Fit faces

facial aesthetics, improvement etc. give and get feedback

Sons of anarchy was so stupid past season 3-4. I didn't even watch the last 10 episodes.

did we ever find out who Rico was?

It was never great, characters didn't react as real people would, especially side characters.

Last season was simply depressing, and that was it's biggest flaw.


taken from Instagram

Unironically the king of facial aesthetics.

Listen do your girlfriend, use face soappy thing for face, moisturize, shit like that, girlfriends know a lot about face aesthetics I tellz ya.

>dat lips
Le 56% face for sure...

I think rico was the mexican dude bangin his mom

He's Eastern European so likely has zero African blood. Full, shapely lips are aesthetic

He's still an ugly looking subhuman

nigga thats me

about 60% of the times i go out to a bar I pull some fat bird or 5/10 chick

I would try sth different with the hair and get a more positive attitude


you posted that same pic in another thread yesterday asking if you have gyno.




Damon Albarn is that you? I love Blur.

Your midface is a bit long but you're by no means bad looking. I'm guessing you're tall?


Ear piercing yelling


altough i understand this pic isnt like best to show it off, but it seems small

how thick it is?

it's not that thick, but neck exercises are kind of awkward to do

Do I have potential?

he may be slavic but somewhere in his ancestral line there are a bunch of germanic chads.

Yes but look a little worried on the pic

How do you get rid of cheek and double chin fat? What exercises should I do?
I just want a sharp jawline and fit cheeks help me fit

you cant, you just gotta lose body fat

yes they are but they are simple enough to do at home

work neck extension
my neck grows just by doing heavy deadlifts because i tend to crank my neck upwards on bottom part of the lift

definetly way above average, not sure about the stache and yeah, smile brah

no homo

also same as here

please stop posting I cant look at your fucking face without getting upset. You post in every /soc/ thread. You are fucking ugly, you look like a mentally ill child rapist.

I know you're just trying to get tips on how to look better or whatever but your face is pissing me off so god damn much.

i kinda see it

nigger lips

Do I have a good face?

No, you are el goblino

rami malek chin without the looks


Before and after losing 85 pounds.



david de gea core

Yes, but ditch the glasses. You look good m8. Get a tan.


Suggestions? Comments? be nice pls

time to go trapmode

actually thought this was a woman for 20 seconds


Where's your pic?

get your nose surgery and start hormones. cute trap incoming



get a different haircut.. like a buzzcut trust me

would cutting hair and looking pissed off all the time help?

ye, cut it short mate, maybe grow some facial hair if you can?

you look constipated


Maybe i was

Have you heard of the high elves?

you look fine, just stop doing that stupid face

nay can hust grow a prepubescent stache
is it just the hair? Would jaw excerices help?




Stop smiling you creepy fucker

La creature, el goblino, que come arroz y frijoles sin tortilla...

Work your neck, cut your stupid gay hair shorter akin WW2 undercut

You look like a fagot, a good looking one, but you don't look masculine at all

i die everytime this get posted holy fuck

Jesus fuck you look fucking annoying if you cross my way ill fucking wreck you cunt

you're just jealous

I don't know why but this picture always cracks me up
he is so smug
you look good m8 (nice strong chin and nice neck width)
but why are you being a homo wit a hat indoors?

đe si brate, a?
translation: you look like a bosniak. white bosniak

faggy lips, otherwise ok, symmetrical and clean, hairdo is kinda cool
beard kinda makes you look...weak? I just cannot put my finger on it...

idk, i guess i'm in the minority here but i think the beard works now that your meme hair is toned down

Ikr, that's exactly how I feel. I think I'll keep it. For now

today i'm not looking great, so here's a pic from a few weeks ago. advice?

Dude you'd look so good with that hair cut short-ish, and the chin hair a tiny bit longer

ya don't need that hairdo with that face, go short

my biggest fear with cutting my hair is I can't go back. it grows so damn slow. how short should I go?

is the negro hair natural or chemical?

natural, i wouldn't waste time trying to make it look like this. not sure where it comes from frankly, I traced my lineage back pretty far and there aren't any niggers that i'm aware of.

Among the lines of these guys, choose whatever you like/are comfortable with. Maybe longer if you aren't so sure

i feel like a lot of them look stupid. maybe top row, first three from the left look decent. is going full skinhead a viable option?

you really look like a nazi with nigger hair, now that i look at you, go full skinhead

ok, i'll do that. thanks for the advice, user



mean but gave me a hearty laugh

Seriously though, you look good. N-no homo.

lmao its you

I look like a twink :\

At least I'm pretty right guys???

I can tell that your skinny fat from just your face but this is good because loosing weight will result in your face leaning out and you looking much better.


thanks senpai, I'm working on it. That face pic is a few months old here's my current bod. Still have the gut so you were right about the fat part haha

Today on 'Jew or Mexican', this user!

thanks user. what do you mean twin cities? do you live there?

also, if you think I already look good, would you still advise me to cut my hair as everyone else said?

Haha people regularly call me Jewish looking, never heard Mexican before. In fact when I went to Mexico I stood out as a gringo, even when I tan.

What up


Should i shave my shit-stache or keep it? I don't know what to do with my hair, I got a fade on the sides but my hair is so fucking thin i cant get a good blend.

nigga you look a lot similar to me
you have the same problem as me which is you look too young
your face is okay though, just the usual case of babyface