Tfw cutting

>tfw cutting
>tfw only had 2200 calories today

holy fuck this is torture

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Starve yourself until late in the day. Makes shit easier.


I'm a 186cm male, weighing short of 107kg. I've been eating 1500-1800cal a day for almost a month now.

It gets easier.

it gets easier
but you gotta do it everyday
thats the hard part

try 1500 + cardio


whats the point of cutting its such a waste of time

just eat all you want and do fasted cardio in the morning

same results and you get stronger from the food

6'2" 1600 calories day 2 step it up

tfw cutting
tfw McDonald's just released a larger BigMac

why me

Ohh, I tried those in Japan. They're pretty rad. I thought I could eat two, but I honestly struggled.

This is maybe not the right thread to post this in.

I'm in HK right now and my gf introduced me to a thing called Hot Star chicken. Its a slab of fried chicken with god tier spice for 2 bucks

Apparently it's in Canada too

How the fuck do people cut at such high calories
How much are you planning on losing??

Being this much of a brainlet
worst transformation in history

321 for sure

>gymshark thots

Literal scum.

>he thinks 2200 is a cut

literally got it backwards

Make better food choices or switch 3 meals for two 1100 cal ones.


>he is a manlet or thinks lifting 2x a week is enough

>Only 2200 calories
Motherfucker I'm 6'1 and a /fat/ass at 225 who has cut down to 1,600 calories daily, get on my level.

In all seriousness though, it gets waaaaaay easier once your stomach shrinks.


definetly this

Couldnt be more incorrect.
Anything other than 1-2-3 is unacceptable and shows your idiocy.
Thank you and have a good day.

>REEEE stop liking what I don't like

Different user here. You're wrong. 3-2-1.

Nigga 2500 is already a cut

Anything is a cut if you're a fatass whose maintenance is 4000

2 3 1


the day you wanna try it lift hard in the morning don’t eat anything then lunchtime do 500 cals on the bike then pig out for dinner

>it gets waaaaaay easier once your stomach shrinks
Where do I upvote?

This is the correct answer. Metric is chest hips waist ratio. Girl in center is standing at an unflattering angle but look a bit straighter.

you are fucking retarded. you need at least 2k if you want to maintain this diet over a significant period of time

I agree with you

Does the stomach actually shrinks if you lose a lot of weight?(+50lbs)

Jesus christ you have shit taste


3,1,2 the other thots are just standing at better angles by breaking backs. Middle has the best face by far

>cutting at 1500
Being a manlet was a mistake

it shrinks when you eat small quantity of food for extended period. Like one month with no slip ups.

>mfw i woke up at 2PM and have only eaten 500kcal so far

Go Keto brus, the protein you injest keeps you naturally filled practically all day, in fact just making your macros on keto is fucking torture

So it's perfect for a cut, fuck me carbs add so many calories that it's great for a bulk but not so much for a cut

I mean a few large cups of oats and full cream milk is already like 600-700 calories, and that's breakfast, 4 Eggs and a 100g of bacon is barely 500 calories and it's a ton of extra work and washing. Fucking Keto, cunt of thing actually

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

>Comes to gym is full thot wear
>Proceeds to stretch on mat and do body weight exercises in the middle of the farmers walk area

Seriously just fucking workout in the comfort of your own home with your doggo or partner. Paying $40 a month to not actually use anything at the gym besides a crumbly rubber foam mat is the dumbest, most cringe worthy shit I see

>Fake Nails
>Gymshark gear
>French Manicures
>Stupid tippy toe insta hoe stance

Thots really are just such bimbos

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

she is paying for your eyes

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

So how much of a deficit can you go on without losing muscle at an alarming rate?

I come across as the tough guy, the alpha male

You have garbage taste in women, the girl on the right is objectively by far the prettiest. The other two don't even come close.

I come across as a tough guy, an alpha male

You're both wrong, the girl on the right is 1 obviously.

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male



alright boys you know the drill:

>cutting at 2200
Oh you poor baby. I cut at 1500 while still lifting and running.

>he cuts at my bulk level
Being a manlet is suffering.

>bulking at 2200
Are you 5'4?

