/Hairline general/

How's the hairline going fellas?
>Slight Norwood 2

Not too sure how I feel about it, while 29 isn't young, I still feel that it's too early for rescission to occur - generally most people my age still have a thick hairline.

Anyway feel free to discuss your hairline and tips you have to maintain hair

My hair has stopped falling out since I stopped using creatine. Assumed it was just a meme but my hands would be covered in hair every time I scrubbed my head in the shower and it was getting noticeably thin, plus I already have a very bad hairline so I couldn't risk it getting worse.
Don't notice any difference in my lifts.

>vegeta hairline

Wew lads what happened? How did JUSTin bieber let this happen

Pretty good. 24, hairline hasn't receded at all. My older brother has had receding hairline since about 20yo, glad I don't have to deal with that. I'll experiment with creatine on my next cut after about 2 months, but will stop if there's any change in my hair

28 hairline has never receded an inch

if you're insecure about it stop being a pussy and shave your head, people using chemicals and shit to try and "regrow" their hair is honestly pathetic

I found a couple pictures of my grandfathers in their 50s and in their 70s and neither was full bald, just increasingly thin. I guess that means I don't have to worry about slamming into Norwood VII when I'm 35. Maybe if I start taking fin at some point I'll have better old man hair, but I figure once a man has a wife and kids, he should stop worrying about his hair.

I've got the Tim Roth right now.

God damn young Gary Oldman was cute.

>Same age and norwood stage as JUSTin
>Similar facial aesthetic
>Similar nofacialhair
Wrong timeline

This. Take a lesson from stoicism and stop worrying about what you can't control.

Is a high and tight redpilled

>Hairline holding strong.

hair is apparently exactly the same as my dad's used to be and he's bald. how fucked am I lads? anything I can do or am I destined to be a cueball?

21, hair line intact but I find white hairs every now and then

There are a dozen 'treatments' that range from nutritional changes and shampoos to hormone medications to full transplants. None of them are 100% effective and most are just arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

If anything, just shave it early while you can still pass it off as an aesthetic choice and not agonize over your hairline every day. Just say you loved Professor X or some shit.

I've got Tom Hardy style balding.

You guys don't know what pain is.

Not too bad at 28, but it seems one side is receding faster or always had been, haven't paid that much attention.

“just shave brah” is the stupidest shit I ever see on the internet. Go kill yourself

hairline and density is blown out and receded beyond hope.

i've stopped stressing and embraced the crust.


Worked for me and I am a god damn manlet with wide hips. Had more success with women than I did before.

Stop being a whining little fucking bitch.

Why isn't there a cure for this shit?

uh huh suure, fucking bald potato looking faggot. roflmaoing so hard rn at the cope u just typed.

Kill yourself you bald faggot, shaving is literally the ultimate cope

If this tranny can embrace baldness then so can you faggot.


Why hasn't billions of dollars been put into hair restoration research? Men hold most of the worlds wealth but here we are not doing shit about it? How about a fund raiser type thing like the pink ribbon for breast cancer.

>think I'm receding because seeing hairs in the shower
>look at old baby photo of myself
>realize I've just had a naturally high hairline and huge forehead since birth
wat do

just get a hair transplant lmao

>22, almost 23
>super thick and strong hair
>shampoo everyday, sometimes twice if i use pomade

feels great having good genes

>Hairline started receding at 19 around the time I joined the military

Shit genes, almost every male in my family on both sides lost their hair in their 20s

Because it's not a sickness
Stop being insecure, embrace your body, play the cards you have been dealt, and most importantly :
Beleive in ur'slef

Same there brother
I remember when I first realized it. Always had a big forehead, didn't notice and never had a single thought about my hairline. Then one time I only got 3 hours of sleep in 3 days and looked at my hairline for the first time in the mirror and thought I was going bald from sleep deprivation, but I was just going crazy from getting such little sleep and never actually looked at my hairline before. Not balding, but hairline still sucks and I'm embarrassed about it when everyone my age looks like a normal healthy young man with a nice hairline. My brother has a similar hairline and I never really think about it or think it looks too bad on him, so maybe I'm over reacting.

can i achieve this hair length with clippers? I don't wanna keep going to a barbers but my hair is getting long and kinda ratty.

Is long hair receding hairline possible, I will wait it out if it looks alright later down the line

I'm at a NW4 recession pattern currently. Super thin on the top, basically transparent under any sort of light. Going to castrate myself to prevent further balding. I've seen pics of castrate hairlines, pretty much all have god-tier NW0 juvenile manes.

>hairline hasn't receded at all
>posts heavily receded hairline
k den.


Getting close to my 30s. Grandfathers on both sides still have a full set of hair. Really hoping I don't bald, I'm really fond of my hair. I have a gigantic forehead though, and no means of hiding it.

we're all gonna make it brah

You might have to order some online but yeah, they make 3" clipper heads.

>implying we should embrace looking like that

How long have you been on estrogen?

fucking reddit-tier bullshit holyy fukkk lmaooo

Healthy Hairline = Sign of youth = Life


Dude just shave it off! It'll totally look as good as a 10/10 Chad with flowing curly locks.

It looks better than balding you beta cunt


nice fag lips and fag hair ya faggot

so, are eating habits also a factor or is it just a meme?

heard wheat, meat etc are bad for hair

>those lips

My grandpa om my moms side had literally a 10/10 hairline until his death at 77.
My grandpa on my fathers side lost it before he was 20.
Guess which side i inherited?
Feels so fucking bad man, even with blasting fin since i was 18 it keeps getting worse and worse, at least i got to keep my hair until i was roughly 23.

