Podcasts for Brain Gainz

ITT: We list the most High-Test podcasts to listen to while working out.

I'll start.

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Other urls found in this thread:


tfw there is a high probability OP isn't trolling


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Anything posted here


And Alex Jones / Infowars


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>left wing guest is on
Yeah the poor immigrants man. Why can't people just realise we're all humans
>right wing guest is on
Yeah muslims are crazy man. We need way stronger background checks on immigrants

Buy or torrent guns germs and steel


Show formula

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please see

>Not listening to sexually frustrated bi-animators going on about drawing dicks and fucking tinder sluts.

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podcasts while working out....really..

if you aren't listening to metal while working out ou are NOT going to make it

all shills
gatekeepers from the truth.

Wish these dudes would rent a studio together again, that period of their life is probably over though

Actually tried to listen to them while working out and Helberstrams low energy make me switch to TDS.

Hardcore history

All his best shows are with right wingers

The Dick Show and Cum Town

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I really enjoy Joe Rogan for the lulz, dude sometime has very interesting and funny guests.
Hardcore history for the brain gainz and my personal favorite Jocko podcast, it helps me keep my discipline and I believe it makes me less of a sperg.

was just saving the same pic to post this, nick mullen is seriously the funniest guy alive


Please be joking, Rohan is a fucking retard.

I need help, I’m running out of them to listen to during my commute. Know any other history podcast?

History of Rome

Listening to this shit made me patriotic about an empire that I didn't live in nor live near

I only watch the podcast for Joey and Eddie

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Used to listen to this a lot, fucking hell I would just laugh like a retard on the bus

>Joe Rogan for lulz
>Jocko for discipline
>Tim Ferriss for business & keeping your life together
>Joey Diaz for lulz
>Dan Carlin for history brain gainz.

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>he needs music for an energy boost



I love Dan Carlin's quote voice. It's the same voice for the Queen of England or Genghis Khan and it's terrible and great.

Came looking for this. Gets me every time.

"Riddle of the Gun"
"What do Jihadists really want"

Stick out in my head as particularly good.

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>He's so uncultured that he can't enjoy music


He has a famous podcast but he is a fucking idiot that usually speaks nonsense over topics he has no clue about, this is extremely noticeable when an expert on a field shows up discussing the field and he tried to argue against.

Luckily he has changed his.most retarded views, like believing big foot was real until about 8 months ago he went to the woods with a bunch of those guys and figured out the only guys that believed in it were unfuckable guys drinking beer and shooting empty cans and bottles in a fire camp with no women near them in miles. That's when he realized he was on the wrong team (he told this on a podcast after Tom "can't talk about that" Delonge was there talking about UFOs and US armed forces and agency's shutting it off and so on)

Shrooms does weird things to your brain..


Just youtubed Joe Rogan, 30 mins in. This isn't informative at all. The episode is 3 hours long. Should I skip towards the end?

He doesn't see to be a nutrition expert. Did he even go to college at all?


>shut this thread down

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I'd say Joe is uneducated, not necessarily stupid. JRE is better if it's an episode on topic you're ignorant about because that's Joe's angle. At least Joe isn't dogmatic. As his name implies, he's almost intentionally average. My 2 cents.

Obligatory pic related

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say what you want about them, they're degenerates, but they're pretty funny degenerates... sadly the show has broken up most of the cast but it's still going

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Used to listen. Rarely do anymore unless there is an interesting guest on.

He had some guy on last year and they spent 3 hours talking about coyotes,bears and wolves. Was fascinating. Made such a nice change from his usual DUDE, SJW'S shtick he has embraced in the last year.

I almost prefer listening to podcast or reading over TV...am I making it?

TV with adds is now physically painful to watch. Haven't had cable for 8 years now.

Does Dan Carlins Hardcore History count as a podcast, or is it more Radio Theater?

At any rate, there's something about Blueprint for Armageddon that gets me.

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Trojan War Podcast

First class entertainment for edgy 13 yo. This shit is so obnoxious I immediately killed myself. Fucking trash.

