Bitcoin is back over $8100 already

Amazing. It is truly undumpable.

Other urls found in this thread:


BTC will most likely pump TEMPORARILY because of people existing Tether to get BTC then to get fiat

this made my peepee hard, sauce?

why is she rubbing a neck pillow

join the best pump group

Anjelica/krystal bond

her ass looks like a toilet seat

Why are altcucks so delusional?

"Back to normal"


LOL and that

No one actually dumps coins because of one moderately bad PR, other than emotional idiots with no skin in the game.
This isn't some soul-crushing shit and in the PR they laid out a quick solution that has already taken effect. The stolen funds will have basically zero impact on anyone holding tether, except that they can't use the frozen tokens if they somehow got them.
Thinking that this will kill anything is an overreaction.

fucking LOL

BTC will most likely pump TEMPORARILY because of people existing Tether to get BTC then to get fiat



If my theory is right, some unknown amount of money, (maybe close to $31 million) was printed in tether to buy bitcoin whenever it dropped.
That's only 1% of the daily trading volume, but really that was enough money to scare off short sellers.
The natural price might be closer to $5000, since most of these bull runs started on bitfinex, and other exchanges followed.

So where will you have your money?

Do people actually believe Tether has any impact on BTC at all? The news to me doesn't even sound like it's in the same ballpark as say China's ICO ban.


Probably because they made 20x just the other day off of a literal scam.

Or they could just wait 3 years for their bitcoin to appreciate by 20x...assuming it lasts that long

Veeky Forumstards grasping at straws as usual, looking for any tiny excuse to justify their schizophrenic, unweighted thoughts

shits comfy yo

Join to the new neoconnect

Ripple if you just want stability. i don't think altcoins will really be hit that hard. but I'm taking a risk by believing that.
But there's reason to believe BTC profited the most from this scammery.

eth has stabilized down $15 from earlier today. prob a decent buy

Two degenerates that need to be stoned.

Who's the chick on the left?

Guys I need the downlow on Bitconnect. I'm about to drop money on it

go away ISIS



If you have .63 bitcoin. What's the USD cashout gonna be in a few months? Will I be a millionaire?

I'm annoyed because the other weekend I spent $3k in one night on escorts and drugs. So I want to put $2000 on something meaningful

OMG it took a minute but that was funny as fuck user.

This is what imageboards are all about.

go back to your containment board faggot, this is the most degenerate website on the internet fuck off

source nigger ive been searching but cant find it

Post that pic we all love. You know the one

why do people always pretend they dont like thinn asses?

Sounds about right for a bcc 'investor'.

this please link to the video, can't find it

Too soon, user. Shame.

pedophile detected

Krystal BOYD anons

iota investor?

Lana Rhodes

You can actually see the outline of user's chastity cage through this post.

Nope, it's going down..
It was an impressive last kick though

>this is the most degenerate website on the internet
Oh, Sweetie . . .
