Are lifting gloves /fit approved?

I've been deadlifting consistently for a few months now, and I've started to get some gnarly calluses.

Will it ruin my gains to wear gloves to protect from calluses?

Attached: Should-You-Wear-Lifting-Gloves-STACK.jpg (654x368, 121K)

Place the bar at the base of your fingers not the center of your hand

How about you just use some hand cream every once in a while?

Just tear them down with sole softener under shower, takes grand total of 30seonds per hand, and doesnt make you look like a fag in gym

Secondly, those gloves will make your hands smell like shit, while chalk can be removed by little water with zero effort.

T. Deadlifting with hookgrip, and doing bent over rows with 2.5plate

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Enjoy your estrogen boost OP
Your hands release toxins naturally through the pores but you are blocking this natural process

Eventually your body starts over producing estrogen to compensate and combat these toxins

I didn't know David Wolfe browsed fit

While we're at it onions on your feet drain the toxins from your body and sniffing cat litter in the morning adds a little boost to your energy

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Ofc they are dont listen to the shit posters. I have gone through 3 pairs of glives in 2 years...dread to think how rough they would be now without them...and im pretty sure if i didnt have a squat pad my neck bones would have severe dents due to repetitve compression

I wear my work gloves when it's cold as fuck out and my bar is freezing, otherwise dont wear them. I'm not against peripherals to help with your lifts, but dont depend on them

if youre a fag that gives handjobs then go and wear them

how about you actually grip the bar right dipshit

> on Veeky Forums
> has never masturbated before

Oh boy

Sure, as long as you are hip hinging back onto a suction cup dildo every rep

>Asking 27yo virgins if they approve of you wearing gloves

Wear the gloves, bro. It keeps your hands soft... fuck their opinions about it.

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That pic

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>wants to lift
>doesn't want hand gains

You don't have a manual labor job, do you?

Never shook hands with a man who had hands like leather? Don't you want hands like your father or grandfather, uncles etc. ?

Women don't like soft girly hands, they have them already.

my gf hates rugged hands
but I only wear gloves for shrugs because my rogue bar knurling is aggressive as fuck

Not as long as they match your purse.

If you're lifting enough weight to get callouses, gloves will be counterproductive.

It's fine to wear gloves for lifting. Just makes sure the color matches your purse's

This hand looks callusy and unsoft

>Aggressive knurling
Tell me about it, I can't sleep easy until I make sure my bedroom door is locked and blocked with a dresser

because it is
are you a man or a female

This. I instantly respect a man more when his hand feels like a brick.
Is your gf 14?

I use gloves because my bf likes my soft hands.
no homo, but that make gloves pretty fit.

You need to learn to correctly grip the bar. Also get a pumice stone and use it in the shower. Thats all you will need.