How do I stop drinking coffee, please help

How do I stop drinking coffee, please help

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You stop and feel miserable for a few weeks.

Yeah just stop it and feel like walking dead for some time

Caffein withdrawal is only temporary but you must stop consuming it altogether

why quit?

Turn into a trap. You will no longer be able to drink coffee with a dick in your mouth.

because it's given me ED

what like binge eating?

Dick broke?

Yes. I can't stay hard for longer than 10 seconds unless I'm constantly stroking it.

Quints of impotency.

Actually I found it a lot easier to drop to 1 coffee per day for a while before quitting entirely. Dropping coffee instantly altogether have me terrible headaches and had no energy to do anything. Limiting the amounts first and getting used to lower amounts did not give me any headaches and the energy loss was minimal

Why do you think coffee is the problem?


step one
don't put the coffee in the machine in the morning

coffee is healthy just dont drink more than 5cups a day.
"Caffeine: A vitamin-like nutrient, or adaptogen"

Well yeah it's not unhealthy, but the dwpendency is the problem. First few times coffee will be useful, but the effect goes away pretty quickly and all you are left with is just another thing you have to do every day just so that you don't feel terrible

coffee is perfectly healthy to drink every day, stop blaming it for your dick problems

i take a couple days off each week. I don't need coffee on the weekends for example cause I'm not working or waking up early, and I take 1 day during the week off as well. Other days I only drink 1 or 2 cups. I feel the effects every time.
just control your intake, no need to go cold turky. coffee is great

What do you guys about black tea? I tried green tea but it was fucking horrible

I just switched to decaf and felt out of it for like 3 days but now I feel better than ever.

green tea it's a low enough dose you don't wind up having the same dependence issues or the peaks and lows throughout the day. It's a calm sort of awareness.
really depends on the tea. I would say try finding a green you like most of the generic "green tea" with no variety listed I find in america is indeed disgusting. But even mediocre sencha (often sold as "Japanese green tea") is pretty good. Green tea is about half as potent as black tea and black tea is about 1/3rd as potent as drip coffee. (steep time is not a huge variable since caffeine is very water soluble and will likely mostly come out before your tea is even done steeping). Oolong is also a great option, it's between green and black tea in terms of caffeine content but it tastes so great on average I often don't want anything else. Tazo (owned by starbucks only) makes a green tea infusion with lemongrass, lemon verbena and spearmint called zen. That's pretty good for being a more granny tea that's widely distributed.

I quit coffee for Lent and have literally felt no benefits. Why would you even bother quitting?

Caffeine is garbage.

from personal experience;
better shits less ibs like diarrhea means better nutrient absorption. Most of that's already done before it gets to your descending colon but still you're fast tracking your colon with can lead to deficiencies in certain micros.
Easier to get up in the morning feel more aware in general
Less anxiety, which means less cortisol. Less cortisol means more test
It's more effective when you do need it.
Can get to sleep easier and get a better quality of sleep. Again that points to better test and potentially shorter recovery times.
Less acid in diet can be better for your teeth and if you get acid reflux like feelings when you're working out it can diminish that too.

Have you tried no fap? I don’t think coffee is causing your problem. If anything, coffee should make you horny due to the caffeine high.

halve each week

this i stopped having wet dreams once i stopped consuming caffeine after 19:00

sounds like performance anxiety/ anxiety in general quitting caffeine can help but only indirectly. If you're in your mid 20's and this is a new thing it's probably just your sex drive falling off which is normal. Humans are long lived take a long time to mature and don't have a breeding season. We're not meant to be sexually stimulated all the time but media and the habits of our daily lives wind up bombarding us with sexual stimulation constantly. So a lot of people wind up feeling a disparity between the amount of sex and masturbation you think you're suppose to be having and the amount your body is actually wanting. So I would say ask yourself first before you do anything like no fap "am I really broken or is this just normal?"

stop making coffee. I don't know why you'd want to though, it is one of the cheapest and highly effective stimulants and anti-oxidant herbal teas.

does coffee darken your teeth or is that a meme? I drink at most one small cup of black coffee per day.

Caffeine is a vasodilator, if anything it should help you dick. If you are under 25 it is probably just performance anxiety, and the caffeine makes you more anxious. I had similar problems and fixed it by ditching hookups and entering a healthy long term relationship where I knew my partner loved me no matter what my performance in the bedroom was like, which made me drop the anxiety and end up being able to have enjoyable sex for the first time in my life. Basically, maybe try to build a trusting relationship with the next girlie you like instead of just trying to bust a nut.

yes it does also acid wear makes your teeth more susceptible to letting the stains set in. But at one cup a day I doubt it'll amount to much.

