.

>>face without beard looks 8-10 years younger than my actual age due to my soft features
you lucky fuck. balding so hard that i had to shave my head at 21. not even fixable with surgery. i look 35.

if younger girls mire, go after younger girls. stay legal obviously. and if you want to wife one, you can have a huge age gap, which means she will stay hotter way longer.

how you manage to frame your situation into a bad thing is unimaginable to me

I was disgustingly obese about a year ago ( like over 400lbs ) but decent height, 6'3, and I managed to pull a decent 7/10 nurse who supported me financially until I dumped her because she was pretty neurotic and I got my company off the ground.

I'm still pretty nasty looking body wise, am down to 280ish, been doing hard core keto, weights, test, everything I can think of. I manage to pull 8s and 9s at least once a week if I'm trying. I can pull 6-7s without trying.

I will say being short has a big impact on dating taller girls, don't go try to pick up taller girls. I have a fairly short friend, 5'9, and he manages to pull decent tail while looking like a fucking toll simply by sticking to girls shorter than him, and good PUA.

It is really 90% confidence, and a lot of good looking guys get their confidence from their looks.

this one has learned, it seems. good for him.

You're missing the big picture. They're not with you because they actually love you or find you attractive, they're with you because they're afraid to be alone.

>99% of men have low-self esteem
That is such a meme, 99% of men aren't even aware of these things. If they were aware, society wouldn't go full circle. Same with women.

>women actually thinks that makeup can make them go from 3/10 to 9/10

I'm in the same boat honestly. I've never really had low self-esteem and was pretty confident. But I'm actually a ugly. I've come to terms with it recently and have been isolating myself from everyone and everything. I can't even find the motivation to lift anymore.

>bad bitch meme queens from tumblr
that sounds fucking awful my dude

ok autists need to be 8+/10 6'5"+ or they will die virgins

There was a thread there with tinder experiments using ugly guys who roided/lifted and they still matched with a bunch of attractive girls who were dtf

>Attraction is all looks
>There is no subjectivity in looks

lol get over yourself nigger