This is manlet inspo thread

this is manlet inspo thread

What’s inspirational about this?


he literally grabs her waist from his shoulder
is he the manlet king?

>if you make a lot of money you will get attractive women out of your normal range
>he isn't attractive or Veeky Forums at all
shouldn't this be in Veeky Forums?

Just a rich Jew

Not gonna lie he looks pretty fuckin pimp in that pic.
Having a girl taller than you makes it look like you must have something else really going for you and it makes her look like a model.
Picrelated is my manlet inspo

Gotta respect him for not trying to hide it like that faggot, RDJ

Who should give 80 cents off every dollar he makes to Seth MacFarlane for salvaging his career, lest he still be making a glorified puppet show for manchildren.


Seth is a jew manlet too dumbfuck

>I am more ___ than you, be humble
>be humble
Do the kangs even understand what they are saying?

They don’t teach that in nigger school.



im a norwegian manlet this guy is my inspo

Money talks. Most women are indirect prostitutes. That's why they breed inferior children.


Uh. Not my point but I'll take the bait. No he isn't. MacFarlane traces his lineage back to the Mayflower. Or were you talking about Seth Green, who openly mocks his Jewish faith?


>the nu face of Norway is African and it's beautiful

Don't forget to be a rich musician, manlets!

Norwegians are the niggers of Scandinavia.

>wearing heels just to rub it in his face

Women are truly evil

At least they're not cucks like swedes.

excuse me

>implying I don't want her to be taller
>tfw no tall girl gf

Learn your place, manlets

Very true, but still nigger tier in my book.

Was dating a 5'3" gym thot who kept getting asked for ID in bars, even she wouldn't date someone under 6', 5'11" was questioned and she wasn't sure.

6' is the unofficial manlet cut off point, where do they go to find true love??

height/stats? 3 years is pretty long but still impressive, i thought manlets were supposed to be ripped in a much shorter time

That dude in the back is wearing some pretty gay pants for an old lady living off her dead husband's retirement.

I'm 5'8", my GF is 6'0".

>Women are truly evil
Not when the thing she rubs in his face are her boobs.

someone post the manlet uprising kill all lanklets pic with all the pepes standing on top of each other, i lost it

Shut up ya manlet

post pic sidebyside

>t'challa ruined his financial stockpiles and sent his nation's disposable income down the drain with about 80% deficit and probably has to spend most of remaining income keeping nation afloat with so little BLACK POWAH to export
>boseman is 3 inches shorter than affleck and should be looking up at him
>africans say 'tings' and not 'thangs' like basketball americans
god fucking DAMMIT JAMAR stop being such a FACT NIGGER

>living the dream
I'm jelly

how can i, as a turbomanlet, produce offspring in good conscience? how do i land an amazonian snusnugf in an attempt to course-correct the sinking ship that is my genetic lineage?


Unless you have an extraordinary talent or wealth, being short is deathblow. You have close to 0 percent chance. I'm talking about real short. Not 5'10 faggots. I'm talking like someone like 5'6" or below. We're fucked.

Sure I can keep lifting and it will help my self esteem. But it doesn't improve the reality around me. It doesn't suddenly make girls want me.

Every girls first requirement is always "He has to be tall hahaha"

move to a country where the guys are more manlet then you are.

it may suck and it may be hard to do, but it is a solution

Just not a real possibility.

I'm at a crossroads and don't really know what to do.

kill yourself, quick and easy and I won't have to read any more of your crybaby bullshit. Grow the fuck up jesus christ, the world isn't fair to anyone, take what you've got and own it, or do the aforementioned

maybe teaching ESL is an option?

I saw Mexican bros who are 5'6 or shorter all the time with their women, some of them hot too. Believe me or don't believe me but I see it damn near everyday. Move to CA and go after the latina ladies.

Thanks for your support

I would have loved to when i was younger, but I'm already in a spot in my career that I can't just abandon to go teach english. although I would love to

Yah their culture is a little different. But I'm stuck in a hick town in the southeast and very few latinas around here. The few that are work for the local mexican restaurant and are with mexican chads

>t I'm already in a spot in my career that I can't just abandon to go teach english.
if you are not getting laid, why have a career?

also, how short are you?
