Do you cheat on your gf?

Do you cheat on your gf?

Many of you have said it’s good to do so

I cheat on both my girlfriends.


Anyone know what happened to the guys on that documentary?

not all,i'm loyal to one but cheat on the other 2

There's one girl I've been with for around 1.5 years while chasing other girls, my university oneitis let me smash early into my relationship with current gf and right now I'm pursing a qt virgin first year girl

Aren’t you afraid she’ll find out?

there's 3.5 billion women on the planet


>If you cheat you will always get caught eventually

Yes and there’s also less than that in your 20 mile radius and a thing called social media in which you can be found easily.

No because I’m an honourable, just and truthful man

That's a lie. There's plenty of people that have got away with it. Not saying that cheating is ok, just pointing out that you're wrong. Happy women's day, femanon

Lol I got away with it every time. I’m not proud of it but, women are clueless.

>Social media
It's not about not getting caught, because you will be eventually, it's about getting as many girls to go for it as possible. Pick girls from different regions who have no reason to know each other and pretend not to use social media with one of them. Once you get found out replace existing roasties with new roasties and continue. Why fuck one girl when you can fuck a couple?

I loved this doc. What was it, Shy Boys or something like that?

Isn’t the aim to not get caught though?

She made a sequel, but it wasn't nearly as interesting. I think the deal was that basically none of the guys changed, and it was more her and her camera man talking about how they felt about making it.

the aim is to fuck

I wish i had been as strong as you

Once with her aunt. That was booze related though

>Haha it's so alpha to cheat on women

>REEEE my gf cheated on me, why are all women such whores

>All these faggots itt bragging about cheating on their gf
>Meanwhile I'm so deprived of even basic human interaction that I can't even comprehend cheating on my gf (assuming I ever get one)
I fucking hate you people.

These people have had shitty lives and are damaged.

The most unreliable, dishonest, likely to cheat people are themselves cheated on. Basically everyone thinks cheating is wrong, then they get betrayed and bitter so they take it out on others. Its worse still if you are surrounded by people who are similar, you consider that your 'normal' and you know the consequences of being caught are low.

Iv known people who would never cheat in their relationships, get cheated on, then proceed to literally say shit like 'well [insert opposite sex here] just want fucking sex and are shallow and so why cant I'

Good circumstances make good people. Shitty circumstances make shitty people.

>Good circumstances make good people. Shitty circumstances make shitty people.
But I should add the best people rise above their shitty circumstances to be better.

Its easy to be cheated on, then whore yourself in your future relationships. Its hard to be cheated on then rise above that to be loyal again.

Brah, no amount of dubs can change how fucked up that is

Why stick to one healthy relationship when you can slowly but surely turn yourself into a mental wreck



Feel the same but I'm afraid my gf might do me wrong.
Going to the states for a week on a study trip and I'm concerned she's gonna do some shit while I'm gone.
How does one trust another person I wonder

You get your house in order so she realises she’s with a man worth staying loyal for.

Is it as simple as that?

Completely bleach and wipe your toilet before you leave.
If you come back and there's piss stains under the seat, she's cheating on you.