This is part of my DYOR for Link

Tell me why this is good for investment?

Tell me why shouldn't I buy this project?

Other urls found in this thread:

I bought it only because I was sick of all the Veeky Forums shilling so I said, fuck this, I will be part of this shit show so LINK shills threads will have a purpose to me too.

This is probably the only reason to buy LINK.

DYOR faggit.
Asking Biz isn’t part of DYOR.
Also, can you not fucking read? Their are 87 LINK threads on here less than 24 hours old.

Well, most of the shilled coins here probably get the most pump some time in the future because fuck regulated market

You shouldn't buy because you will miss out on BTC and other gains

You should invest because it's a guaranteed moon mission long term. I imagine 1 year...or a few months after main network is launched

It has funny memes

buy for meme, easy

Im all in btw

Came for the gains, stayed for the memes.

>Tell me why shouldn't I buy this project?

only 1/3 supply is circulating
2 devs
very little development happening, see

>very little development happening

I have 5k shares. About a quarter of my portfolio. Really wish I had more. It's ETH all over again

Thanks. I've cancelled my order. My main concern in crypto world is their real world usability and development. Judging from this data, I wouldn't want to buy it.

>My main concern in crypto world is their real world usability and development
>Judging from this data, I wouldn't want to buy it
Top kek. Good luck user. U are a very good researcher.


but I do believe in the project, got in because it's so fucking cheaaaap

>durrr you shouldn't buy link to get a 10000% return in the future because you'll miss out on the BTC 20% ROI!
you are retarded. stop giving people shit advice. buying BTC right now at ATH or close to it would be absolutely retarded. you probably got into crypto yesterday.

Are you seeing something we're not seeing?

I guess he means the "updated 3 days ago" thingy

I have some research pasta for Link but you're not worth it

Fuck you OP

There are already 20+ threads on this at any given time on Veeky Forums

>This is part of my DYOR for Link


>Tell me why

meme magic is real

so easy

>I bought it ironically
Shutup you hipster you know LINK is going to go to the moon just as much as the rest of us

I just recently moved to Hong Kong for an internship at citic bank. Everyone who is into crypto here is constantly telling me, that everything before Chainlink was just playing around and that it is expected to exceed the market cap of ethereum.

This. I always see people posting shit like "It's not going anywhere for the next few months so I'll ride the BTC pump right now".

This is retarded because 1. You don't know when BTC will stop rising. 2. You don't know when LINK will start rising

All you can be sure of is that LINK will rise AT SOME POINT. But thinking you're smarter than the market and trying to time it is a recipe for suicide. See I learned this lesson the hard way. Made my stack in ETH by buying back in February/March. Spent all year chasing pumps and trying to time the market. Sometimes it worked out, sometimes it didn't. I'm now in exactly the same place as I'd be if I just held ETH this whole time.

If you've done your research how is it hard to be patient? This is the closest to a sure thing as you're likely to get

Pic related is the ETH chart. As long as you weren't playing with pocket money a decent investment would have been enough for you to retire off

The worst thing about this coin is the team is small so updates will be slow. This is a long term hold for sure. Everyone on the team is experienced in programming and crypto and have been working on this project for years already. They are providing a way for businesses to use smart contracts to send information through the blockchain in a secure decentralized and trustless manner by utilizing oracles and smart contracts. They will handle the book keeping on the blockchain end for banks and other financial/legal/etc institutions. They are partnered with many banks as well as swift which has acccess to the financial records of 11000+ banks. As of now no one is really providing a good way to handle the transfer of alot of information from the real world in to the blockchain which link will provide. If they are successful their product will solve the oracle problem that Etherium is facing right now. The centralized banks and service providers who use link will be required to own a centain amount of link before they can run nodes/oracles and the more link the node/oracle owner holds the more trustworthy they will be. The node owner has incentive to make sure the information they put in to the system is correct or they risk losing money and link. They have a semiworking prototype up on their website. They own the domain

Right now what is important to Sergey is making their project seem legitimate so they don't have legal trouble down the road. This means not trying to pump their coin and not attempting to have it listed on as many exchanges as they can as fast as possible. They are focusing on securing as many partnerships as possible while they devealop their project.

btc address:


I thought you made that up but CITIC is actually a real bank lol


>real world usability and development
look into MOD and RLC.
>just wait until we live in singularity
there, now he doesn't have to read it.

but ETH is a mineable coin while LINK is a token

Just listen to this presentation. I'm not particularly technical but even I understand the problem chainlink solves and how broad the applications of it are

I know we make fun of Sergey but he is a good speaker

>I failed to sell a clear ath
>I've been holding onto bags that have lost 80% in value since because I'm too emotionally invested
And you call anyone else a newcoiner
Lmao kid

>hurr durr tokens can never moon