>what is an interview

Hardccore History especially the first world war
In our time
Jocko podcast is legit 10/10

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The Best Debate in the Universe

Chapo Trap House

The Pro Crastinators

Drunken Peasants

i listen to true crime podcasts like casefile or lpotl. then i autistically pretend i am going to beat the shit of serial killers.
>chapo trap house
>drunken peasants
aren’t these on complete opposite ends of the political spectrum? also didn’t the guy on the latter stuff a banana up his ass?

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Not him but what is wrong with exposing yourself to arguments from both sides of the political spectrum?

I tried it a while ago, but they make me laugh way too much. They'll start taking about goddamn water people and I'll fuck up my breathing during a set. I was genuinely concerned that I would injure myself somehow.

Just this for me now.

It's not like either are really arguments/debates. They're just echo chambers where they "destroy" an effigy of the opposition.

>The Best Debate in the Universe
Maddox is a literal proven cuck in a court of law due to the $20 million lawsuit he filed against Dick for fucking his ex at a wedding.

>Drunken Peasants
A bunch of stoners headed by a fat fuck with a penchant for shoving bananas up his ass. Professional atheist.

Alright friend. Whatever floats your boat.

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Am I the only one?

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Yeah that's true but exposing yourself to both/a variety of arguments means you don't get trapped in the echo chamber

So fucking boring lately. I'm all about Jim Goad's Group Hug on Sunday's now.

The Delray Misfits Podcast

I don't know how I used to enjoy JRE especially Joey Diaz. TigerBelly all day.

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Maddox is a cuck and suing dick masterson for $20,000,000 cause he has a better podcast.

Actually can't listen to cum town in public cuz I laugh too hard like a fucking retard

Everyone should listen to Hardcore history when lifting
Noticeable test and motivation boost of hearing about how brutal humanity is
Spartans charging at Plataea
Mongols destroying China
Romans enslaving Gaul

Unironically this. Death throes of the republic series was great. learning about Marius and Caesar was life changing for me


I live in Bell Canyon California, which is an unincorporated community of Ventura County. My name is Joe Rogan. I'm 49 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet of freshly killed game, eggs from my backyard, and jalapenos. I perform a rigorous kettlebell and battlerope routine daily. In the morning if my pupils are not dilated I'll vape on some essential CBD oils while doing Turkish getups in my homemade octagon with my kettlebells shaped like monkey heads. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the CBD oils I eat a pot gummy. In the isolation tank I smoke some DMT, then slam my Alpha Brain before chugging a pot of Caveman coffee. Then I put on my Me Undies while I prepare food from Blue Apron. I always use a non-vegan meal as eating vegan doesn't provide you necessary proteins. Then I make sure to do my spinal decompression with some yoga. There is an idea of a Joe Rogan; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am so fucking high, bro.

my nigga, my coworkers always ask me why I am laughing so hard at work and I can't tell them

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Ah yes, my favorite podcast: Dan Carlin's Hard R History

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Joez Diaz is a full out compulsive liar.

recently heard he is on weight watchers
he said eggs are 0 points
joe has had dr rhonda patrick on his show and various other knowledgeable people .
literally what the fuck ?

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>listening to soycasts

Meundies are godly, fucking fight me breh

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The Hanging Chads
True Capitalist Radio

By far the funniest group of guys I’ve ever listened to


>I immediately killed myself

i wish this was true

The only real answer

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Bards & Nobles


Best ever

Thanks for your input

>tfw i never laugh at anything
>came across cumtown upon Veeky Forums suggestions, figured it sounded dumb and would probably be shit
>literally laughing all the time at it
>especially stav's laugh, it's so contagious
>on the train, at work, i just cant stop laughing and people look at me like im a retard

in 2 months ive gotten to episode 91, almsot done, then i gotta listen to the premium episodes

YES. Sam Harris is mah nigga. Woke af. Most people on this thread probably listen to some retarded conservative making the same tired rebutted points while convincing themselves that they don't exist in an echochamber.

Waking up with Sam Harris for philosophy / politics

The Ben Shapiro Show for politics (conservative lens but not too biased in the presentation of the news)

Sam Harris lives in an echo chamber, the exact same one you observe when watching mainstream television networks


They just released a new episode last week.


Louder with crowder

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