/fraud/ - friendship edition

/fraud/ - friendship edition
Read all of reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index before asking your absolutely retarded questions.

If you must ask your absolutely retarded questions do some basic googling beforehand and stop being so fucking entitled, we don't exist to serve you.

No, we cannot tell you how to dose your AI.

Oral only cycles are great if you are genetically gifted. You are not genetically gifted.


Previously on dunning-kruger general:

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Steroids are for manlet faggots

>self-administering TRT
>test-u 225 mg every other week because I travel for work
>boss tells me I have to go to Canada for the entire month of April

I'd probably opt to frontload if I could, but I'd want to bring AI over. Anyone ever brought pills across borders? I'm betting I could just put them in a regular vitamin bottle and have no issues, but I'm hesitant.

I bring my ais/orals on international flights to Canada all the time. Never tried oils because of how weird the TSA is about liquids

>I bring my ais/orals on international flights to Canada all the time. Never tried oils because of how weird the TSA is about liquids

That's good to hear. The liquids thing is one of the reasons I don't want to travel with oils, but also because I'd have to travel with needles and syringes, which is something that raises a bunch of questions.

How do you normally pack the pills? Just in their normal bottles?

Oils are fine to take. I’ve flown to 10 countries with multiple vials and syringes in a carry-on. Never any questions.

I put them in one of those daily pill separators along with my vitamins. I've never had an issue once. I get more hastle for forgetting about my shampoo. I once forgot I had 60 anavar in a Ziploc bag marked with a source sticker that said "anavar"and made it through . Don't sweat it

Faggots are for steroid manlets

500/250/350 test.e-deca-tren.a

will i mantain libido and erections? or should I dose the test lower/higher?

Here's my obligatory diary post. I feel pretty shitty.

>Go out with Persian girl, she rented out a hotel to stay with friends
>After a night out, she decided on us sleeping in a bed together
>We're cuddling
>I say to her "This is not what friends do."
>She asks, "Is this wrong?"
>I replied "Not necessarily."
>Eventually our faces get very close together and we just start making out
>got to 2nd base
>Didn't have sex because what was going on wasn't making me happy
>I eventually just slow things down and we fall asleep

I feel pretty terrible about it all. This has just kind of confirmed for me, I don't want a girlfriend. I don't want to lead her on and I hope I can explain to her that I don't want to do it again and we should stay as friends. I don't know what she expects from me now because I've always told her, I don't want a girlfriend. I just don't know how to handle a situation like this.

I just want to curl up with my Rem on my futon and watch anime until my eyes bleed. Life is too hard, I don't want this, I never wanted this. I just want to be alone.

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just put your dick in her
you dont have to date
what am i missing here

>what am i missing here

Autism and incompetence, mostly.

I don't want that. I don't think I am emotionally capable of casual relationships plus I believe she's looking for commitment.

It's true.

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but where do I find sauce

I need man sauce to inject in my bum but the one place that used to have confirmed reviews is toast ?

wut do ?

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you've got some basic googling to do bucko

W2c racist Asian qt?

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or asian girls at a university
So amusing to see how many asian girls lie about their location on dating apps to be shown western men. or they go and take vacations in europe. or university in america. or ask for a "english language penpal". all while their brothers waste away hating on white men on the internet. sad! hahahahahhahaha.
I remember even since I was in highschool asian women are so desperate. I didnt even know her name - one girl said hello to me in the hallways like she knew me very well nickname and all - and I didnt even know her so I just nodded. I remembered she had a class with me 3 years prior.
Very exhilarating to get a 'liberal' asian girl too who rants about 'patriarchy' and voted Hillary but you get her in your dorm room and listen to her moan about my 8 inch huWhite dick

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what the fuck is this post lmao

Says the guy who dated shoe head. Lol
They're all over.


Try reading some camus
you might find it helpful (or not)

lmao fucking faggot i'm literally about to go out and fuck someones mother

kill yourself

gained any weight yet?