I actually did quit yesterday, from 7am yesterday to now I haven't drank any coffee, had a headache because if it yesterday but today I'm fine. Although I had an excellent night of sleep (8 solid hours) I felt like shit in the morning (as usual, but a bit more tired than when I used to drink coffee). I thought it would help me in my anxiety but so far it haven't. Should I keep going or hop on that caffeine train?

give it about 2 weeks for your bowels to adjust and the rest sort of comes after that. Keep a sort of journal with just like a brief description of how well you slept, how you feel physically (and emotionally since stuff like stress is going to have psychosomatic effect) what you ate and how awake your are. Don't look back at entries until you're about month in then you'll start to see a picture of how it's effecting you. A lot of people underestimate the value of good journal keepings role in general fitness.

switch to tea and water, easy as that

You drink tea instead and gradually lower the dosage.

makes sense, it's a vasoconstrictor. my dong hangs lower and i get fuller erections when i'm off.

i'm also addicted as fuck. the only way to kick would be to take a week or two off from life and just pop advil and smoke weed until the pain passed.

thanks man

yeah I just quit altogether, I was already used to drink tea, so I'm drinking black tea on the morning and green tea in the afternoon

I am a 4th year med student and have been drinking obscene amount of coffee for 4 years and have literally never had this issue.

Dont think its the coffee user.

>Caffeine is a vasodilator
y wud u say dis

i felt like i'm gonna snap when i quit coffee
to add to that - i quit coffee and cigs in the same day, felt like zombie

lot of people think because it contains theobromine it's a net vasodialator, it's not but you know that never stops speculation.

I get a cup of coffee after every workout session, am I fucked?

if you had more than one egg for breakfast you're a dead man walking

Been there brudda. You can't be under any pressure to perform socially when you first quit uppers.

Ideally I'd have months to go cocoon mode. It takes a long time to become human again after you drop your stimulant of choice. You literally stop having thoughts at first.


Daily coffee drinker for 9 years, past two weeks switched to Yerba Mate tea. I know it doesn’t have as much caffeine as coffee, but I’ve felt no negative side effects (headache, irritability, etc). I fall asleep around 10pm and wake up well-rested and alert around 5:15am.

well cofffee is about 125 milligrams of caffeine and yerba mate is around 85 per cup. Although yerba mate carries a rather serious risk of throat cancer associated with it so I'd stop drinking that stuff if I were you.

Huh, I hadn’t heard about its potential cancer risk until now. Just read up on it briefly, seems like the smoked Yerba mate may be more suspect? The breadth and depth of studies on it is lacking.

I will feel miserable either way.

well unless you're getting it tested I'd just err on the safe side.

didn’t have any time to go cocoon mode, next day was already gym, work, college
wojak mode

Are you the faggot from the coffee thread yesterday?
Drink it as a preworkout. Don't drink on any other occasions.

easier to first just go down to one well timed cup per day with no sugar or cream.

been drinking for 9 years 1+ cup a day. decided to stop cold turkey for 1 month and didn't feel worse, no headache, just missed the flavor. it's three only thing I take before workout

Drink green tea instead.

Black coffee's not enough anymore. I have to drop an apirin in the first one of the day.
It makes the taste shit but at least it hits the brain fast enough that the debilitating migraine doesn't kill me.
I'm gonna try other stims to get off of it.

Pot a day makes me feel OK

1 8oz cup a day is good for you. Don't drink tea because it's loaded with fluoride

Its allways so bitter am I doing something wrong? I let it sit for about 2 min but it still tastes like shit


Brew at 80℃. Use good quality loose leaf Japanese green tea (had less fluoride as mentions too).

Switch to half-caf then full decaf.

I had to quit due to a stomach problem. I only drink decaf occasionally now.

thanks user you get a kiss on the cheek

Awww... no homo, right?

If you're a med student you should know different people can have different reactions to the same substance.

Personally I find that drinking too much caffeine will make it hard for me to relax, the blood stays in my body instead of going to where I want it to go.

Cut back the number of cups per day to one, and only one. Or switch to tea.

>we all gonna make it

quitting coffee is a meme
coffee overall has been determined as healthy
caffiene by itself can be troublesome but there are other active chemicals in coffee that change how caffeine affects the brain
Also one must assume coffee within a few hours of sleep would be detrimental due to it interrupting sleep


The half life is like 6 hours or something so even having it earlier its gonna take basically a whole day to be out of system and I imagine the stim effect reduces sleep quality even if you can fall asleep okay. Not that I dont drink it.. I roast my own beans and drink pretty much daily.

drink mate

wtf I hate coffee now

switch to meth

Just dont do cold turkey.
Did it last week, got a 48h nonstop headache, just stopped when I gave up and took a sip

No, the problem with yerba mate is that Gauchos traditionally drink it insanely hot.

If you are reasonable you will be fine.

When I go without coffee I get boners constantly.

there's still a ridiculous amount of PAH in there.

You don't

I have. Feels great.

No reason

>the blood stays in my body instead of going to where I want it to go
o-outside of your body?

just stop dude. It's coffee, not smack.

Real talk, just ease off slowly, no need to go cold turkey. Drink 3/4 your normal amount for a few days, then half, then a quarter, then tea, then boom, you got off coffee in about a week with only minor discomfort instead of hell.


This is the better version

sunday-thursday: peppermint tea and melatonin 3 hours before bed right when it gets dark with food

friday-sunday: dont take melatonin or peppermint tea, spend the extra time awake lifting at 24 hour gym

sleep 8-10 hours a night without an alarm clock

drink decaf coffee and asprin to help caffeine withdrawl

I had a fresh espresso with a little Kahlua in it this morning. Feels fucking greater than great.