Diet food for a student on a budget

I've managed to effectively lose weight while I was living with my parents, but now that I live by myself and go to the student cafeteria to eat I'm not exactly in control of my diet.

Recently I've been eating shitloads and got fat again, now I would like to stop eating at the cafeteria because I've got higher prices than budget students and can't afford to be eating there.

What are some relatively simple recipes that I can make and easily gauge how much calories I'm taking in.

Eating less is really hard for me unless I use a scale which I don't have anymore.

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not gonna make it u weak normshit

but i've made it multiple times just not under the same circumstances

hardboiled eggs
30-40min slow cooking at 82°C for maximum gains



did you even read you faggot most of that shit is under 5$ and im pretty sure all of it is under 10
Not to mention most of them have calorie count you fucking degenerate.

p-pls no bully

Where I live:
>1.90€ buys you 900 g red lentils (3000 kcal, 225 protons, FUCKTONS of micronutrients)
>0.75€ buys you 1 kg macaroni (3700 kcal, 120 protons)
>1.35€ buys you 2 L 1.5% milk (880 kcal, 80 protons)
>0.69€ buys you 0.5 kg quark (300 kcal, 50 protons, very sour tho, I can't eat it on its own. I like sticking it in the blender with bananas or with that concentrated juice thing that you dilute with water to make 0 kcal juice, depending on what fits my macros)
>5.60€ buys you 1 kg olive oil (9000 kcal)
>White potatoes are usually 2€/kg but if you find a good deal sometimes they go as low as 0.35€/kg (700ish kcal, 50ish protons, FUCKTONS of micronutrients)
>I never eat rice because I hate it but I think you can get 5 kg bags for like 2-2.5€ (18000 kcal, 350 protons)
>You can get 600 grams 100% pure peanuts pb for about 3€ (3600 kcal, 150 protons)
>There's always some fruit or veggie at the grocery store at a weekly deal, last week for example I got 0.5 kg grapes, 1 kg pears and 1.5 kg oranges all together for just 4€, and they weren't even close to going bad (macros vary)
>76% pure whey (strawberry/vanilla) is usually 38€ per 2.5 kg (10400 kcal, 2000 protons), but last week I got it at 19€ (50% off)
Etc. You get the picture.

Forgot another tasty one:
>0.63 € buys you 300 grams finely diced soup greens, usually a mix of cauliflower, carrot, celery and leek (who cares about the macros, it's veggies, gotta get them in).
I like making a hearty soup with two bags of that and potatoes, salt pepper and olive oil, and after its done cooking, toss in a container of quark too. Super high protein, nutrient and fiber bomb, hearty, filling, low kcal, perfect in every sense

I live on 150 € per month. You'll manage.
First off, stop eating cafeteria food. It's not as expensive as eating at restaurants but it's not exactly the cheapest.
Plan out your meals. That way you know what you're eating and you know what to buy ahead of time. Collect some Veeky Forums recipes, adapt them so you need only a small variety of ingredients. If one recipe calls for cauliflower and another calls for broccoli, consider using one of those for both dishes.
Cook in bulk for several days in advance. On a cut, I spend an hour in the kitchen (90 minutes including doing the dishes if I'm taking my time) for 4 days of food. That's less than half the time it takes to walk to my nearby cafeteria and wait for my meal.
If you can store them, buy non-perishable food items in bulk when they're cheap. I always have a supply of kidney beans, wholegrain pasta, brown rice, canned tuna, sardines, canned tomatoes and pickles (as snacks). Shit keeps forever even in the cupboard.

Finally, stop posting Apu you brainlet.

Something like this you mean?

Also, learn to love lentils.

Thanks, I just hope that cooking for cheap is as easy in this country as it seems to be for all of you.

I just read about brining, interesting. I have a lot of chicken breast in the freezer, if I start brining it at 11 PM and in the fridge while still half-frozen, will I be able to eat it by 12 AM of the next day?

>student on a budget
>gets fat

I'm trying to eat less in order to have more money left over for drugs, hence the budget.

You want lean proteins and complex carbs

Chicken breasts and swai fish are cheap for lean proteins
Eggs are also a good source

For complex carbs
Berries and apples
Berries can be bought frozen

Other good cheap foods

Greek yogurt
Canned tuna


Dont want to start a new thread so I'll post it here

Some time ago I didnt workout and spent most of the time sitting durring the day. I gained about 6 kg (86 total weight), Went on diet, nothing fancy, just removed some foods / sugars entirely.
I've lost those 6 kg within 3 month.

Now here is the real issue. I've started working out and changed my diet accordingly (high protein, good fats, etc). I've gained about 6kg over about 5 month (not in a hurry).
The thing is, now when I try to cut with the same diet as before, my weight is not changing at all.

Can anyone explain why diet that worked before no longer works? I'm literally eating the same thing as back then, same amounts

Thank you in advance.

you are a lazy fuck with no self control

y-you don't know me

do you use a squat plug?

You can’t make it “multiple” times. You make it only once.

Now go lose some weight fatass

get a big sack of rice and a big sack of dried beans. add variety with fresh vegetables and fruit, for meat get whatever is cheapest (usually chicken thighs, sometimes pork) Combine your ingredients in differnt ways. you can get down to 5-7$ per day. for dessert just get plain yogurt and add a little honey. also you get to practice cooking and experiemnting

Are you retarded?

I've been fat, slimmed down to an acceptable size and stayed like that for over a year and now I'm back because of taking up bad habits again.

>I'm not exactly in control of my diet.
Yeah, you are. You are always responsible for 100% of the choices you make, including making this fucking idiotic thread.

I'm not in control of the shit that is being served to me, therefore I wish to take control of my diet by cooking for myself.

Stop being such an adversarial faggot.

sorry user you should have said from the beginning that you are force fed

>Why don't you just bask in the glory of being better than me instead of arguing over semantics like a cunt?

What are they serving in the cafeteria? Deep fried pizza and lard milkshakes? Has everyone else in the cafeteria gotten as fat at as you from eating there on a daily basis?