Official announcement from Chris-ConfidoSupport


Seems like a genuine good guy, he's just a community dude after all. He takes the hit while the devs ran off with $$$



u naive poor retard. grow the fuck up

>implying "Chris" isn't just the devs trying to give the community false hopes so they can buy more time

How new are you in the crypto game kiddo?

Reminds me of all the damage control that went down at the end of BFL ( Butterfly labs ) for newfags here

Ouch lol.
Did this legit happen?

that's someone imitating to be him, the admin tag is missing.

oh shit nvm, just saw the message got pinned, which only admins do. lmfao... this shit is worse than Kids, innit?

Buy more time for what? They already exited.
Chris is very much likely to have been rused by Confido.

he addressed that screenshot. said he was copy pasting a reply from somewhere else but fucked up the format. i don't believe this chris guy is in the scam, he still hasn't left

>Seems like a genuine good guy
Man you're naive. Probably believe infomercials at night too.

wait, so "Chris" shilled Confido and himself? Forgot to switch accounts? is this for real?

The devs moved all of their ICO ETH to bittrex as soon as they could. If you fell for this scam, you might aswell buy LINK

man, I had 5 accounts for the ICO ready and could have made over 20k from this.
Knew it was an exit scam but was worried they will just steal all my money pre ICO. Was bummed out when I saw the >10x gains, but am kinda releived now. Feel bad for the fuckers who lost their money though kek


no, it's fake

Lars, you're fucking up.

So the main PR guy of this project is only as smart as NBA players. That alone would be enough for me to sell if I had any.

Also this shit hit like 15x at some point. Anyone who didn't sell at that point can drown in a pool filled both with their stupidity and greed as far as I'm concerned.

yo do you have an invite link to that telegram chat?

but it's just useless spam now