Anyone ever been raped by a chick

>let chick sleep over
>pass out
>wake up to her rubbing my dick
>bang her

She stole my gains for atleast two days. I ignore her calls..

Sex is for reproduction only and you will lose your gains if you ejaculate. Not only that women use it 2 get you into a relationship.

Never again fit.. no masturbation no sex unless for reproduction.

You’re fucking gay.

No actually I don't find men even the least bit sexually arousing.. I do find women sexually arousing.. so I'm confused why you think I'm gay

by definition i've been raped by women 4 times. there were these ugly college girls who twice went into my room while i was asleep drunk and i wake up to them using me. we had these doors that could be unlocked easily with a something like a credit card.

the other times were pretty much the same thing but different times in life. but i don't feel raped so whatever, i'm good.


I'm sorry brother.. I've been there. Even though you may not think it affected you it did. May our Lord Jesus Christ heal your wounds

This legit almost happened to me. I was almost raped by a fat chick because I was blackout drunk. I was able to come to my senses and wake up enough to get out.

Daily reminder the 2 biggest red flags for women is unknown father and rape victim.

3rd place is of course numerous tattoos/drug user

Just say non virgin

I think the whole male is the more sexually aggressive gender is some kind of meme.. women want to habe sex with me usually way before I'm ready to make that commitment

>went to a party
>accidentally drank some roofie colada
>blacked out
>woke up next to our friend-groups fat friend with a bike lock on my neck
>only night of my life I have absolutely no recollection of
>didn't want to know if we had sex so just kicked her out
>had to drive over to the party house to get someone to unlock the bike lock

I'm sorry brother. May the Lord Jesus Christ heal your heart. That wasn't fair to you. You didn't want it and it's not your fault

Non attractive older women touch and grab me at work. I don't dig it at all. But I am nice and portray myself as obviously uninterested and they are flabbergasted by how their slits aren't put up on a pedestal. Mental manipulation is a fun sport in a mundane workplace with females who are more trouble than they are worth. It's like push ups that tone you up for girls that are actually worth working out for, gray matterly speakin'.

Or maybe I'm just a queer.

Do you really think that you can win against a female in a manipulation battle. It is literally there only skill set

>Score a short-stack milf
>wanted to give me head in the car before giving me a ride home
>claimed she was GOAT and could deepthroat
>gave me head for 2 hours (no bullshit) with nothing but teeth on the head.
>too beta to tell her to stop the teeth cause I wanted to go home and rest.

Woke up the next morning with the most sore dick. Any friction felt like death. But she swallowed so that was cool


When I was 17 a girl kinda pressured me into sex at a party. She started jacking me off VERY roughly and even though I told her a handful of times to be more slow and gentle she just scoffed, calmed down for maybe 5sec then turned it up to 11 again.
I could take it for maybe a few mins (felt alot longer than it was) then just had to get her off me so I said I had to go to the bathroom and then just fucked off home.
First sexual experience I had and it literally scarred me

Thank god i never felt that before , im glad to hear you kept a stiff upper lip

the only reason women always win is because society lets them.

Muh emotions isn't a valid logical argument, but it's the basis of 99% of women's arguments.

I lost my virginity in a kind of ducked up way
>seeing this one chick in college
>drinking in her dorm room with her and another chick
>go to leave drunk as fuck, other chick leaves at the same time
>she stops the elevator on her floor
>takes me in her room and puts a condom on my dick and starts fucking me

Never saw her again..

I've no delusions of grandeur. Losing against female manipulation tends to conclude as a good conversation in my book. Since they are emotional mental ninjas they would understand. No reason to be an asshole. If I am not interested in pursuing it further in the primal state I state it bluntly.

Girls are fun to talk to until it gets stale. Then you move on. Just like they do.

Just like sex.

I prefer ghosting them unless I'm interested. I don't need an emotional vampire sucking the life force out of me and not getting anything out of it

One time she was 10 years older than me. I went over for the usual fuck and bust pretty fast but she wanted more so i told her let me go poss real fast (to get any leftover cum out) she then mounted me and tried to put my dick in her pussy with her hips only while holding my hands I eventually caved and sat there while she rode me for like 30 mins nonstop. She never got pregnant so i guess it's ok

tfw this was written by a dude

Yea, when I was a kid and later in college.

