Should I give up Veeky Forums?

Should I give up Veeky Forums?

21 year old. 5feet 10 and literally 0 gym experience. Only started for a week with diet.

Give up or start roids

Tfw no steroid in this country.

become a dwarfen warrior

>only started
>already thinking about giving up
It takes time but it's all worth it

Am I actually able to get a sexy body if I work for it though? I don't wanna spend like a year plus in gym and only look weird or slightly better.
That's what I'm worried about.

why the fuck would you give up if you've been at it for a week? absolute pussy attitude mate. stick with it for at least a year and you'll be real thankful you did. or just give up now and never have the life you want, your choice

You might look like a slightly stronger ape in a year.
However, you could just shave and look like a human being now and like a slightly stronger human being in a year.

So basically I should give up on looking sexy and abs?

Listen to this guy and delete thread manlet

Jesus fucking Christ shave your bodyhair you fucking goblin

Shaved fat guys look like Ball sacks. I don't like the look.

1 year is enough time to get a decent body. After a few months when you realise how fun working out is you will even forget about that shit.

Man up and stop expecting miracles.
With dedication and discipline everyone can look better. Start training now and stop whining.

>21 years old and wants to give up
The answer is yes, if you're even asking yourself if you should give up you've already given up.

Alright man thanks. I saw lots of people in here getting told to give up with similar body as mine so I was wondering if I should to.
If it can look slightly fuckable or beach ready, I'm down to workout 1 year.

The thing is everyone with my body style are always told to give up or use roids. I'm just wondering what's the reasoning behind that.

>being this mad
If you expect to look great in a year natural it's not going to happen, start eating clean and work hard, patience is key but if you do it correctly it will be worth all the hard work, you're only 21 so by 24 you should be in shape.

>body type
You're just fat, stupid.

there is no such thing as wrong body type you're just fat rn that's why you look the way you do.

w-what? Your body screams "I'm a 45 yo guy who never exercised in his life"
Yep, give up, kys and respawn, we all know you'll fail with that mentality.

Before you do anything shave that rug on your torso

The reasoning is that Veeky Forums is full of antisocial trolls with no interpersonal skills. Try harder. Don't give up after a week. It's a lifestyle. Not a sprint to the finish.

Alright man, i started on a 3K calrories diet only on white meat and veggies. I'm Asian so I also removed rice and bread and only eat brown rice every alternative meal. I'm doing compound training with pyramid scheme (15,12,10,8,6 workout). I'm also training 6 days a week at around an Hour plus.
On my off day, I do some cardio as well and run around 2 miles.
My diet hasn't been broken once so far.

Enjoy looking like a twink, hairlet

tbqh at 21 you could definitively look great (body dysmorphia aside) in less than a year, he's not starting from morbidly obese mode nor from hungry auschwitz skellington mode
he'll likely just fail because of his attitude
>pyramid scheme
for a beginner it's a total meme, and it ain't even effective when compared to volume-equated traditional routines
pick a beginner routine and just focus on form, there's no need to complicate things and you aren't a special snowflake.

>I’m down to workout 1 year
This is why we tell Manlets to give up. You fellas refuse to even consider hard work and long term dedication. You suffer from Napoleon syndrome, and demand instant gratification.
There’s no fucking time limit on lifting. There’s nothing wrong with having a goal, but you need to forget all time restraints.
Get your shit together.

>0 gym experience. Only started for a week with diet.
FUUUUUUCK I wish I could switch bodies with anyone that complains about how they aren't gonna make it.

>be future me, 2037
>have business
>swap bodies with skinnyfats (there will be plenty because we'll all be sedentary in our VR haptic suits)
>eat right, lift heavy, HIIT
>get the skinnyfat's shitty body ripped in 6 months
>swap back
>collect .00000000000000000026 bitcoins
>live like a king for 3 years on the money I made
>no competition because no one has any willpower

>inb4 "why don't they just download a forced-willpower microsoft to their cortical stack?"
Do you really think Ono-Sendai Corp's has that many parallel inputs? Everyone is going to plug it with VR porn

What would happen if I let a sexy lady take control of my body? (one with big boobs, big butt and sexy lips)

Brah u have fur, now just hit bearmode
>if u stopped u dont hate yourself enough

you started 12 years before me you dumb crybaby faggot

Only losers give up