Is it time to hand it my natty card? srs

progress is getting slow, people tell ,me i look photoshopped. So im thinking, is it time to start trenning hard?

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Post a picture of you with the post number or we know it isn't you OP

Sure, why the fuck not

You're never gonna be able to lift the nigger away, though

Are you actually full natty? Why even fucking bother lifting if you're not black wtf...
I did a cycle of sarms to look like you and lost a lot of it when I came off
Please at least tell me your diet is excellent

no offense but black people are scum

Forgot to ask if you're a manlet. If so I feel okay

You look to be about 5’10.

Why roid now? You look good man just cut until you’re 8% bodyfat imo. Maybe start powerlifting for fun.

He is black, 300 years of selective slave breeding has made mondo black dudes with the ability to curl 15 lbs and somehow get Jesus abs.


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Kill yourself


No offence taken, fellow white male.

>subhumans get married too!!

5/10 at best

Not worth it if you don’t plan on competing.

What progress you want? You are already pretty aesthetic. Don't turn into a dyamorphia cunt

Looks like you could fit a whole watermelon in your mouth boy

you look really fucking stacked for a natty if that's actually you, i think with those genetics you should actually roid, fuck it

How are your legs?

Why would you want to not be natty? You look great what the fuck are you on about?

coalburning whore who couldnt accomplish anything in sports


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fucking Europeans calling black people shitty things sounds pretty pathetic


How tall are you?

/pol/ died after the election kiddo

IMHO it isn't even worth it.

I BnC 3 years. I had an injury everytime I PCT'd and crashed (HARD), so I did BnC. Now I want kids, I can't be fucked to stay on and I appreciate I can take HCG and HMG to have kids but icba. It sucks coming off, but it also sucks pinning all the time/gels are shit. Fuck this. Not worth the marginal gains you make.

Then again I lift for powerlifting, all steroids did (DID NOT MAKE ME STRONGER) was make me a lot bigger and leaner, I managed to get to 100kg @ 12,5% bodyfat (hydrodensity and air displacement confirmed + DXA) starting at 88kg @ 13% bodyfat naturally (I'm 5'10), that was after lifting 8 years.

My bench has gone from a natty 140kg to 180kg, deadlift from a natty 300kg to 330kg, and squat from natty 220kg to 260kg, but I mentioned injuries so I rarely even bother maxing out now and am scared of it.
Absolute shit strength gains (not worth it). Muscle gains are cool and all but so fucking what?

If you're gonna do it, make sure you want to be huge, make sure you can compete, make sure you've used up all your gains, make sure you're willing to take the chance of having to stay on for life and it may be a huge financial burdern, especially if you hae to go down a medical route with a doctor. Not worth it IME

Also, if you do it, for gods sake make sure you only blast 20 weeks max and then CRUISE for the rest of the year, EAT HEALTHY, take your anciliary drugs/supplements to keep healthy. Don't let your health go to shit. Control estro too and find which AI you respond best to (mine is aromasin). Don't bother with slin, it's shit (and no not all that dangerous unless you take absurd amounts).

That's RG3. Million are qb who failed at being a qb cuz ya know, blacks can't into qb. Congrats a millionaire celebrity landed a good looking sloot

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Are you the jamaican bodybuilder who smokes weed before lifting a long time back?

/nu/fit everyone

b-but we wuz kangs n shiet

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You already look amazing anignon, consider the long-term consequences for awhile.

I knew a dude like this in the Army. He had ridiculous razor sharp abs but failed every PT test.

OP - Ignore all the nigger comments, I am a WN and a Natsoc, doesnt mean I hate blacks.

Do you need to start gear? fuck no, If I had a body like that I would have no need to lift, the lower chest needs a bit more work IMO but for me, no you don't need to hand in the natty card.

Wow, a white american female being a race traitor stop the presses. both people let down their race, once you go black, we don't want you back.

African blacks are like this too tho, they pick something up for a few days and boom, shredded.