If you want to share your story I'll pray for you. Regardless I'll pray for you. I'm really sorry you had to go through that

I was raped by my ex-gf. I went to stay with her in another country so I had to put up with it or she would shred my passport or kick me out on the street and I'd have nowhere to go. The endless humiliation till I could afford a flight home took a toll on my mind. I havent had sex or been in a relationship since. I just want gains and to never have anyone touch me ever again.

No but I think I raped a girl.
Actually no she was a great fuck and was totally into it. Just guilt on her end.

>be with old friend from high school
>her and I have always had sexual tension
>she knows I'm a virgin and when I met her we used to go out late at night and make out visciously and masturbate with each other
>catch up and eventually when it gets late we went out to our old spot
>this time things get really heated and she has her legs wrapped around me
>she's grabbing at my zipper and grinding hard
>I try to make a move and pull her pants down
>she screams and immediately gets up and starts running away
>catch up to her and shes all giddy and holding my hand and laughing.
>mind you this is 2 am in the middle of the neighborhood.
>shut her up and take her back to my place
>throw her on my bed and she starts wigging out again
>fuck this.
>I grab her and tear her pants off.
>she starts smiling this huge shit eating grin
>biting me, clawing at me, basically scarring the hell out of my body
>we both get naked and I start fucking her
>she's so fucking wet and warm
>get pissed off because of how fucked up and frustrating she was being
>choke her and fuck her brains out
>she cums multiple times
>once I finish I get off her and she starts cuddling
>5 minutes later she turns away and starts CRYING uncontrollably.
>almost wailing
>what the fuck just happened
>turns out she had abstained from sex for a good 4 months and wanted to wait until her next relationship
>she keeps crying about how I manipulated her and that she cant believe what she did
>I hold her and we both fall asleep
>surprisignly enough we wake up the next day and shes happy and kissing me and sweet talking
>fuck like mad rabbits for the next two days after that.

I swear to god I thought I was going to get an assault charge.
Sex was fucking amazing though. Laotion/viet. Crazy hoe.

I'm sorry your exgf abused you like that. May the Lord Jesus Christ give you the strength to withstand temptation and protect you from any future harm. Be strong and have faith

Cool story bro. This ain't the thread for it

I got a stiffy reading this bro. Chicks who play fight drive me crazy.


bet she was just excited and horny as fuck though. mustve been nice

That chick sounds very unstable. Don't be too paranoid but that sounds like something that will come back and bite you in your ass. Especially with the #metoo thing in fashion

HOW The fuck did you not go limp from that shit? Any time my gf uses too much teeth or sucks too hard my dick goes crazy sensitive and gets limp.
>in b4 ed
No problems until she starts fucking it up

I’m gonna go ahead and victim blame here, if people are genuinely using you and making you feel like a piece of meat it is partly your fault. When I notice women or even fags start to talk to me like an object I nip that shit in the bud and let them know I don’t fuck around. You should be doing the same.

I initially said no my first time. I've had trouble connecting with women beyond the most basic level since. I'd like to put it behind me, but I'm not really sure how

pro advice if you already have self esteem, it's even harder to put into practice when it happens from someone you know and trust

This. Probably one that makes cuck accounts on Twatter

Girl co-workers also used to touch me at my old work. Fuck.

Well that's why I'm here to help. You were a victim of rape and in today's society that's not acceptable but I'm here to tell you today that through the Lord Jesus Christ all things are possible. You need to bind the soul tie your rapist connected to you. Just repeat after me Lord Jesus Christ I need your help I plead your blood and ask for you to bind and break the soul tie my attacker has entangled me with in your holy name common

i asumed the story was about a fag lol

I walked by a bus stop once and these mixed-race brown women were whistling at me and telling me that I have a nice and to strut for them. I was so distressed from the violation that when I got home (literally shaking the whole way), I just burst into tears.
What has become of my beautiful, once white and Christian country that these.. these THINGS are allowed to walk around so brazenly and freely in broad daylight?

a r o u s e d

Trust me, I knew even then I wasn't handling it well

Yes but a woman's main weakness is mediocre intelligence coupled with delusions of grandeur. Pretty easy to have fun with, you give them a little attention and then withdraw it all.

