Vegetable oils vs butter. Which is better?

Vegetable oils vs butter. Which is better?

Butter if youre bulking and oil if youre trying to lose weight or cut

If you are making weed brownies go with butter.

I've heard groundnut oil is actually pretty good for general usage - why isn't it used more?

I always just use vegetable oil out of respect for my arteries.

Both. Sear in oil and finish with butter.

Butter. Oils kill your testosterone.

Vegetables oil for everything below 170°C.

butter burns at a lower temperature than that at which vegetable oil begins to smoke making it better for searing or creating a roux, but vegetable oils will stand up better for things that have to cook at higher temps.

different people have different sensitivities to cholesterol, so it's not a one-size-fits-all answer on health. it's a good idea to keep you omega 3 levels up either way. i find butter and animal fats make my skin feel greasier

When it comes to oil what do you think is better for you?
Olive oil or the more typical canola/soybean based vegetable oils?

Olive has overall the best science behind it and it's just health neutral. Obviously extra virgin is the best but it has a low smoke point so it's not good for high temperatures, avocado oil is probably the best for that (similar omega ratio and some antioxidants plus a huge smoke point). Maybe some nut oils could challenge that due to having a way better omega ratio but there's little clinical research.

As for canola I'm not sure, great ratio, antioxidants and kinda decent smoke point but I've read it quite easily oxidizes into trans fats and aldehydes so I'm not sure how bad it is. Not feeling like going through the studies right now.

Butter if you make your own ghee out of it. Vegetable oil is shit in general with the exception of coconut oil and olive oil. You want to avoid polyunsatured oils.

Both kills you. Use olive oil.

Huh, sure monounsaturated fatty acids and especially omega-3s are the best but why would you categorically avoid polyunsaturated fats? I'd much rather avoid saturated fats and go for the one with the most omega-3s and look at polyunsaturated last (so yeah olive oil).

veg oils are very high in PUFA which is literally cancer

Wait I messed up there, omega-3s and 6s are of course polyunsaturated fatty acids. You want as much of those as possible and in a good ratio.

>using seed oils, ever
fucking kek.

Olive oil is God's gift to man, anyone who disagrees is getting crucified.


Butter has less calories then olive oil

Olive oil and coconut oil are much better than either.

>you want as much omega 6 as possible

>didn't read the end of the post
>responded with a retarded meme anyway
Shitposting before school?


Fucking retard, even considering a good O3:06 ratio, you would still want to minimize Omega-6's. You need to learn more fucking idiot.

Gee butter


>as much of those as possible
>those (meaning both O6 and O3)
>as much as possible

Highlighted your own quote so you can feel stupid you piece of shit.

No you don't, what the fuck. In a good ratio omega-6s are more anti-inflammatory.


Oh my god, you fucking illiterate retard. Omega 6's are at the start of the arachidonic acid cascade, which produces ONLY INFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES (prostaglandins and lipoxygenases).

Omega 3s BLOCK Omega 6's hence producing an ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EFFECT (by blocking O6's).

You want Omega-6's in their strict minimum requirements, which is very low.

mix cooking fat
like so you cook in a modest amount of a high smoke point oil but you finish it with a sliver of butter or another more flavorful lower smoke point fat. Get the best of both with the down sides of neither.

what does this mean

I'm not sure what shit you read, you're partly right that 3s and 6s compete for several enzymes and reactions and that some omega 6s products are inflammatory but interpreting that as "Lol only omega3-s are good and you should minimalise omega-6s" is plain retarded. You do know that the suggested optimal ratio is around 1:3 to 1:4 right?

Adding to that, your suggestion is literally what was thought about when those interactions were discovered but even a 1:1 ratio proved to be less healthy than a bit higher ratio. Keep it below 1:8 and you're gucci, lower than 1:3 is stupid and what you#re saying sounds like you want to go even lower which is retarded (aside from being extremely hard to achieve).

PUFA lower both LDL and HDL (lowering HDL is bad). they easily oxidize (go rancid) and when heated (or hydroginated for margerine) can form transfats which are really bad.
last i checked omega-6s increase inflammation and counteract the benefits of omega-3. so getting as much omega-6 as possible isn't advised. and if you life in western countries the ratio of omega-3:omega-6 in your diet is generally either bad or very bad anyway.