Mirin' stories thread

>walk in late to the theatre just as lights are fading down
>everyone laughs
>projection guy blinks the lights playfully in acknowledgment
>teen girl playfully pushes my shoulder when I sit down next to her

Haha good job on posting this again

a thread died for this

you are right I should've made a thread about "mogging"/"why lift when it is all about face?" or "to get a girlfriend you need to be 6 feet make 6 figures blah blah blah"

>enter gym
>all cardio bunnies stop their running and line up to give me a kiss on the cheek
Feels good la


You weren't there shut up

>be at the theaters
>watching the latest mummy movie
>mummy gets killed
>stand up from my seat and yell "WELL THAT'S A WRAP FOLKS!"
>whole audience bursts out laughing for what seems like forever
>projector guy puts his hand in front of the projector and makes a a huge "thumb up" sign appear on screen
>as the the credit rolls, several people come shake my hand and thank me for the joke

>And everybody clapped

Even your LARP's where you pretend you're cool are pathetic.

>tfw i never have any mirin stories

All my mirin stories consist of a girl saying something suggestive and me sperging out then realising I fucked up like 10minutes later.

Everything on the internet is fact.

Trips confirm

>only got mired while on exchange in another country
It's not fair

>be at grocery store
>in meat section stocking up
>9s and 10s hovering around pretending to be shopping around near me
>turn to look at one
>she smiles frantically, bites her lip and looks away
>as I'm going to pay, some lady walks up and asks if she can squeeze my ass
>tell her she can if she lets me squeeze hers back later tonight
>gives me her number before husband appears and grabs her away
>head to self-checkout
>cashier tells me she's open and not to bother with the self-checkout cause she'll "gladly serve" me
>she looks at all the protein I'm buying
>"that's a lot of meat, mind sharing some with me?"

it's a nice ego boost, but shit does it take up my time entertaining these girls.

>when I was with my ex I would constantly get hit on by girls WHILE I was with her
>couple of girls sat right next to me in the theater and tried to chat me up when she was right next to me
>now that I'm single, I never get hit on

Why are women demons

was your ex a 7 or lower? Be honest.

I'd put her at about an 8

>it's a nice ego boost, but shit does it take up my time entertaining these girls.
True, that's why in a time you too will realize that girls are consuming way too much energy compared to what they can provide in exchange for you. This is taking away from your bodybuilding lifestyle and you really start to appreciate your gym buddies more than the filthy energy witch women.

Hm, well I had thought that maybe she was average and better looking girls would feel confident enough to talk to you in front of her face.

But since that isn't the case, maybe they were feeling competitive and wanted to prove they were better. Kind of similar to how tough-looking guys get challenged a lot.

>go to the movies
>before even opening my mouth people PISS themselves laughing
>a woman even misscarried because she laughed so hard
>projector-guy comes running over and sucks me off
>cum in his mouth and shake hands with everyone

>shit in my palm and fling it at peoples dogs
>pick up and bite a kids ear off
>some 11/10 supermodel runs.up to me and says "WAOW WEE, DADDY GIVE ME THE YUMMY CUMMIES!!!"
Y'all jelly as fuck

>at movie premier
>shout jokes out about the trailers
>got the whole damn cinema in the palm of my hand
>everyone hushed to hear what my line will be about the next film
>projection guy shines the spot light on me
>every lady and girl gasps when they see my chiselled physique
>unzip dick and mother beside me forces her teen daughters to blow me
>their dad high fives me on the way out

Havent got any mirins in like 1 week???

pls end me, my confidence is too low brahs

>at movie theater
>walk in with massive hard on doing John Lennon funny walk
>all people in the theater gasp as they gradually notice my massive dong
>use my huge penis as a pogo stick to bounce around the theater while making seal noises
>even security guards convulsing with laughter

when was the last time you were mired bros?

>be me

>be in the shop
>milfs and qts checking me out
>not sure if I left dyle mode or just smell bad

Kek. Agreed OP, I'd rather have mirin' thread that's at least tangentially Veeky Forums related than something that's just whining about Chads or some shit.

Post gay mires NOW!!

>go into gym to purchase membership
>I'm the one millionth customer
>confetti rains down from the ceiling
>gym guys sneak up behind me and dump whey on my head
>get to take home a golden barbell for personal use

>going into bus, see three teenagers giggling and looking at me
>two of them sitting, one standing next to them
>one of them stands up and comes next to me, standing there trying to get my attention
>act like i dont notice, later get off bus

trips of truth

Is Veeky Forums the biggest shit posting hobby board?

It kind of seem like it is, like the rules are a lot more nuanced than the other ones.

>getting license for customer today
>leaned up on desk navigating shit awful website
>"you a wrestler?"
>"big arms, shoulders. Looks like you train. I used to do wrestling for my college 50 years ago"
Feels good man

>get mired because of my strength almost every time I am at the gym now
>when I ask someone to spot me on the bench I always get comments like "not sure I can be that much help with that weight on the bar" or when its an actual big guy he just gives me an approving nod when I tell him I am gonna bench that for 5 reps
>starting to make friends with otehr gym regulars
>had a girl do DL with me (I told her we will have to move the weights back and forth all the time but she didnt care) and she told me that I am really strong and she feels so weak lifting with me
>never get mired because of my body always because of my strength

and I am not even that strong or fat I just dont really get whats going on. I get so much respect and mires because of my strength and very little because of my looks, maybe I need to cut ?

