What mode is this?


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Sieg Heil

libshits on suicide watch mode

Only trains arms mode

This was my goal body, but i think i am a little bigger now

Prepared to get pumped in the ass in prison mode

Do you fags actually watch the shit you post or do you just fall in love with the idea you created of it in your head?

>Becomes a shitlib
>Brother gets killed by a nigger anyways

>Do you fags actually watch the shit you post

the moral of the story, without wanting to spoil the end, is that he was right all along

The point is to swalow the red pill without turning into a racist nazi shithead

>being this reddit

>Considers himself redpilled
>Still bluepilled on race

you havent even started becoming redpilled you soyboy

dyel or /bwf/ mode
he looks like a slightly scrawnier version of this guy

>without turning into a racist nazi shithead

it's like how you can be a "moderate" because you're too ignorant or disinterested to like politics. Or you can be one from a position of knowledge. Skinheads are racists from a position of emotion the only value they place on information is to use facts to confirm their pre-existing bias. If you arrive at a conclusion that's "racist" from a base of knowledge taken without the goal of supporting your bias then you're enlightened. That being said a good 90% or more of the followers of any political or social movement are complete idiots riding on the coattails of more enlightened individuals.

>That being said a good 90% or more of the followers of any political or social movement are complete idiots riding on the coattails of more enlightened individuals.
Pretty much. The difference between 80s/90s skinhead white nationalism and the alt-right is that it has legitimate academics & intellectuals backing it up and appeals to the middle and working class instead of trailer trash.

The difference is between racism and defence against anti-white racists. I don't know why people find it so hard to comprehend. The SJWs are profoundly racist and their globalist financiers want to eradicate white national identies, histories and cultures.

To call resistance to this "racist" is so fucking obtuse it makes my head hurt.

There's a deracinated version of resisting it (generally revolving around expanding libertarian or liberal principles) and a racist version of resisting it via white-identity politics (alt-right)

I wonder why people think the alt right is racist

I think that mainly comes from how it's approached as an "us vs them" issue instead of "we need this to continue fair impartial representation". Ultimately it is an "us vs them" issue but when you treat it like that you're basically creating a blame target telling someone else to accept responsibility for it which they're obviously going to fight against.

Praise Kek

low fps photoshop mode

how to look like this

couple push ups
few pull-ups
maybe some dips
and body weight squats
pride ups and fork downs
any normal person who has sex 3 times a week should pretty much look like this

>year 4716
>not being racist nazi skinhead
How are you gonna make it without racism gains?

White Man with Nonzero Self-Respect Mode

i-i'm supposed to have sex three times a week?

it's 2-3 times a week "normal" if it's right for you that a different matter. I'm more of a daily if not twice daily kinda person but not everyone I've been with has that kind of tolerance.