Off yk11 today. Didnt feel as temperature hot in gym, Im not sure about hunger, maybe too early to tell for pumps cause 75adrol is doin ok there

How the fuck do people get girls
I feel very unwanted

>23 years never had a gf or a date


Guys I think I've been sexting a tranny today. She has big natural looking tits and curves but her vagina seems a little off, it looks like twizlers folded over each other. Shit should I pass or is Veeky Forums making me paranoid

Breh I was the first person to tell you she wanted your balls kid you knew what she wanted regardless of how in denial you were about it, very selfish imo

He must post in the blaha thread

What actually happened

>Cucksader was too beta to make a move despite literally laying next to a female in bed
>rationalizes it later by telling himself it was because he doesn't want a relationship and not because he's a pathetic mommas boy he pussied out


>2nd base and making out
>not a move

>woman invites you to her room to spend the night
>clearly wants it
>don't even fuck her

are you in middle school or what

Just got my test levels. 400 in the morning and 330 in the day. I saw it and immediately want to get on the juice.

18% bf though. Should I lose weight first? Sick of feeling like shit.

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Cut then hop on just to avoid gyno sides.

Tfw trainers at your gym say your jacked and they wish they had your (part of physique)

Does this mean I’m making it?

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YES, CUT TO 10%.

Don't be a fucking retard that hops on fat then has to hop off because you're starting to grow titties. Don't front load either your first cycle.

Also 400/300 basically means your balls are working but you're working harder to make sure their not.
>Being 18%
>Not going outside (Vitamin D)
>Not getting Zinc

Buy a food scale and start counting everything you eat on MyFitnessPal for 2 weeks. After that, find your TDEE and start a 500-1000 calorie deficit until you reach 10%.

400/300 doesn’t mean shit. It might just be his peak levels

I asked this question in the last thread but does anyone have experience with tb500 and hgh for injury healing or just running hgh in general?

Jerry, if you're around, how did it take for you to notice a significant effect? What were you healing?

He’s probably cuddling his Daki fast asleep since it’s 0142

Thanks guys, I will cut but fuck it is hard sometimes.

Yeah but think of hopping on as the reward and summer is coming so you’ll want to be leaner anyways.

Ask it to poast hand flat on a table

If creatine makes my hair fall out and noticeably thin around the front/widow's peak, does this basically guarantee that a babby test will fuck my hair up irreversibly or do the two affect DHT differently?

>be on ladies back porch
>her tiny dog keeps barking at me
>"it's not you she just barks at all big guys"
I think Im gonna make it

>pro-multiracial propaganda

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Fucking hell man a normal response to watching a video of animals playing together with a sappy tagline is not "I bet the jews are behind this"

Can someone retoast the infographic of making homemade liquid suspensions?

There are only two reasons why this happend

1. you're scared she will see your little penis
2. you're gay in denial

you must be really a genius that could understand that

hmm that ass and legs

I leave for a month or two, and you're still here shitting up the place.

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I thought that creatine balding was a meme though? only one study concluded that? and not necessarily, DHT compounds will of course be harder on the hair if you're predetermined to bald. you can dely this by taking finasteride or dutasteride. eventually though all the fin in the world won't stop the balding.


most asian people openly don't like dark skin and
literally any asian girl in that attends a uni in california. my ex hated black people but ironically liked the shit music.

anybody drink those meme bang energies. i mix them with alcohol. they give me a nice buzz. reminds me of coke without the fiending

>benching next to old white dude
> i get to my working set
>it goes well rack it
> old dude stops me and says
> " you are very strong. good job"
>goes on about how he used to be strong like me back in the military
>tell him about my brother and cousin in afganinam
> we chat about the military for about 10 minutes, he's cracking jokes
> old dude made my day

masT how was your day?

My day just begon. Still suffering from insomnia.

How about yours. Have a cheat pic of mine

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Every Asian girl is racist to some degree, it's part of their culture.

Could you larp as someone with bigger triceps please

How is it with your woman? You already showed her your dick?

