A little haiku

just reached the 1/2/3/4
strongest man I know
yet to see a vagina

thanks for reading

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A haiku is 5-7-5 not 7-5-7 you fucking idiot.

I can't even haiku right

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A cinquain,

Warm, Wet
Love, Cuddles, Happiness
Ive never had one

Dreadfully distinct
Against the dark a tall white
Fountain played. Cells. Cells.


very mysterious

Not sure if serious

in Virginia Beach it's 7-5-7

Lemme fix it for you OP

Strongest man I know
Just reached the 1/2/3/4
Yet to see pussy


Drink too much, sickness.
Day "ruined," but would I even
do elsewise? My life.

if you ever come up North go to American Iron Barbell Club in Newport News

go on Veeky Forums and see
"hey guys how do i get abs"
360, walk away

haiku are retarded anyway if they werent a meme nobody would care about them

t. 1st grade dropout

Veeky Forums has felt a lot
like reading reddit lately
time to leave this place

Im more intelligent than you but bark at my leg all you want kiddo


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>tfw you feel lonely
Never had this feeling. Is it time for a gf finally come?

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ok see you there buddy :)


Just reached 1/2/3/4 today and haven't gotten laid in close to a year. well make user, one day

>soul hurts to the core
>lifting cant fill the void anymore
>only pain and horror

>more weight on the bar
>yet am still the same retard
>changing is too hard

>shitposting on /v/
>bought sleeves from SBD
>real pain not from knee

>pain is all I know
>why does this god hate me so ?
>want to fly like crow

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>like drop against stone
>immovable object like home
>leaves me back exhausted

it doesn't even have to have 17 syllables, this is just a mistake everyone repeats. if you are a japanese poet it is about conveying images with few words and making the image as strong as possible. if that is your intent you can write a haiku with more or less syllables.

heads turn
butt plug in the squat rack

So here I stand, Right?
Cuddling with a rice sock
Drunk. Looking at guns.

Fuck water: a haiku

I am a goldfish
I will escape from my bowl
If i die, i die

Feels of worthlessness
Deleted video games
Don't know what to do

Unfulfilling life
Consciousness was a mistake
No goal to strive for

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Sandbridge Represent

>Still in grade school
>alright kiddies, write a poem as homework ;))
>every faggot writes a haiku
>a haiku is just 5, 7, 5 right?
>my elegant form and cadence makes my teacher orgasm
>she convulses on the floor, whimpering
>Everyone gets As anyway though because poetry is "subjective"
Fuck you and fuck haikus

the west is falling
there is no hope

Pick up a hobby. We have plenty of hobby/interest boards right here on this website that you can check out and getting into a hobby would be a good way for you to have something to look forward to. Plus a lot of hobbies have a social aspect while also being possible to enjoy on your own. Check out Veeky Forums, /out/, /k/, /diy/, Veeky Forums, /an/, and stop going to /r9k/ if you go there.

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This is beautiful

>walk away

the moon is silent you autist

"Have I made it, bros?"
Routine improvement each week
Is the true end goal

i need weed in me
stranded amidst misery
dreaming of past joys

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It's a meme you dip. I hope this is bait, this board is starting making me sad.

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I walk past the gym
So many, working so hard
I don't belong there

almost fucked one time
soyboy faggot took control
never again nig

drink up that brotein
is how to get big

I have a great life
Yet, feel like a piece of shit
Feeling will pass, sucks now

Have a nice girlfriend
She is a real gains-goblin
To Lift or to love?

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Most of these aren't haiku

I lift heavy weight
The plates are very few though
Lanklet life is pain

Just spat out my fucking drink, user

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Summer already?

Scrabbling sounds. A head.
He falls back into the pit.
Sigh. When will they learn?

Inhale. Exhale. Zen.
"How many sets you got left?"
Concentration gone.

Very pungent my dear
Is that eggs?


There once was a man at a gym
He was only trying to get slim
He let out a brap
All eyes were on him
Only to learn, it was actually a crap

trips pottery
