Official Veeky Forums 2019 Thailand meet

Alright bros, this is it, the 1st official thread about the Veeky Forums meet which will take place during the week starting monday january 14th. We're meeting in Pattaya Thailand, for a whole week of lulz and degeneracy (clubs, alcohol, hookers, traps)

Here's an idea of what we're in for:

Here is the discord official discord:

>some general facts:
-don't bother asking to change the date
-anyone is welcome. Virgins, autists, loners, all Veeky Forums bros are welcome to join. This is your chance to do something you will remember for the rest of your life
-hookers will be cheaper/friendlier depending on whether they like you or not. This should motivate you to hit the gym hard for the next 9 months, which is plenty of time to acquire good aesthetic gains
-the discord will be relatively quiet with no crucial info for a while, as this afterall 9 months away. It will get more serious in september, which is when we'll start looking at plane tickets and hotels
-no bullies allowed. Good vibes only.
-I will be making this thread bi-monthly until the end of the year

How did this started? I'm going to Thailand next year alone, so it would be cool to meet up with Veeky Forumsizen. Plus I'm tired of reading about bros here being khv virgins

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Other urls found in this thread:

this isn't going to happen and if it does it's going to be pathetically awkward like the last time

i just looked at their discord so no one else has to. it's 5 guys talking about their goal bodies and generally being extremely gay. would not go on vacation with/10

>losing your virginity to a thai tranny

Seems like a good plan

>like the last time
more info???

>going right after Christmas and New Years vacation
What a stupid time to plan a trip.

>implying you wouldn't

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>/fiti/izens go to Pattaya, make Zyzz poses, get merked by Sharky
Gonna be some good content, lads

Before I join any discords or consider this, how many people are confirmed for wanting to go seriously and what is the average level of autism?

>as this afterall 9 months away
oh thank god, i was so depressed i thought this was happening in like a couple weeks

what is crime like? should i be worrried about getting mugged by a gang of femboys?

can we try and coordinate flights/hotels
i really dont want to blow a bunch of money/time on this just to sit in a hotel room with no one to hang out with

if this really happens and we get a bunch of guys to go it would be the trip of a lifetime

>this isn't going to happen
I already booked my vacations, and if one other user makes it, it's officially "happening"
>it's going to be pathetically awkward
Alcohol and girls should help

>what a stupid time to plan a trip
More like what a great way to start the year

No idea, there's 6 of us in the discord right now. Obviously people will drop/join throughout the year

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isn't that when plane tickets are really cheap though?

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>what is crime like?
Not bad so long as you aren't into the drug scene
>should i be worrried about getting mugged by a gang of femboys?
This is a legitimate threat, yes. Watch yourself around them.

You all want your face peed by trannies?

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You know I like the idea of it, but if there's one thing I've learned from being an oldfag it's never to go to a Veeky Forums meetup. I've saw meetups on /mu/, Veeky Forums here and other boards and it almost always seems to go the same way: a bunch of socially awkward people like myself sitting on their phones with no alpha males there to break the ice between the group, with photos of the encounter being shared immediately for the inevitable piss taking to occur.

Veeky Forums has to have at least one social butterfly chad to get the lads laid? Fuck it I’m coming and if I can’t get laid with the social autism group I’m going on my own.



/k/ meetups are actually supposed to be pretty cool

>can we try and coordinate flights/hotels
Yes. That is the point of the discord.

I'm not going, but I wholeheartedly reccomend whoever wants to go to thailand, should meetup IRL before

By the way it's not like we're spending the whole week together or something. You're free to do whatever you want during the day, stay at your hotel room, hell you you're free to not meet us at all.
But every night we're gonna hit the clubs together and drink/chill and shop for hoes

ITT: degenerates having fantasies about making love to a 10/10 qt hooker in thailand

Man the fuck up

What is the nationality of most people going? Ausfag here and I'd like to at least meet some of you guys irl beforehand like suggests.