Oh right, you're one of those "Trump supporters, Natsoc, Alt right they're all the same types."


No body cares if you're not racist, it is the most widely accepted and milquetoast POV ever, stop virtue signalling what a good goy you are.

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I think you look great. If I ever get to a point like that, I'll maintain that and make sure my body can do the things I want it to do, too (muh functional strength!).

What are your goals in lifting? That will define what you need to do next. I'd suggest talking to a bodybuilding coach if you're trying to go that way, and to have someone monitor your usage if you're going to use.

fucking nigger, no but really. you look great.

What part of the PT test, hopefully not the situp event, that would be pathetic.

why are you taking a picture like that? Isnt the picture button on the bottom> Thats like the stupidest phone ive ever seen. This way youre always getting your fingers infront of the camera

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she's not american she's european (estonian, so probably poor) lmao she married him and had a kid with him for his money. RG3 net worth is like $20m+

Mind if I steal that word?

Also you seem like a reasonable guy. What's your stance on mulattoes?

>Also you seem like a reasonable guy
Thanks, a lot of us actually are, the PHYSICAL REMOVAL and GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW is mostly either skin heads or just memes, the vast majority of people I know with my views want to achieve a white ethnostate as peacefully as possible.

Mulattoes would never be allowed in a white ethnostate I think, but I think they could live happily among blacks, though from what I have seen there is a rising resentment among blacks for lighter skinned or mixed race people also.

What is RG3? I don't watch television, I assume he's a rapper.

> net worth is like $20m+
White women are the most sought after women on the planet there is a reason most rich and famous black men want white women - they are much more beautiful than black women.

INB4 someone posts a hot black chick or asian - yes they exist but my point is the average white woman is better looking than the average asian or black etc.

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why do you wanna roid? imo getting any bigger than that treads the line between "aesthetic" and "freaky". If you're getting tired of not progressing, why not put your strength to use in a sport? like start mma or something

>We won't be fooled again
what does that mean ?


what a daring thing to say!

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This, why does "progress" always have to be looking even bigger. If that's you in the pic OP, you look amazing. Well, you're still a nigger, but your body is sick. Anything bigger and you will start looking silly and no woman will be attracted to that, why would you want that? As this user said, use your acquired strength and aesthetics in some sport and progress through that. Why would you limit yourself just to lifting for looks? Lifting is a foundation, it's time to start building up now.

Fuck off you salty cunt.

Just lift for maintainance bro. You made it.

The last thing you niggers need are steroids. Not only do you have natural chimp strength, but your hearts are made of glass and will explode by the time you're 35 if you take roids.

Are you a Jew? because if you are you have an ethnostate that literally murders foreigners and takes more land for itself.

Also if you are a Jew, your anti white subversive shit tier arguments dont fool me

I love these threads they only motivate me to lift more.

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I'd roid just to get to where you're at. Honestly, I don't think you should do anything if you're natty. Just maintain because you're looking good.

> I am a WN and a Natsoc, doesnt mean I hate blacks.

Nice try larper. OP is a nigger who commits most crimes and have a low IQ. Where did you get the phone Tyrone and who's house are you in ?

Not Jewish but aren't whites also going to take America as an ethnostate and deport non whites ? This "Natsoc" guy likes your aesthetics but your still gonna be on the plane back to Africa, sorry NiggerOP

Dude, they muredered Lincoln, killed every single black american who created an even semi popular back to africa movement, and made the very idea of going to africa a dirty word or embarassing with very very very well made manipulative media.

The last thing the powers that be in america want is for american blacks to create an african american black colony in Africa ala Israel.
The very last thing they want.

Africa was already a shithole and even if blacks went back now what would they really do ? They aren't intelligent

Because they already tried that, it's called Liberia. Srs check it up, it's a constant civil-war ridden shithole though

Big if true

Stop begin a faggot

I say we just kill them all

Start over actually.

Liberia's civil wars are relatively recent and they were started by outside parties who were "eductated" in the united states.
Now, tell me about the civil war in america and most european countries?