Close. 5'7 at 132.

Dear god man, put on some weight.

Then you probarbly should be eating more than 2200


pic related
try not being 5'1", alternatively consider lifting weights

Anyone know who the middle girl is?

Is a 250 surplus not sufficient?

am interested in this too

don't listen to him, you're fine. your body can only build so much muscle at any given time, and this number is largely dependent on your hormone levels. the excess that doesn't go into building muscle will be stored as fat.

you want to bulk slowly rather than bulking then cutting, go for it


I've gotten to the point where I'm cutting at 2900 to lose a steady one lb/week feels good man I can even eat pizza if I want. Wasn't always this way though. Used to cut at 1400 for months

left for sure

Is there a name for that face type? The one that's not white and not black. The one indians, middle-easterners and latins have? Shits sexy

naturally Stephanie or some shit on yt

Same here, cutting at 3200-3300 from 4000 maintenance. It's painful.

2 has the best face

And you wonder why gym thots do this shit

You're all pussies.

I ate under 1500 calories for the past 3 days. I do that 3 days a week and have been doing it for 10 months now. I've lost over 150 lbs.

Maintenance is 3k calories. On the other 4 days I eat at a 500 calorie deficit.

500 calorie deficit is a fucking cake walk. 1500 calorie deficit is the real test.


How about being a athlete instead of a fat fuck before calling other people lazy in the future

I saw that too. Which means #2 is a prude / ironing board mode in bed.
132 for the win.

she's scottish called Steph that's all I know

5'11", 200 lbs
been cutting since feb at like

youre a fat fuck that thinks not eating like shit deserves a pat on the back

we are muscular semi-lean lifters cutting to get very lean.

>tfw cutting
>Downed a whole Digiorno and Wendys 4 for 4 yesterday

Not gonna make it lads.


Fuck, i don't know how it is possible to eat under 2500 calories a day. Anything less i starvation tier.

'm not sure about the stomach shrinking though. The volume of stuff you eat isn't as important as the type of food you eat. You can eat a mountain of meat and veg and barely even approach the calorie count of the same volume of pizza or some other highly processed food. Its more about dealing with cravings.

90% of the cells in your body aren't even yours, they're bacteria. I imagine a lot of cravings are caused by colonies of bacteria in your gut, so a certain type of bacteria grows thrives on sugar or carbs or whatever, and the bacteria itself makes your body crave the thing that it thrives off. You ignore your cravings and eat less carbs and sugar, then that type of bacteria diminishes and has less influence on your cravings.

Might be complete bullshit but this is Veeky Forums and we worship onions here.

Right is the only hot one.
Middle is a facelet and left has bad teeth

Maintenance for a man is probably 2800-3000 cals
Any less and you’re too small to be considered a man

The ridges are where I plateau. I plateaued hard at 235, because I'm actually starting to look "normal" again.

But I'm down well over 40.

> tfw on diet
> 1000 calories a day max
> 2 months into this
> I'm seeing progress.
> eating less and having servings Instead of over eating
> hit the gym for two to three hours.
> feels good man

>A month isn't a significant period of time to do something everyday

wew lad

>Might be complete bullshit but this is Veeky Forums and we worship onions here.


Cutting now. Have been for 2 months. TDEE around 2200-2300. Started at 1800cal/day. Doing PxPxLxx lifting, numbers going up. Cardio one or two days a week. Lost 6 pounds (173->167 pounds, 5'7").

Got DXA body scan. 32% bodyfat. FML.

Dropping to 1700cals/day. Will keep lifting, increasing cardio to every time I go to the gym. Goal is to lose a pound a week. Because fuck being skinnyfat. Goal weight will likely be around 140 pounds at some reasonable bodyfat (~15%).

How the fuck is anybody cutting on less than 2500 calories (even that is a bare minimum)? 2500 is a fucking maintenance for a typical male, add 3 days of lifting and you are at 2800-3000 maintenance at least! Move a little bit more, add 4th day of training (maybe focus on heavy lifts as well) and boom, your maintenance is over 3000, easily.


>He says whilst looking like sloth from the goonies

nah step aside pleb

3,1,2 is the patrician's choice