My babysitter's high school daughter would take me into her room when I was 4-5 and abuse me. I thought she was pretty and nice, so I didn't tell anyone, even if it was scary and intense for me. I also enjoyed that she wanted to spend time with me. She would have me kiss her, and she would use her hands and mouth on my penis. I was too young to ejaculate, but I remember desperately wanting to orgasm every time she started because I was frightened and didn't know what was going on, and the physical pleasure helped to ground me in the situation (ie. It was the only thing about it child-me could comprehend, if I focused on feeling good, it helped me "get through" the fondling and licking).
Needless to say, this and events in my life as a whole messed me up, sexually and mentally. For example, I developed a fear of attachment, but a desire for intimacy and closeness. I also have severe PE, get aroused extremely easily, and other sexual issues that get worse the more stressed I become. Will continue with college abuse in a bit.

That reminds me of a story when I was a kid around 10 years old. One of the neighbor Girls played Truth or Dare with me. We would rub genitals and make out naked. I had no idea what was going on. Apparently she had been doing the same thing with another neighbor boy and she wanted me to put my penis in her vagina but and even know how to get a boner at that point. Kind of f***** me up a little bit.

Yeah once. I went back to some chick's place, but i was way too drunk and way too tired so i just wanted to sleep. she kept insisting we fucked but i refused and passed out.
i wake up to her riding me and im obviously not wearing protection but im too fucked to do much about it. i felt really shitty the next day and confused because i wasn't even sure if it had happened or if i dreamed it, but i could feel it on my dick.
had to get checked afterwards and make sure she was on something because i didn't know if i came.
feels pretty bad lads. i love women but it they can be so horrendous and selfish at times.

I'm really sorry you had to go through that. I'm praying that any Soul tie created is bound up by the blood of Jesus Christ and broken. May you be free of any psychological or sexual damage these women might have caused in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen

>lose gains if you ejaculate

what are you basing this claim off of

Not ejaculating increases your vigor. Ejaculating relaxes you for an extended period of time it makes it harder for you to push yourself in the gym

That sucks, man. You're strong enough to overcome it.

I dated a girl and slept over often. Always wore protection and one night i wake up with her on top. She was pretty upset i made her take plan b next day.

Sucks I unconsciously was diamond hard and able to be used like that but i guess nutting into a girl with no baby in my life was worthy experience

Seriously though, how do you put something like this behind you?

Assaulted 3x in college same user as quoted post.
I was a freshman and at a party with some friends I made. I was a little buzzed, and talking to a hot girl. She was drunk and was being very suggestive, but I just assumed she was being friendly because she was out of my league. I had just gotten out of a relationship and have the aforementioned sexual issues, so I wanted to take things slow and be with someone who wanted a relationship. She asked me to help her back to her dorm room, and I was kind enough to oblige. When we got there, she asked me to help her to bed. When I got close, she pushed me on the bed and started making out with me and touching me. I get aroused easily, so I got an erection. She felt it and started to strip herself and pull down my pants. I told her I wasn't ready for this, but she said my dick was. I said no, and I don't think she was ready for rejection because she started saying that she would accuse me of raping her after I took her to her dorm drunk. I didn't say anything, but I started to play with her body and pussy. She got back into it, but by that time I was extremely stressed and nervous from the situation. My performance anxiety and PE get severe when I'm in that type of state, and get even worse when Im with a girl I consider out of my league, so I came as soon as I entered her. I don't usually get soft in these situations, so she had me keep going even after cumming. I was extremely sensitive from cumming, so it was intense to the point of being almost painful to keep fucking. She said I did really want it if I came that fast while staying hard. I felt uncomfortable after, but guys I knew kept giving me props for bagging her. We stayed in a relationship for over 6 months, because she liked me and I needed that sex to mean something more than another sexual assault. I never got over any sexual anxiety issues and performance issues I had with her while I was with her, she actually made them worse when we broke up.

It's better to talk to a therapist than to ask people online, at least half of which think rape is a joke

In most states getting a boner is consent, or rape is defined as doing the penetrating. If you are both drunk and you penetrate you are the criminal. If she makes you do it, you are still the criminal too or at the very best she's getting a petty misdemeaonr

That's just wrong. What about cases like this guy where he just pops boners easily?

Twice. Both I woke up to a fat bitch riding me. Not cool breh

Holy shit dude, that's fucked.

In the book "Pimp - story of my life" iceberg slim writes about how he was raped as a child and how later on he really hated women because of it.
That sounds a little similar.

White men do it all the time faggot.
You should take it as a compliment.

Bait or autism? You decide.