Bro, next time you write a fanfic mire story, try not to make it sound like you are the All Chad, attracting several 9/10s and 10/10 to your location at all times to beg for your seed.

You are fucking delusional or straight up lying .

Yep, either this or I just ignore them by avoiding eye contact and walking away.

>girl flirts with me playfully
>sperg out and give a "y-you too" tier response
>30 minutes later think of the perfect thing to say in response

it's pre-selection, boyo, raises you attractivness a lot.

Forgot the part where everybody clapped

I kekd too fucking hard


No way dude, no one lies on the internet
Get lost



>squatting heavy
>struggle on last rep
>finish it but I still have one more set
>twinky dude comes up to me
>"hey man you need a spot for your next set?"
>"sure buddy"
>does that gay behind the back hug thing for the set
I didnt need a spotter I was just being nice I don't mind faggots mirin my physique

>I enter the gym
>your mom gives me a paizuri

Le kek based triggered cuck xd maga

>walk into the gym
>nighttime theme some comes on
>everyone starts spelling my name letter by letter
feels good lads

Actually not that strong but I lift in a commercial gym in europe so in comparison I might seem strong. I usually bench 115x5 and DL 200x3 for normies that apparently means you are a beast...

Thats bretty good user

I’m assuming kg right?

Cause that’s fuckin deeeeece

Yeah and we're one more post closer to the bump limit you stupid anime posting faggot

nice imgur filename btw

>the redditor typed furiously

Please tell me that picture isn't serious. Please

Hahahahh he said reddit haahahahahhah

>Be me working at walmart
>stocking dishsoap
>hear loli behind me say 'you have pretty eyes'
>keep stocking like nothing happened
>it later dawns on me she was talking to me

soyboys get so angry

it is serious

Someone save those children

>be me
>not you
>walking to my class
>grill comes up and talks to be about donating to some animal organization
>say no for a couple times
>wants to make tea at my place and give me her number
>asks if I have a gf
>says she wont know if anything happens
wtf fit did she say all this shit to get me to donate or did she actually want to do all this shit?
I didn't donate and walked to my class

"Thank you for the joke"

>hasn't been on /tv/

>be me
>pretty aesthetic, been lifting for 5 years
>at the club dancing in the middle of the dance floor
>lock eyes with attractive woman
>looks like she wants to say something to me
>dances over to me and motions to come closer
>bend down and put my ear to her
>her -’hey are you gay?’
>me ‘’what, no I’m straight, whys that?’
>her - ‘oh because my gay friend was wondering
>points to some obvious gay on the floor dancing

Nothing against gays but I’m always hit on by them more than girls, why is this

Google gay radar user.

Spotted the LARPing powerlifter

>be sitting in bus
>cute girl comes on
>make eye contact with her and smile
>she sits beside me
>look out the window the entire time and can see her reflection staring at me

Me and 2 friends were at a bar and at the end of the night a guy approached me and said

>You're the best looking one of your friends

I think he was gay

>Be me, 20
>Back from college
>Shopping with Ma
>Walking into store to get groceries for the summer
>Flock of grills walks out, proceeding with their iPhones loaded
>Turn my head to check them out, they're doing the same
>Crush my balls on a chode cement block that's sticking out of the ground, literally 4 feet wide
>I'm now gay

>in Japan
>still fat, but got some bulk from doing farmwork over there
>at a bar in Osaka
>drinking and talking with some Japanese girls
>they notice my tattoo on my shoulders
>wants to see it
>they're all like "sugoi" etc
>I say something about how I like having a piece of art on my shoulder
>one of the girls look me straight in the eyes and say "But user, you're already a piece of art"

"Thank you, you're the joke"

Why do you keep posting this stupid. /TV/ meme?

Thanks for posting /tv/ shitposts on Veeky Forums, you faglord.

Oh good god that's a familiar feel... 90% of the time it could be "the fuck" or "yumm" and it fucks with my confidence

>Grill is lookin at me
>My face is all fucked up and red from day 5 of no-poo
>get nervous and release the poo on the spot
>she respects and acknowledges my masculinity
>immediately put her on SS, GOMAD,

>be me
>girl look

I have, its at least semi media related. Sometimes the threads will turn into beastiality and borderline cp though.

But fit gets away with pseudo "mirin" threads which are hardly fit related to begin with.

asian girls are the best for confidence
>accidentally send gym snap to foreign exchange student couple weeks ago
>talks about it nonstop in the classes we have, says im super jacked
>send her post workout snaps now for instant ego boost
>still dyel as fuck

kek ive never seen this thanks you for posting

dude does actually happen irl? because if it does im gonna hop on roids tomorrow, but i want the damn truth

you just need a better imagination like these guys user

I have that mug

Plot twist, she kills you for your organs

bro what

Sure buddy.

How do you go about doing farm work in Japan ?

Even roids can't save you from your autism

Here's a mirin story
>Le me does something
>Le QT says I look good



when did mire threads become this way?

Realest story here

>girl grabs my hands
>looking me in the eye
>after saying something about a promise
>girl lip bite while keeping eye contact
>i melt and cant keep eye contact
>she mentions i cant look her in the eyes
>her bf is my friend
>i didnt ask for this...

she probably used the donation thing as an opener to talk to u faggot

I mentioned to a coworker that I was going to the gym after work and she was genuinely impressed

He's not serious dum dum



We like to talk about other things with fitness bros and without having to go to other boards for entertainment if we have lives outside the chons

>Girl sits by me on the bus
>Girl looks at my direction
See you nerds, god of normies blessed me