Newfaggot here, what is the best casilthenics/bodyweight routine I can do at home with minimal equipment...

Newfaggot here, what is the best casilthenics/bodyweight routine I can do at home with minimal equipment? I'm not looking to get ripped like a motherfucker, I just want a half decent body.

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Gymnastic bodies template by coach sommer or diabolos basic bodyweight

In case no one told you, read the fucking sticky

A half-decent body is a very vague goal. Are you trying to look like Fight Club’s Pitt? Please post a pic of your current state so we know how you look like and see where you can go from there.

Read it, imagine my shock when there weren't any bodyweight routine recommendations

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Post your Height/Weight/Sex/Physical Activity excluding anything fitness-related.

If you’re serious about fitness, invest in a pull-up bar. It’s a must.

>I'm not looking to get ripped

you have already failed.

and/or google "bodyweight progression"


just focus on building a strong core
>pull ups
>pull ups
>pull ups
>hanging leg lifts
>push ups

reverse pushups
hanging leg raises
pull ups
chin ups
just push yourself to failure every time

>just push yourself to failure every time
Lmao I dont even need to push myself. It just comes naturally.

>what is the best casilthenics/bodyweight routine

Not going to make it.

>he thinks he'll get ripped instantly if he touches a barbell

Not op, but what if I can't do a pull up?

just pushups and pullups. seriously, do them everyday, git good at them, eat a lot.

you will be a leglet though but Im guessing you dont care

>what if I can't do a pull up?
get good at pull ups

seriously start with hanging leg lifts. Just holding your body weight will increase strength. Then just keep trying. Nobody starts out being able to do this shit. It takes patience and persistence.

Planche push ups, front lever rows, handstand push ups and one arm pull ups should be your goals if you want anything decent with bodyweight. You will also have to squat and deadlift for legs no exceptions. Dont worry about core all those moves will be more then enough.

Once you mastered those (which you wont so you'll progressively overload trying to achieve them) do those moves with a weighted vest.

Working on more reps/sets of endless push ups and pull ups will do nothing for you except build endurance. Dont even bother. Alternatively you can just add weight to things like dips and pull ups for progressive overload.

I started trying to get gud about a month ago with this routine: and so far its working fine. As long as you've got something like a study bench or table, and are willing to invest in a chin up bar and a set of dip bars, you can do 95% of what's on here.

Does anybody else find that body weight workouts feel far more fatiguing than weights? They don't burn as sharply as lifting but there's this subtle agonising strain with body weight that I cannot achieve with weights

Nah, i feel refreshed after a hard strength/hypertrophy bw routine, but i feel rekt after heavy DLs, swuats or weights in general

adjustable dumbells
weight bench
benchpress bar
preacher leg holds

lift heavy for a year and you wont get ripped i garuntee it, it takes 2 years lifting heavy to get toned and 46 years to get jacked

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