I've been raped by a man

you were probably asking for it

Sex is still like this however you lose it

I lost mine at 16 to my gf and by the end I was starting blazing rows to try and rediscover the magic of that first time

Welcome to the hedonic treadmill

Destroying women in arguments is ridiculously easy since their entire being rests on emotions

Speculate on how long their sister with cancer has left to live or how their long series of failed relationships might sten from the fact that they're adopted so if even their own mother didn't want them for long how could anyone else

Literally just find a loose thread, pull it and watch them come apart at the seams until they're a glorious mess of tears

family doesn't count

This's thread triggers me, I even can't read it
>what is men's right
>what is feminism and double standards
When someone will care what men's feel?

According the most reactions:

- A drunk/party lifestyle
- A messy girlfriend

Thank God, some people have manners and dignity. Wtf guys are you doing to yourself? Are you all Americans or what? May God lead you all to the Right Pad.

>That's just wrong.
too bad mate the law says rape is penetration

I actually got raped by liberal standars of rape

>Banged this chick a few times
>At party together
>Get tired and want to sleep
>Go to bed
>She comes in and starts touching my peepee
>Tell her im too tired
>This goes on for a while
>Fuck her
>Tell her the next morning that she raped me
>She gets mad at me


>because of circumstances, weird chick sleeps over
>she has all the body language of wanting to get it on
>pretend to fall asleep fast
>she rubs my dick
>cups my balls and squeezes hard to try and wake me up
>continue pretending to be asleep

>text from ex fuckbuddy
>wake up in bed next morning, zero memory
>dick smells like pussy
>she tells me she sat on it
>no condom to be found
>shares that I didn't cum anyway, wtf

>go to movies with girl, bring her home after
>refuses to get out of the car unless she can give me a handjob
>not sure how to feel (dreaming or being set up)
>rams finger up my butt out of the blue

>>rams finger up my butt out of the blue
what did you do?

Not any more in most western countries.

Yep. Broke up with a girl, let her calm down for a couple days then went to talk to her at her house. We were talking for a bit and felt really sleepy. She spiked my drink and the last thing I remember was being tied to the bed. I remember I just had no strength in my muscles to fight back. Various memories have surfaced, and basically she just used me all night.
This was 18 months ago. I'm not sure how I feel. I don't feel disgusting, impure, or violated, but I do feel like my trust in women has been completely shattered. I dont feel comfortable around them at all, except for one who has been my friend for years (and even then, it took a few months for our friendship to return to normal)

Pushed her hand away, looking at her with a semi angry face. She continued the handjob

Thank god this thread exists! I have an experience that - although it was not rape - still has me wondering how consenting it was.
I have an aunt that is way younger than my dad, so when I was about 4-6 years old she was 15. She still lived with my grandparents at the time ofc.
Whenever we would sleep over us kids would share one room. And it so happened that she would let me hump her while everyone else was asleep.
It's strange because I would crawl over and proceed to hump her ass/pussy which technically then would be me consenting, but at the same time I was so young. So idk if I was a victim on my own behalf.

It's strange bros


Now that's fucked up


>Sex is for reproduction only



I've had this from my 9 years old to 14 years old, and it was my sister. She fucked me up badly, I get really anxious whenever I'm alone with her, or with any woman. I absolutely dislike physical contact, I haven't been hugged in like forever. The bad part is that if I tell anyone, she will likely be the victim.

>you're a khh virgin while CHAD is getting raped by women in his sleep

what the fuck is wrong with women. why do they think we like that shit

When it becomes in their self-interest to do so. Men, familiar with and used to sacrificial roles, haven't been pushed far enough to react yet

I don’t know I use to think women could rape men but after interacting with a bunch of women and fucking a few I realized you are a bitch if you got raped by a woman if you are 16+. They beg you to just use them like a dirty sock be rough and aggressive. what is so traumatic about penitrating someone I cant comprehend it. Is the loss of choice what fucks with you or the idea that you arent the dominant one. Look maybe it is your werid fetish that you wish women were able to rape men but literally they can’t. No penis no rape. Look at half these stories must the guys who claim to have been raped don’t even give a shit about the fact a girl put her pussy on their dick. It is mostly something else done after the fact like taking them hostage but even then pretty sad you got taken hostage by the weaker gender. Fucking the absolute state of men these days only in modern day would anyone ever here men whining about fucking hot bitches our ancestors are weeping.

Are you retarded or did you not read any of the stories in the thread?