James K. passed away from kidney failure earlier today

James K. passed away from kidney failure earlier today.


HAHAHAHAHA good, pop off you fat fuck

Another one?


Good, it should've been put down years ago.

Now his daughter doesn't have to be held hostage and can go to school.

Sounds like this worked out fine for everyone involved.

pop off james

Also how the fuck are 3 of those 4 people still overweight? You would think being around barnacle boy would be a wake up call

Honestly how is it even possible to let yourself get to that stage?

Once you get a rag on a stick, you never look back.

Boogie WHEN?

Most are molested or depressed and eat to hide the pain. What I don't understand is how they can eat so much. When I eat a lot I can't eat for hours and will most likely throw up trying to take in any more.

1. be american
2. ???
3. congrats, you're now 600+ lbs


Subsidised corn was a mistake

Its insane how much abuse our bodies can take.

If person got so bad where they couldn't leave their room the effort they would exude to get to the fridge would counteract it. However now you have caregivers and loved ones going to the fridge for them. If some one got this bad all you literally have to do is stop giving them big macs but then they cry and others feel bad and instead of doing tough love they slowly kill them.

Seriously this shit is on par with giving a drug addict more drugs so he stops crying.

Fuck that shit if someone I knew got that big I'd let him die in the fucking bed before feeding him.

Yeah I kinda wish god made us a little more fragile

Survival of the fittest and all that.


Conditioning from years of stuffing themselves. Its like how competitive eaters drink gallons of liquids a day before competition so their stomach expands, except their stomach is ALWAYS expanded or continuing to expand.


Pop off James

>Seriously this shit is on par with giving a drug addict more drugs so he stops crying.

You obviously never heard of family mem ers buying alcohol for drunks so they wont do some shit and just get hammered and go to sleep in peace

post a source or fuck off

sick of seeing this thread

Something had to give



That's slave morality for you. I don't underatand how someone can look at these people and feel anything but contempt, disgust, repulsion etc.

based mustache man

that is some truly nasty shit, but i do like cheese

No he didnt

Or showing respect to their parents and family.

Id kick my kid to the street and disown mu parents/siblings if they looked like this

>disown your parents

He finally popped

You're telling me that if Jimmy Boi was your dad, you'd respect him?

Sorry for your loss.

They enabled them to be this way and deserve no respect for their lack of control over both themselves and their child.

>he finally popped off

his girlfriend (who cheated on her husband with James) should be charged with manslaughter

>cheated on her husband with James

I'm going to need proof that is even physically possible

>who cheated on her husband with James
No fucking way

rip Eldritch abomination made of poop and lard

Was it the My leg! guy?

yep. good oil boil leg james.

I was severely abused by a batshit insane excuse for a mother all of my life too, and I didn't get fat. You know why? Being able to run away and fighting back eventually is dependent on being fit. I'll never be fat because the world is full of abusive cunts that may need to be avoided and/or taught a lesson.

>james actually popped off


I feel bad for the mortician, and for the ghosts living in the crematorium going to have to share the space with this fat fuck.

>this thing had gf
Jesus fookin christ..


>james can get a gf but you can't

If your respect means so little that you would give it to someone for simply existing then it doesn't matter whether you give it to him or not because your respect is worthless.

>tfw James had a gf
We literally have no excuse good enough now. Doesn't matter if she was a 2/10, the fact that a hippo with cyst legs can even get a girl puts all of us wannabe chad autists to shame.


yeah lol alcoholics can get violent if they dont get their booze and they are not bed bound like fatties so they might do stupid shit if you get in the way

boogie is thin compared to this guy

I will just give you the answer because at this point I am surprised no one here has figured it out yet.

Date below your league!
It took me a bit of time to accept it at first but that is how it works.

>Here are some personal examples
in high school I got rejected by cute girls (above my league)

in colleague I dated fat girls who would do anything for me (below my league)

after colleague I went to work in a hospital and got hit on by every cute girl including the ones from my old high school. none of them finished colleague (below my league)

Girls above your league can become bellow your league over time. Just improve yourself academically and financially. Gym should always be a hobby and nothing else.

Ma nigga god teir vidya

Its not even about violence.
This way can control their habit and ensure that they wont do some harm, illegal or go somewhere and been seen by other people.

T. Someone with two alcoholic parents

Pop off James!

He popped off

>He finally died
Sauce or it didn't happen you turbosperg

Yeah, girls date up, boys date down.
The secret is to become so valuable that a cute girls wants to be with you.

That's not true at all lol, women date uglier guys than them. Women are the beautiful sex lol. I swear to God these incels.

No one knows who women want to date.
Not even women themselves.

Just be the best possible version of yourself and you will find someone.

>women date uglier guys than them
Either they got cash, sex skills or girls themselves are dumb


Contributing to their addiction is abuse. If you had any respect for your morbidly obese family members you'd put a bike lock on their fridge

nothing of value was lost

fucking nurglings at it again

James cucked that dude majorly

Not hard to cuck a dude that is physically unable to get out of his bed.

James was the guy she cheated with, dummy

He's up there in heaven with momma and his laigs don't hurt no more

No, because being a good mate as a man isn't about how pretty you are it's about how good of a provider you are.

>on par with giving a drug addict more drugs
It literally is the same thing.

>it's about how good of a provider you are.
You mean the Beta Bucks thing

No, i mean the fulfilling your role as a male thing



sometime this year

Welcome to America baby

>"just one little egg roll"
>"I want fried rice"
>but the doctor said no rice
>"but its fryyiiiad!"
>that makes it worse
>"mm, this Chinese food is good"
>"ow muh legs"
>"owwie ow ow ow muh leg"

Fuck this guy and his enabler wife. Everything about him made me mad and cringe, he deserves what he got.

pop off James you fat fuck

That was before he became immobilized by lard, just look at that hideous fat goblin he fucked though. They are all a gaggle of hedonistic, immoral, sacks of shit

Where is a link to his full episode?

The boyfriend was abusive, james was less the guy she was cheating with and more her escape which is probably why she is as fucked up as she is in terms of her inability to say not to his demands for food.