/natty/ general

ITT: We post the best natty physiques





if he was actually taller he would have a good physique

>little baby hands
what is he like 5'6?





USADA doesn't think so

They're both around like 8-11% bodyfat, right? Is this literally the limit of bodyfat that you can sustain? I got down to around 7% and got sick 2 times in the month, up around 12% now a month and a half later and my workouts still aren't the same quality. Did I fuck myself? Did I fall for a meme? Do you need roids to sustain fat under 12%?

he roided for this lol


His hands are normal sized, that's just how big his muscles are.

nah bro
i'm totally natty
my crazy ass trap gains come from rack pulls!

I'm glad you like his traps, you can see clearly if you do some research that he put his blood, sweat & tears in to building them. He didn't need roids to get them to grow with all the extremely heavy exercises and variations he's performed to get them, some people are probably just pre-disposed genetically to grow big traps. Take Tom Hardy for instance, in the movie Bronson in particular, he had massive traps in comparison to the rest of his body- not even his shoulders, so don't tell me it was roids.


thank you user i lol'd heartily

Lol it's so hard not to laugh at guys under 5'6"...like why do they even bother?

I don't really know the guy, but the fact that androgens have a tendency to make people's traps and shoulders blow up, does NOT in any fucking way mean that you can't actually build good size in these muscles without androgens. Obviously.

>muscular forearms make your hands look smaller
