Tfw finally ohp 1pl8

>tfw finally ohp 1pl8

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>tfw people only push press in the gym so ur standing ohp looks like a shitty push press

I just start ss with empty bar ;_;

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how long did you take op. I just wanna hit 25plates so bad, im at 20lbs on each side rn. What was your training? 2 months lifting skelly here

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That's almost 2 25 lb dumbbells. There's tons of people doing less than that. Just keep working at it and you'll be good if you stay consistent and eat enough. You're not gonna git gud if you never take the time to git, you'll just stay casul. Nobody starts strong you just are catching up to some people. You'll be stronger than most people pretty soon, because most people don't actually train right.

>squatting 35kg
>benching 31
>ohping 25
>fat, 1,78 105 kg
Am i looking too stupid doing SS? I don't care, i just wonder.

as long as you started the DL with 135lbs your ok

I fucked my foot so i stopped doing DL and squats for this week.

>that chick who push presses a 35lb plate and acts all smug and empowered when she passes by you OHPing 95lbs

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shit like this is why i have a home gym

Lmao I hit that after 3 months

yea but ur fat, and ima skelly

love the feeling OP, congrats. I hit it after 9.5 months, also hit 145 right after so maybe I had it earlier

post full routine

who else /weakasfuck/ here?

65/95/105/155 on my first week doing SS after fucking around with weight machines for like a month

you have to start somewhere. all that matters is that you put in work and that your numbers go up

>that girl who squats a pl8 with a 6 inch ROM on the smith machine and then acts all cocky and looks down on you as you squat 115lbs ATG

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it's okay user I'll come squat 4.5pl8 over her face for reps while you penetrate her

yea but you have the power of testosterone. she prob does have the right even if she does meme lifts.

Are you me?
>go yoga class
>hurt the groin
>gotta rest for 1 week

>hurting yourself doing yoga
it's like you hurt yourself taking a nap you ultimate pussy

This is fucking hard, man

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The fuck is a push press

working out for like 6 to 7 months and can overhead press 165 lbs strict weighing in at 175-180 lbs at 5'8. bench is 245 with a pause. i bench press like clarence kennedy so my triceps are involved more. lift heavy and youll make it

That's badass man, congrats.

I'm at 5 sets x 8 reps@115lbs, so I'm getting closer. I can't wait for the day I finally hit a plate.


>6months close grip benching 245
The fuck are u on.
Post diet/macros

la esqueleto grasa...

>squat 115lbs ATG
you deserve to be mocked

Where you use momentum and your legs to get the weight up instead of being strict and only using your arms..

that's only 40 kg, but we all gotta start from somewhere, keep it up.

subtle yet tactful bait, 8.5/10

Finally managed 40kg OHP last week

The tough part is dealing with how little I lift when comparing myself to everyone else in the gym.

I hate being weak

Chubby DYEL here, about 4 weeks back into lifting after a 2 year break

When I first lifted, I managed to hit all my goals of 1pl8 bench, squat and diddly. Though I was always doing arnold presses for shoulders. Roughly what kind of time frame would you give me to hit 1pl8 OHP now if I can only do it using 5kg plates for 3x10?

>grils diddlying on the other side of the doo
>hoifing mehbe 185
>stretchin my scab with 135 jus for starts
>catchin glances
>whoop up to 315
>they eyes still be smug
>clinch it at 415
>fuckin hell ive never done over 4pl8 before
>all giddy and excited
>bro man slaps me on the back, "stellar"
>grills have since left the doo, done with they diddlying
>lifting 4 grilsl

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I keep tweaking my neck doing OHPs
How do I prevent this

So as long as you keep up good form you're fine
The newbies who think they can squat 1pl8 with caving in knees and no depth look like idiots

Sounds nice OP, am getting really close myself.
Can now do 6 reps on 55kg, when did you realize it was time to do the big leap up to plate?

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I never went to a gym but I have been doing body weight for a few months. I can do 3x10 slow controlled dips. How much could I OHP as a 5'10 130lbs? Is form important or does some skill carry over?

Everyone will make it with dedication and hard work.

>compare current pics to ones when I started 5 months ago
>weight has not changed
>look better in gym and bathroom mirrors but the same in neutral lighting
>look at my gains spreadsheet
>the graphs have been pretty much flat for 4 weeks
>even more disappointed
I graph the weights for my 5 main lifts -- Squats, OHP, DL, bent-over row, bench. I've been doing hypertrophy for the past weeks which means I keep the weight pretty much constant but increase volume over time
>look at the actual numbers
>steady gains going back for months
>can now do 4x12 OHPs with weight that I struggled to 3x5 a few weeks ago
>thought I was stalling on chinups, turns out I went from being able to do 2x3 with bad form to 2x9+ with strict form in 10 weeks
Oh god yes.


Those exercises use different muscle groups.

My best is something like 5x55kg
I reckon I'll be doing 5x65 or so in a month

why the fuck don't newfags lurk anymore? Why do you have to shit up threads with your retarded questions that can be answered with a 2 second google search? And why the hell are other retards enabling this kind of behaviour? STOP RESPONDING TO THESE NOOBS WHO SHOULD BE LURKING. DON'T SPOONFEED THEM

Five months, 0.5/1/1.5/2.25
>pls kill me

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I started around the same time, I'm at .5/1/1.875*/2.25.
It's fine brah, we're all gonna make it.
t. upperbodylet

* 95 kg including bar.