Dude didnt you lose your gf in a traffic accidant? You really think having manchild fantasies will fill that hole? You lost ur gf and you think that haxing sex with aids ridden trans-whores in thailand will fill the gap? Think again

>Veeky Forums has to have at least one social butterfly chad to get the lads laid?

dude it's a hooker town... everyone is gonna get laid.
Girls are cheap. 20-30$ for the night. 30$ is pretty standard. Top class whores for 50-60$
EVERY girl that you saw in the OP video can spend the night with you

Veeky Forums meetups have been totally fine, and I've met relatively normal girls from /soc/, too

I doubt the ones in OP video are 60$, they seem atleast 100$ to be honest

What exactly is wrong with the whores in your countries?

motherfuckers they all have AIDS and herpes, are you crazy

i am going (not op here)
will proving drunken bants
fit has helped me a lot so time to return the love
no homo

Will probs be free during mid Jan and I'm thinking of coming just to hang with some bros from the 'ch0n, not even to get laid.

do you see that large dark blue country in south east asia?

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Bro, I'm fuckin down.

Ready to have a legit orgy for 500 bucks, maybe bang a ladyboy and then peacefully die in a hot tub.

Not OP, but if you've ever gone to another country where prostitution is legal, you'd be pleasantly surprised.

The currency in these places are nothing compared to other countries.

I went to Bucharest, Romania and went to a brothel and banged a legit 9/10 twice for about $100 American. BJ included.

>dat sweden norway

what the fuck

bump im gay

Holy shit you have to live life man. You think staying all day on your computer all day scared of doing crazy things is gonna cure your depression??

Im not depressed, maybe OP is

But if you consider going to some shithole country to fuck aids ridden transgenders you are sub human

shitskin refugees

I used to be very depressed, but not anymore.
I take it you're not interested in chilling with us. That's alright. Just ignore the thread then

i went to cuba, state salary is 29 dollars a month.

you can literally walk up to any girl at any time of day and just say "hola" and they will come fuck you for $100-200 depending on how hot they are.

i fucked a 20 y.o med student with double d's for 200 and she was so worth it.



The light blue is under one percent and the white ones are n/a meaning that the person didn't find the data for these countries. If they finished the map Russia might be pretty high as they are having a HIV resurgence (highest increases in the world if I remember correctly). I mean look at Ukraine. It is formidable but not at south African levels (yet)

Going to Thailand and not shagging a ladyboy is like going to Turkey and not eating a fuckin kebab

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Atta' boy Jeffrey..

Between Nov and April is Thailand's dry season so it's actually the perfect time to travel there.
I happen to be going there Jan 2019 so it should be awesome.

I'm planning on going to this. We should definitely go to the beaches and waterparks during the day for the IRL CBT (no homo) and we might actually pick up chicks if we're having fun.

Please dont go to prostitutes or bar girls in Thailand. Take it from me, you dont want to spend all day at pattaya memorial hospital shelling out for antiretroviral drugs when the condom breaks. Then spend the next three months worrying that you are infected with HIV. What you do is make a tinder profile and believe me you will never be alone while you are there. Stay away from whores. Always use a condom. From one Veeky Forums bro to another.

Any bros looking to frot together inside a Thai chick's pussy? Make a creamy white paste together. No homo.

you fucking idiot they will fuck you for $10-20. stop ruining the economy

you are one stupid motherfucker, ever been in a 3rd world country before? america aside

And miss out on an actual orgy? Sorry bruv, it's on my bucketlist and it has to be done.

I make a very decent living, so I plan on bringing a shitload cash, which means I can throw down a few grand and have a literal fuckfest in a fancy hotel with a dozen hot asians and be treated like a king. I can throw in a ladyboy just for the shits and giggles, buy some cheap drugs and and ocean of booze.

I can feel it now. A gaggle of whores snorting coke of my dick and drinking champagne out of my asshole.

Dude... DUUUUUDE...

Ok, not really. But actually throwing down a couple grand for an orgy with a bunch of hotties will be the highlight of my life. If I get AIDS, so be it. I will have reached the pinnacle of existence and can die fulfilled.

I won't be ridiculed for being a manlet, right? I just want to have a good time without the judgment, I get enough of that over here already.

wouldnt the whores and bar girls be just as active on tinder too? desu i dont think id fuck anyone over there. you either get aids or a suprise dick

Although this is gna work out like every other Veeky Forums meet, it's refreshing to see someone put effort into a post.