Worst part is my older brothers, cousins etc all got my mom dads genes, meaning they all have perfect hairlines in their 30s. They all make fun of me as soon as we meet.

At least i got my dads height and facial aesthetics. So i can throw some copingbanter back at those manlets.

I'm 28 and the front right corner has started to thin a bit. Not too worried about, my mom's dad still has most of his hair at 88. Can't control it anyways, and it's not even that big of a deal if it starts to go. Girls care a little, but it's not nearly as important as having your life together in general (which the majority of men do not)

How do you tell if you have any hair loss?

>have had widow's peak since forever, doesn't seem to be getting worse
>if I go a couple days without washing my hair the back-top looks like it's thinning, but I've heard this is normal?
>if my hair is clean it looks normal

I'm going to take those as compliments.

Who is this semen demon

I would let you suck me off in some girl clothes.

>el goblino


Thanks brah

Thinning on Fin? Jesus dude just shave it at this point. I’m so glad the I’m regrowing in Niz

I'm always paranoid about my hair, especially because I can't tell since I've always had a very high hairline (when I started caring about this shit I thought I was balding, then checked old pictures of me and my hairline always looked the same) and pretty thin hair (still decent volume, just thin). My scalp looks fine so I hope it stays that way.

24, i think most of it happened around 20 and its slowed down.

In any case, i changed my hair style 5 times and finally found one that looks natural. Gotta adjust to what youve got brehs.

>that nose

>not 5AR inhibitor
>reported higher efficacy compared to Finasteride(albeit in monkeys)
>multiple before/after photos

i-is this the one brehs?

Okay, so which one's putting on the girl clothes again? You left a very important detail there kinda ambiguous.

I live in montana, I can't tell you how many times being a jew has gotten me laid. I'm exotic out here.

jews are the opposite of exotic LMAO


Yes it's just expensive and you have to create the liquid yourself.

omg I didn't even want to say you are a jew, just making fun of your disgusting nose
but now it's 100x funnier

Every male in my family has no hair, started thinning out around 13, by 17 I looked like those old men with only hair at the sides and back so when i turned 18 shaved it all off, i still miss it desu, but hey now I one less thing to take care of and everyone I know says I look better this way

What's Tom Hardy balding like?

oh my fucking god, jake

not him but I was born with a hairline pretty much exactly like that.
widows peak and the whole front is basically vegeta hairline
it's not receding if it's been that way forever

That hair cut looks good hey, and that's the way my hairline is going right now.

Too bad my facial hair isn't great and my moustache has a little gap.

Anyone made facial hair gains with a derma roller??

About to hit 28
Hairline is the same as 18
Dad is about to hit 68. Still has most of his hair, and its still mostly black. I guess that was worth the moderate depression he also gave me?

No gains to speak of, but dermarolling has made my scalp and skin a lot healthier. So much better it's making me wonder if my mild hair loss has been from skin health problems more than normal alopecia.

Can you be my gf please? I have muscles

fuck im the same. seemingly decent hairline but patchy as fuck

This is completely fine though, as long as you still have a normal hairline instead of a 5head you look completely fine. It's just when you reach eggmode that it's all fucking over.

Are you fucking retarded? Is this entire board fucking retarded?

Good feedback my dude, I might give one a try.
The bald patch in my beard is due to scarring so maybe if I fix that it'll be good

Guys don't normally spend a lot of time looking at each others' hair until they start losing their own. If your reference point is one of those Norwood 0 type guys who have a hairline right above their eyebrows, a standard widows peak might look receded.

Balding has been around since day 1.

Every male on my dad's side has full head of hair in their 50s
Most of my maternal uncles are thinning but are 60 and grandad had full head of hair until he died at 80
Tfw won't go bald any time soon but was born with a naturally shit hairline

But I'm a guy...

>25, turning 26 soon
>Hair has started thinning, not really noticeable but fuck it I know I'm losing it
>All males in my family are bald
Funny thing is I had a wet dream the other day, probably the first one in about 5 years. I was fucking some nasty bitches and having a great time, but then I looked at myself in the mirror and and I was balding like a fucker. Not "receding hairline"-balding, but full on fuck-my-shit-up balding with hair thinning badly and bald spots all over. It left me shocked for the rest of the day. I'm not gonna make it.

22, fully bald horseshoe hair line since 20 and am 5'4"

Should I even continue living?

Better start saving for those hair transplants bros.

That's just a wig.

>hairline seriously thin
>only a matter of time before I'm like my dad
>really bothers me
>seen a doctor about a hair transplant but says I should wait a couple years

I'm srsly considering doing a cycle to accelerate the process so I can just get the transplant and get it over with, what you think?

i swear manlets lose their hair before lanklets
we can never ever win
>t. 5'3"

your family’s genes don’t matter excessive balding is occuring because of mutational load, dysgenic breeding and environmental stressors. the epidemic of balding ugly soy men is due to this and not just being unlucky

>dysgenic breeding
user what is this

thx ted

Why was he so perfect bros?

This surely must be shopped


>Peddling 'post-modern' art

who would've thunk it

You can control this though. You can’t cure stupid though.

Do you use a derma roller or a derma stamp or a derma pen?
The derma stamp/pen seems to cover the most scenarios but it's hard to find which one to choose.