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I would probably fuck pre trans

same to be desu

How many onions is she eating a day?

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female to nu-male soyboy...

What a waste of steroids.


Qtazngrrl to faggotaznnumale

Wow. She could have had an actual man and children. Now she's stuck playing with her fruit roll-up with fellow cultists

literally blasphemy to desecrate your body to such an extent

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He just stopped eating soy


Would have dated and fucked the shit out of her on the left.
I completely stopped fucking FtMs a long as fuck time ago because after a few months are years they start growing more then just a bit of hair start to look like the disaster on the right talking about removing their tits and start stinking.
Yeah, the pussy is ridiculous they can't live without anal and will spend all day sucking my dick if I let em
And they'll beg yeah they have no shame when it comes to it but god no.
Fucking no.


Suicide in less than 10 years.

Yes. Or they'll die from a major heart attack or cancer in less then 15.

once trannies hit 30 and they start to look shittier and shitter and lose that youthful glow that even allowed them to look passable in the first place, yeah they will almost immediately kill themselves

jesus christ how can it live with itself. I would have destroyed her pre-trans. cute as fuck tomboy look
fuck me thats depressing

She could've gotten plastic surgery and she would've been pretty hot desu

you absolute degenerate

Let me get this straight. So instead of trying to find what’s wrong with this chick who thinks she’s a guy and trying to help her with medications and therapy, they feed her mental illness and help her ”become” a guy.

Should we also teach schizophrenic people to listen to the voices in their head and help suicidal people commit suicide or what?

all of them

Dude what

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There's more money and power in creating a permanent slave class of easily manipulated sick people user.
Instead of a healthy woman, they have a person that needs constant therapy drugs and surgery and reassurance from certain groups.

It's kind of heartbreaking to realize that I could have fucked that one girl who thought she was FtM into just being a tomboy who liked playing dressup. But she was a bit too far gone and I couldn't handle what she was becoming or wanted too.


Welcome to Veeky Forums

Why is everyone mad about this? Walking by the store next to this guy you would never have thought he was a woman before

don't let your kids go to universities before teaching them the dangers of cultural marxist indoctrination

>tfw no trans bf

hang her

>Why is everyone mad about this?
Because in 2016 the internet was invaded by Nazis who literally cannot stop trying to shill their ideology everywhere they go


cuck spotted

which one is it though?


whats the point of this?
this girl is still gonna have a pussy and a weak chin.

Do these people do this for the beard and to get rid of tits?
I dont understand it. Why cant they accept who they are, so stupid.

Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakn’ huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

Read this in Lenny's voice

Because she was cute before.
And the reason no one would look twice is because it just looks like a weird as fuck dude now.

I don't like the idea of people transitioning but she looks genuinely happy on the right, whereas smile on the left looks forced. If that is the same person anyway.

no ones mad they're disgusted because it's disgusting
in the same way I'd cringe if I saw one of those weirdos on venice beach who tats themselves up and splits their tongue to look like a lizard, it's fucking gross that someone would seriously hurt their body to look a certain way

Unironically this
>You will never hold and reassure an insecure bf

The one good thing about trannies is that gyno surgery is getting better and better.

Face on the left looks photoshoped

>muh nazis
Not everyone right of Kennedy is a nazi, kike