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yeah tinder in thailand is just advertising for whores. in phuket there are a lot of female tourists who want to get fucked for free, especially the jap girls on the beach

manlets are more than welcome

nah man i'm fine but thanks.

Except they will not act like the porn stars like in your fantasy. They just want to get it over with and go home to their family. These girls dont WANT to have sex with you, no matter how much money you throw at them.

Until you hit them with:

"I'll give an extra $100 to whoever makes me happiest, $75 for second place, $50 for third and $25 for fourth.

I've been in mexico, low tier whores are 30-40$, at least that's as low as I managed to accept me (most guys get them a little more expensive)
High quality are easily 100-200 an hour, I just imagine the ones in OP video which look more prettier, cleanier and younger are probably a lot more expensive.
Hell, even mid tier ones in america are not that cheap.

t. fucking genius

whore prices increase with tourism until they reach par with western prices

in northern virginia we had a small Veeky Forums meetup of four people, had a blast and still keep up with each other regularly (also with a groupchat)

>gets shanked by 4 ladybois who split the 250 even
nothing personal farang

Damn I miss Thailand bros, wish I could come but I'll be studying.
Keep this thread alive and maybe when I finally decide that studying is not my thing and ditch it altogether I'll join.

Why pay so much and go so far when you could just hit up mexico?

Shame that March isn't an option anymore but whatever. Enjoy yourselves while you're there, you definitely got me jealous.

theyre not kidnapping and cutting peoples organs out in front of their sons in thailand

Creating a reminder on my phone now to ask about the meet in January. Take lots of photos please, preferably scantily clad.

Enjoy your AIDS!

Do you think thailand isnt fucked up too? Just lol

who's bringing the brownies?

in which country are you more likely to have your head cut off and/or be flayed alive

Godspeed lads, pretty jelly. I'd join but I have a missus. Smash some prime boipuss for me.


You are all disgusting degenerates. If you want to have group sex, do it the old fashioned way. Proposition your local neighborhood swinger couple and go from there, not exploit women from 3rd world countries

I feel sorry for your parents


You're retarded if you think thailand isnt as bad

Seconding this. There'll be lots of hot European and British girls in Asia, especially in January.
Will be a meetup to go down in Veeky Forums history.

>Prostitute in a brothel

M8 your scale is all fucked.

On a chart of most dangerous places to visit, Mexico is number 1 and Thailand is like 14

how's cuba?
finally convinced my parents to a proper family vacation for the first time in my life plus only way to go there since friends only want dudelmao netherlands!

You have no shame. ?
Go to prostitutes ?
This is trash.

you couldn’t have picked a worse place to meet up
I was planning to go to thailand next year yet avoid that city entirely
That said I’ll still show up with my 6’2 skellington self

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I am going to thailand this may with my good friend.
We are sharing these hoes. lel

>tfw you realise this is actually recruitment for isis
isis has evolved

Agree with this. I spent a month over there travelling and purposely avoided Pattaya.
Samui is easy for picking up legit girls, Bangkok sucks, Phuket is literally one boring road, Pattaya is trannies and coffin dodger paedos.
The only upside would be bumping into Sharky or someone

redpill me on these asian countries, plus indonisia(would love to go to bali), malasya and stuff
I want to go for the views and different culture(food and stuff) but it seems all info is on whores which would be ok but I have a gf and a bit of dignity

Do you know where Tony Huge lives, or where his gym is?
I am going to Pattaya this year with a good friend and wanted to meet Tony.


Any Pattaya Bros here? Or general Thailand bros?

Where to get MDMA, Crystal and Viagra?

No, no idea unfortunately.
I will give you a protip, Tinder.
Non prostitute Thai girls are cool as fuck and can show you the best places in whatever city for extremely cheap

Thanks for the tip, friend.
I will see how I will manage Tinder and picking up chicks, cause I am there with a good bro.
Dont want to leave him alone because of some sluts.
As gay as it sounds but we have some bro rules.

I guess being Veeky Forums, blonde, tall and german helps with Tinder a lot?

You piece of shit.
You shameful trsh.

Some Hostel type of shit in Romania

lol stay mad roastie