Explain this one you freaks

explain this one you freaks

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What're we meant to explain? Why a cute shitskin would take an ugly masterrace? Seems obvious.

Looks like a white man who is too fucking ugly too get a decent looking white woman again

>cute brown girl
>meh white guy
I'd say it was love, but it's more likely lust.

Sage the shit out of this, not even close to Veeky Forums related.

very fuckable monkey, truly a miracle

Racemixers will be killed first

Is that Connor Murphy?

OP is a sad man, .


ITT: homosexuals

he's got swag
you wouldn't understand op
he probably smokes hella weed and knows where to get bombass tacos

ITT; faggotry

Pretty sure this is just a basic white girl that used too much tanning spray

She looks as beta as you faggot. If someone bumped into her in the street, I'd expect her to apologise, or if she forced herself to fire up, end up crying.

2 pathetic weak bitches, both physically and mentally. Take your sub par genetics and gtfo


There are 4 billions women on this planet and probably 100 million chads at most. Not every qt girl gets to have a chad.

african women have skinny masculine hips because their heads are smaller, especially at birth

who is the real faggot if you like manly women?

what race is this bitch? Latina?


>wanting an outspoken loud ass """alpha""" SJW feminist man-she girl that will talk back and cuck you to feel "empowered"
No thanks faggot

thought white women didnt have nice hips?

Hes white. Want a real challenge? Find me a poor looking DYEL indian guy with a girl like that.

White women have the widest hips of any race, less fat on the rear/glute area than africans.


meant for

That girl is qt

Ethiopians, egyptians and berbers have enough mixture to have dark complexion and underlying causasoid features

I saw a halfbreed at my gymtoday with this
Perfect hourglass figure like you’d see in a cartoon
Big giant ass with medium sized waist back up to giant tits

then you're not looking hard enough
white women are god tier

hips =/= ass