I am flattered. My bicep not good then?

wait not trying to dox what part of the world are you in? its 3am U.S. here.

great actually get to speak to my brother tomorrow for an hour so i'm looking forward to that a lot actually & going shark cage diving on sunday with gf

Every time I hop on memek677 my gyno flares up within days, I'm assuming due to prolactin spike. I'm on adex, caber 0.25 e3.5d, raloxifene 60mg and nipps still puffy and droopy. What do? Would drop memek but my facial wrinkles are getting out of control and this makes me look my actual age instead of +10

>triceps/biceps bigger than deltoid

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Not yet but she's really becoming like a gf. We see each other a few times per week and we've introduced each other to some of our friends. We still haven't gone beyond making out tho, I've told her she can sleep over one night but she didn't want to. I am happy with how things are going in the end it being patient will be worth it, because this girl is absolutely amazing.

It's just waterweight that makes it look like gyno, I had the same issue on mk. When you drop it it will go back to normal it's not a reason to drop it though but there also isn't another way to make it go away.

You can dox me. I have no life so i wouldn't care less. How can you kill that has no life.

You haven;t seen him in a while? Sound cool.

Amazing right

You have friends? Mirin.

Any reason why she didn't want to sleep over? If you see already a couple of times a week then you should already been making out right now.

You made her scared or something. Or she still virgin?

Idk man, MK677 is what gave me gyno in the first place back when I took it before /fraud/ing. Ralox killed it to the point its invisible but you can still feel the lumps, and they become hard and painful during a flareup, which is what's happening now. Water weight is no joke though, +3kg in four days. Pufferfish mode activated

wtf his arms genetic are of the craziest i have seen. Really roelly monster tier arm genetics

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I guess by the end of my 4 week cycle I could tell my elbow was improved

Hurt less the 1st time
2nd cycle of tb500 I was actively lifting with it and could do some more

W2c arms

At the black genetics store

>tfw roiding will never make up for having shitty genes
>everyone on my mums side blows up as soon as they start working out
>mum has bigger biceps than I do
thanks for the pectus and shitty genes dad

I hope you're not ugly, poor or have a small dick then

She's a virgin. We talked about how things were going and she said she wanted to take things one step at a time, but that she's really comfortable around me and is really into me. I am not gonna put pressure on her to sleep with me tho. She's also pretty self confident and really knows what she wants (and will let me know too) so I'm just letting things unfold naturally.
Oh and she didn't wanna sleep over she just said she should just sleep in her own bed so she can rest well for work the next day. (Just being polite for I'm not ready for that yet).

Then I wouldn't take it in the first place if you really think that gave you gyno.

You have to feed her alcohol to loosen her up. Watch some movies together in bed, stroke and kiss her a bit in her neck and suck her earlobes and then put her in the choke hold with and then put your dick in her mouth.

Woman don't know what they want, that's why you have to make choices for her.

I hope it works out for you both

>I hope it works out for you both

This add on at the end fucking killed my sides after reading everything before it.

What're you weighing these days masT

And look at the poor guy flexing next to him.
Never compare

>She's a virgin
You still believe this? Wake up sheeple

>Watch some movies together in bed, stroke and kiss her a bit in her neck and suck her earlobes and then put her in the choke hold with and then put your dick in her mouth.
Straight from 0 to 100, you don't do foreplay well do you lmao.

Not sure yet will weigh myself soon if i have collected enough courage for it

I only had 3 before you. It's always 3. Not too much to sound like a slut and not too less to make it too obvious and not come over as inexperienced

Nano you should know me by now

But without kidding, most woman like to be dominated and that you take control. That's why crusader still virgin. Even when she;s showing her naked pussy in front of him while she's signaling him to put his dick in he would be still clueless what to do

Im starting my first cycle in a week.
12 weeks of 500mg test e (2x250 each week)
With 4 weeks of var for kicking it and 4 to finish It off.

Hcg,ai and pct are on hand

Any idea if spreading the var that way is good or bad?

I dont want to take it 8weeks back to back since ill have a few flights in my second month

I have a 7" dick and okay face but I'm poor and balding just end me mast

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We all know they've had 3 new guys a day since 6th grade I dont know who they think theyre kidding

Keen to find out bruh.
Guessing around 106-108 if you're as fluffy as you say you are getting.

At least you have that dick going on for you. It's better to be average with a good dick then very good looking and have a micropenis.

