EC stack thread, get in here fellow speed freaks

EC stack thread, get in here fellow speed freaks

So basically I was doing this shit without the aspirin like everyone does and it was going great, but I decided to add just two 81 mg aspirins to my stack just to see what difference it would make and wtf, it has pretty much killed all the effects I was feeling. No more euphoria or appetite suppression or focus, doesn't feel like I've taken shit now. It has lowered my blood pressure by a little though. Does anyone know why this might be? I thought the aspirin was supposed to enhance the effects of the ephedrine, not negate them

bump pls help answer

why take an EC stack when you can just take clen? sincere question

Don't fuck with aspirin. Just do EC if you're hell-bent on doing it. You're only gonna burn an extra 200 or so calories passively from it, though. Wasn't worth the sweat, jitters, and heart palpitations/cramps due to my lowered potassium levels.

One weird side effect of being on an EC stack is that I, for whatever reason, started having multiple orgasms when I'd masturbate/fuck. Like, one full orgasm and then another where I'd actually cum. A couple times I even had two orgasms and then a third where I'd cum. Weirdest thing ever and no amount of Googling gave me an answer as to why it was happening. Weird, but nice. Still happens sometimes, although not as easily, years after being off EC.

doesn't clen increase appetite? the point of ec is suppressing appetite

I've never noticed that with clen when I take it, but if that's your experience I get it.

Is it bad to be doing this with 150 mg ephedrine a day? i didn't feel shit with the normal 75

I've been doing ECY on and off for years. Shit makes me feel like God.


That's a shitload, you're gonna die

how much yohimbe?


plz advise

I've always heard combining Ephedrine and Yohimbine is too much for the heart. If it works for you more power to you but I personally run an EC stack for about a month or two, take a week off, and then do a YC stack to finish my cut.

I quit EC recently because I don't think it's working anymore. It used to help me shed a lot but the caffeine pills barely registered in the end. I think I'm just used to the effect.

I take yohimbine and green tea pills now instead in hopes of still getting some kind of energy that's not caffeine. 8mg jacks me up for awhile.

Why not just do adderall or other amphetamines?

this shit ok to do on a /fast/ing day for appetite suppression?

I wouldn't risk having a stroke, I would stop

>drugging yourself to get results
Get willpower faggot

I tried. It worked for my first 100lbs but the last 30lbs isn't working as well.

Day 2 ECA pretty good so far.

where tf do you expect me to get that shit?

>local dealer pushes just about every drug under the sun on me all the time, weed, lsd, lean etc
>ask him for some amp
>he starts acting really shady and kinda pissed off, tells me he never goes that far

fucker acts like i'm some mexican cartel member

moar fat assed asians pls


Do you need to slowly lower the dosage to stop or can you come off cold turkey?

You can just stop if you're not a pussy, it's not like benzos