>when your face is redder than the devil's dick trying to grind out reps 4 and 5
>when you can FEEL someone staring at you in the mirror when you're pushing through

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>can ohp 1pl8 for 5 reps
>tfw can ohp other manlets

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>when your face is redder than the devil's dick
Fuck I hate this feel. It happens on EVERY set of EVERY lift. It doesn't help that I'm viciously pale.

That feel when

Why do I struggle with deads?

>tfw my pendlay is better than my front squats
I'm not sure is there hope

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Backlet m8?

I hate front squats, never did them with more than 50 kg. Pendlays are way above my supposed level, according to symmetricstrength.

Why would anyone do this

Which grip are you using for diddlys?

Well my back squats plateaued at 1.5pl8 and I changed to front squats and hoped it helps
>mfw front squats plateau too
I don't feel well

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I've never even tried mix grip
I guess so

When I see people like that, I give the affirmative head nod because it is pretty damn close to their physical capacity, and it's great to see people push themselves so damn hard.

How's your rows and chins?

Did you try changing rep ranges, deloading and eating more? (not all at the same time)
I found that whenever I started stalling it helped to switch from 3x5 to 3x10 at lower weight (give or take a couple reps, usually 4-6 for heavy weights and 8-12 for lower ones) for a few weeks and then going back to heavy again.

Chins/pull ups I do 2x10s of each full rom slow and controlled for warm ups.

I haven't done barbell rows in a while. I do single dumbbells and I can do 80s.

I fucking love OHP, probably my favorite exercise at the moment
Still a beginner so I only lift 0.5pl8, but its still very fun

Is OHP really strenuous for anyone else?
I don't do anything close to 1pl8 but when I'm lifting, my heart is racing really fast and I'm breathing hard from just 5 reps.

No, you're doing something very wrong. Exercise is supposed to be a light and fun pastime. Lower the weight until you're comfortable, you wouldn't want to get sweat on your nice workout clothes, would you?


Oly carryover and also great assistance exercise. Main pressing movement in strongman

Went from 6'3 skelly to 'wow user youre getting big'

Im starting the big 3 lifts today, wish me luck!

Breh, close to 2 years and I'm at 30/35/80/95kg. When you feel like shit remember there's me.

>tfw you stall at 110, do reset and stall at 115 a month later.

The Press™ challenges the soul.

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>stall at 120
>deload and stall at 110

Take out the headphones when doing the lift. Look at vids that instruct you on how to position your head. You want to have a double chin pretty much the whole time.

205 x 5 deadlift
45 x 5 OHP

what the fuck is wrong with me

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60kg OHP is not the intermediate standard it's 70kg who the fuck is proud over a 60kg ohp

Nice. Probably only a week or two away. Maybe not eight reps, but certainly one set of five.

t. Got it myself for four reps last week after months of being stuck at 120-125.

Not properly recovering/eating/sleeping

>cardio day, go on self powered treadmill
>have some audio book im listening to that I'm really in to
>shit one hour in and I dont want to stop gonna shoot for 10 miles
>gym thot who got there during my jog getting ready to leave
>glares at me from behind and I can see her reflection

This happens once a month it seems, why do women hate men who can jog longer than them?

what program?

I’m so fucking tired of fat niggers at 100+ kg pushing their weights strength standards all the fucking time

Bro, how? Pls post your routine.

Why don’t you go ask her next time

Hey man, you're not using those fixed weight barbells.

stop writing like you're some ghetto rat

>counting the bar

might as well count the clips you giga-faggot

70/95/125/130 here. It's been about a month and a half.
Being skelly is great.

I hate this so god damn much. My face gets a weird pattern of red too, it looks like I got sunburnt while wearing swimming goggles.

>tfw failed the last rep of 3x5 1pl8

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>Hit 1PL MilitaryPress after like 4 months liftan, but I'm still stuck on 2.5pl squat and 3pl diddy after a year+

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Congrats! I love OHP, just hit 245 this week, pretty proud of this PR

how do i improve ohp? i'm a newbie and plateau'd at fucking 25kgs

congratz OP, for 5 reps?

Do you mean 12.5 plates on each side or 2.5 plates?
Also do dumbbell seated shoulder presses and Arnold presses

I messed around with some meme, SS, Reddit PPL, and just started GSLP. The routine is not the issue, I'm eating junk on a deficit one day and eating +2000 kcal of junk another. Also not getting enough rest due to work/children/vidya/stress.

I don't have a goal in mind, I feel like cutting cause 25% bf but I wanna up my lifts that's why I can never decide to cut or up numbers first and keep yoyoing between the two.

Don't end up like me.

anyone can reach 225 for reps within 3-4 months if you arent complete twink mode....
5k calories/day
lift heavy SS style routine

not on any program whatsoever. i looked them up and didn't think it was enough volume. i basically do massive amounts of volume and always hit multiple body parts every day. my incline bench press in comparison is only 185 lbs for 2 so my chest is really weak. going heavy on compounds especially. i went too hard on front squats and ending up giving myself knee pains. 7 months lifting 4 months actually doing legs. Eating above maintenance/maintain never tracked macros. before.

The latter unfortunately. I'm just trying to do Stronglifts for 3 months so I can have some strength before I start doing a different routine. Squat, bench, row and dl all go fine, it's just the OHP that keeps me down.

last time i was squatted was a few weeks ago 225 x 5 atg and my deadlift is 345 x 1

Probably because your form is dogshit

incline bench, dumbbell presses, lateral raises, triceps, traps, upper back work.

Are yo u doing your Klokovs lads?

Proper form = chest forward and knees outward, right? And i usually go full depth.