The rest can be pretty much changed. What you do to slow the balding down? Does bald suit you? Otherwise you're fucked hard

If they're sucking your dick like a pornstar and they have a loos pussy then you know what's up

I hope so too. Yeah i am pretty fluffy and bloated atm. Look like shit but gains are more important atm

I never doubted that you'd be the rough dominant type. Poor twinks.

>woman like to be dominated and that you take control.
I just want a thicc girl to sit on my face and do her thing. Fuck dominance, let me be pleased.

Yea, I know that feeling. I'm moving up to the 125kg class rather than be restricted by diet in the 110s.
>If you're the tallest person in your weight class, you need to gain weight
I think 118 @ 14% bf would be a good competition weight for me. But right now I look like shit, 116 and hardly visible abs. Oh well, next comp is in august, lots of time to gain weight and move iron.

What do you bois take for anti aging then

Yes but mast not every girls sees my penis but every girl sees my face you ever thought of that

SO KEEN TO TRY NANDROLONE is it over rated? only used test and anavar before, will be third cycle

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>eats 0 sat fats, diet is veg, rice, skinless chicken breast, oats, skim milk
>HDL below range
>tryglycerides below range
>fasting glucose below range even though I ate before
what did my body mean by this? How dangerous is fucked lipids in the short term?

Steroids contributed a role in that also. Didn't that improve that your sex life?

But don't you like to dominate them? Doesn't your gf like that? I only want thick i hate skinny twinks

What kind of competition?

Just wear a tight pants to show it then. What you mean

I had the same with that diet. How is your LDL/total cholesterol. Those are the most important

Forgot to add
>blood pressure at lmao 150 minimum
>resting heart rate at 100+

Brainlet NHS didn't find my LDL they "calculated" it? And gave me a ratio which is JUST in range (5.00 which is the upper limit)

Grower not a shower

Powerlifting. I took the Deadlift and Benchpress national records last comp for my age and weight, and in August I'm going for all 3 lifts in age group+total+open deadlift national records and potentially a WR in deadlift for age and weight. Big task but I'll at least get the national records, no doubt there. WR would be icing on the cake.

Before anyone gets sad, it's a non drug tested federation.

I've brought pills on international flights, even in carry ons. Wouldn't recommend the carry on part as much though. Also I'm legitimately on the TSA/every airports "search this fuckers bags harder" list. I finally got them to admit it to me last year when I was going to Spain. My passport is marked.

post pic of body

ldl is like 70% of total. What compounds are you using then

>potentially a WR in deadlift for age and weight
ambitious, but will be great if you will able to make that

i thought you were natty?

is this natty?
Can a gook get that big arms and solid core without roids?

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Test 250 at the time E6D and lmao LGD 12mg
Now on test E 250 E4D LGD 12mg
Will I die

Attached, I don't have anything else on my phone and I'm about to sleep.

Gram of tren a week is TRT levels right?
Ambitious, but potential. I'll come very close or I'll do it.

Looking back sarms are a fucking meme, they raise your liver enzymes and fuck with lipids just like orals do

I'm a retard. Attached.

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you're a fucking faggot

>if i can't do it, nobody can.
Some people are just better than you, just accept your shit cuck genetics

I was bigger than him natty, so i believe it. But people look skinnier than him on roids, so you will never know since there are so many factors involved.

maybe that would be better in your case.

if you worried about lipids, take niacin, curcumma turmeric and red yeast rice

Hope you will make it then.

I think that's the nicest words you've ever said to me. But I won't think of them, I prefer to think of all the times someone told me I'd never do "x" weight because that's just stupid, too heavy, impossible, you can't. And then do it anyway.

I don't think a gook can get this big arms without roids m9

I don't know what that is.

I hope it makes you happy.


I don't like it. I just want to be alone.

I mean, okay.

I just honestly didn't feel any sort of positive emotion. I was drunk, very tired and felt sick so maybe that was part of it.

What did you expect?

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?? What would be better
already on those bad bois for ages plus started ubiquinol
Will plant sterols help? AFAIK they just block dietary cholesterol from being absorbed but seeing as I get 0 from my diet idk if its useless